Why is race so important to you guys?

particular why is the idea of the white race so special to you guys?

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its the only race that gets shit done, other races dwell around in mud huts

Look how much friendlier, cleaner, and more intelligent that pic looks than anything brown

the white race built modern civilization. thats enough for me.
need proof? look at any sub-saharan mud jungle where nignogs chase lions with sticks while i type this on my iphone 7 doing loopty-loops in a fighter jet

Hold on, I'm typing something. Just don't want the thread to die in the meantime.

>its the only race that gets shit done

There are plenty of whites who don't get shit done and if we were to discriminate on race we'd be discriminating against the few non-whites who get shit done.

Why can't we be meritocratic again?

Without racism there would be open borders. With open borders the west would be destroyed

Because the differences between the races are stark.

Compare Africa to Norway to China.

If you wouldn't mind Mexicans taking over the US, go live in Mexico, because that's what the US will be.

If you understand evolution, think about how group ties aid a human's survival. Start with thinking about how the family does this and then go out to larger communities. If you don't understand the way evolution works, go look into that first. Humans are innately tribal because it is evolutionary beneficial to be that way. This is most obviously evidenced as something integral to who we are. When children were asked to sort faces by any critereon they did so by race even more than by sex.


Even plants that are unrelated and placed too close to each other will compete for earth by growing out their roots larger, and thus decreasing the other's possibility of survival. Plants that have a "family" relation don't crowd each other out and try to kill each other though. This is because they share a genetic bond, and many of plant A's genes are also in plant B. Even if one dies, a part of him will still live on, to put it in more romantic terms.

Different races trying to occupy the same place has always led to conflict. Prisons are the most concentrated example of this, but there is conflict between racial groups whenever they are forced to live together. Whites often move out of communities when they become too diverse, in what is known as "white flight", but hispanic and black gangs compete for territory, and have in some cases just been covers for killing people of the other race.

Racial preferences are being levied against whites and for minorities in affirmative action programs. Blacks and Hispanics are admitted to universities for the sake of diversity over Asian and White students with higher test scores and GPAs. Blacks and hispanics want to keep programs like these, and why shouldn't they? They make it policy to racially discriminate in their favor. Racial discrimination for whites is for the most part illegal.

Because john mathews sounds alot friendlier than daquan dinduson

>we'd be discriminating against the few non-whites who get shit done.

Oh no. Not that!

Every group prefers their own race and votes in the interests of their race. Whites are just "not allowed to".
Whites and Asians are footing the bill for other races to be on welfare, which the other races overwhelmingly support.

I kinda lost my train of thought. Read Jared Taylor's book "White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st century". It's kind of dry, with a focus on producing a stream of statistics and news stories for pretty much the entire book. The reality is the primary argument. If you don't want to do that, he has Youtube videos too. He makes a lot more arguments than I have, and many of mine come from him.



Meritocracy is racist

*"This is most obviously evidenced in something integral to who we are in how babies prefer their own race instinctively"
My B, sometimes I get carried away with the editing and accidentally forget to rephrase something.

There are average differences between races (an even between ethnic grops of the same race). So some races do perform better than others in different areas.
It's natural that many people prefer to stay within their own race.

Plus, mass immigration of lower iq people (mostly africans and muslims) into europe shows to be a problem since these demographics are highly overrepresented in crime rate, welfare usage, and unemployment rate.



whites are smart

we're not googles or are we

Human diversity is worthy of being defended and Europeans should have their own homelands safe from demographic replacement, which can easily happen.
Especially since the only people who gain from this are international parasites who'd fare better with a brown mulatto underclass with nothing to fight for.

It's not even a matter of superiority/inferiority.

Its not about skin color that matters
Its about sharing a land with others and preserving your own culture,traditions,and social norms

It's your fucking blood you filthy nigger

Anyone who doesn't respect their own race is a fucking mongrel with no identity and no place to call home

It probably wouldn't ever have been an issue if the left hadn't made it one first.


((((((((((((((((((((a lot of those are jews though...))))))))))))))))))

>particular why is the idea of biodiversity so special to you guys?

Pretty much exactly shows how germany just transferred most of their talent to the US after WW2.

Or got transferred for that matter.


Race is important to everyone. Only recently millennials have been brainwashed into thinking it's not or to be hateful of their own race and those who love their own race.

>we'd be discriminating against the few non-whites who get shit done.
So fucking what? I'm sick of seeing this rhetoric here. People like the non-whites in this hypothetical are needed more in their home countries than in our countries.

Plus, when those people come here, they still VOTE differently. They BEHAVE differently. They vote for open borders and for their families to come and then their whole nation of origin. They're the reason the DNC exists. They commit more crime. They don't assimilate, they self-segregate. They're on welfare more than the natives. Who fucking CARES? Whatever it is that they actually bring to the table is not worth the headache, because they're not coming here to get fleeced by us, they're coming for OUR shit with all their baggage. We would get along just fine without them. We always have.

In the grand scheme of things, race matters, and immigrants can fuck off.

I'm white, explain to me why I can't have a country of my own and need to be blamed for other people's stupid decisions all the time.

>There are plenty of whites who don't get shit done

Well of course this is true. But people have a sense of identity and often need one to get something done.

They followed the euro, but inovation, creation, new paths....meh

Exactly this. So stupid that we even have to "defend" our views. They are inborn truths, not to mention the basic understanding to preserve of bio diversity. Cannot stand these ignorant threads.

Reminder that identity politics are cancer whether theyre left or right


but he's wrong

China is getting done where others failed:
civilizing Africa [spoiler]after depopulating/colonizing it[/spoiler]

Leopold got the right idea

Identity politics are pretty good for the black guy that being admitted to college over a white guy with the same score because he's black

Reminder that all white countries collectively face the same existential threat right now because whites actually believe this


1. the white race is ours and we value our blood and respect our heritage and the struggles of our ancestors that have allowed us to be here in the first place
2. the white race undeniably is scientifically and historically the most superior

As long as western values are upheld, who gives a shit?


From being in the crosshairs your entire life for being a white male. It's not paranoia *when they really are out to get you.*

What about Babylon? The first chinese empires? Europe has been leading the world for 1500 years maybe but except the Romans and the Greeks "shitskins" and "chinks" were doing better.


Because its mine. Why do native americans care about their culture? the aborigines? The Tibetans?

western values cannot be upheld by nonwhites. culture is heavily influenced by genetics

pick one you FUCKING LEAF
also chinks do have high IQ but appear to lack souls

Race isn't a big factor, but it gets ignored entirely, even shunned. That creates problems.

Daily reminder that whites are the only group in the world (save for maybe Palestinians) who are expected to prove their own existence and worth. In-group preference is taken for granted from everyone else. Only we are asked to give up homogeneity in favor of "tolerance" and "fairness."

This will inevitably lead to our destruction, and only our destruction.

because white people are the most diverse race on earth

Thats not true though

I meant that except the romans and the greeks europe was less advanced than the shitskins (Sumer, ancient egypt etc)

It wouldn't be THAT important to me if the left didn't hate me for my race and the elites weren't on record saying they wanted to mix us all into a slave race.

It is true. The genetics of a population determines what cultures it CAN have (or sustain), while other factors determine what culture it will have within that range.

Race is important to everyone.

Race is particularly important to leftists who say race isn't important to them, but still make race a core part of their existence (support nonwhite race-based movements; oppose white race-based movements)

How will "Western values" hold up in Los Estados Unidos Norte Americanos? How about the Islamic Republic of France?

"Western values" don't seem to be working, since every country that embraces them is dying. Why should I be concerned about some vague notion of "values" while my people disappear from this Earth?

If we are going to turn all of our countries away to foreigners in the name of "Western values," can you at least explain what these are?


we wuz holy romans n sheeeeit

>particular why is the idea of the white race so special to you guys?

Good question. For me it is special because it is my race. I wouldn't think much about it if certain people wouldn't constantly attack it, and force me to almost feel shame for being white... which is ridiculous. Also, white is the only race where I can't legally say that I want to "protect the future of childred". I would be labeled racist by saying so, while other races can say it freely.

It is also special because there are a lot of beautiful white women. :-)

>"Western values" don't seem to be working, since every country that embraces them is dying.

Depends which values are we talking about. If you mean the progressive "values" like equality, feminism, lgbt rights etc., those don't work, that's true.

But the traditional western values do work, but they are being destroyed by the left, thus the countries are dying.

Spend 6 months to a year in Africa. And not at some resort in Tanzania or "exotic holiday spot" with old white people. I'd recommend Lagos in Nigeria, since it's as civilized as blacks can get.

That's what I did. I was a flaming liberal faggot before that trip.

>Meritocracy is racist
Tell me, should US workers be protected by tariffs?

Angels bred with Humans. Now im going to watch the road again

Slovakia gets offended when niggers shame white people, everyone

Austro-Hungary didn't have colonies and you are the nigger in this case

It's special to every other fucking race on the planet why not us? Fuck off kike

>discriminating against the few non-whites who get shit done
Why dont they go get shit done on their own clay? What the fuck they are doing in our countries? What else is discrimination, fighting back enemy army?

>1 post by this ID
>newfags fall for it again

sage you faggots