What happens after death?

What happens after death?

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same as before you were born

A big party called a 'wake'. Then there's coffee and cake.

Died once, the tunnel you go through is the vagina of your next reincarnation. OD'd on 2c-t-7 and was a cat briefly. Wish I was joking

Only lord pepe of kekistan knows the true answer and his son hawking pepe the smartest and wisest kek in all of kekistan. May kek save your soul


A jew God sends you to hell where you meet Hitler.

go under general anesthesia and find out for yourself

what was it like being a cat? Whether or not it was "real" it must have been a cool experience

You enter the Alex Jones reality, your consciousness becomes one with the universe and anime becomes real.

Shit is way too bright as a cat. Should've brought sunglasses


Valhalla, if you did it right.

Oblivion. Which is peace. Don't be afraid.

To you? Nothing, because the Dutch have no souls.
For normal people, judgment.

It all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down.

Time is a flat circle


I'm scared of dying

Don't be. Embrace death.

then u do not deserve the life

We continue to exist in another form?

the same what happened before you were born. or does it?

Probably reincarnation. Strictly from a scientific point of view, conservation of mass and energy implies that your energy aka "soul" doesn't just evaporate into nothnigness or ascend (or descend or whatever) to another plane of existence but has to stay within the system aka the universe.

Kinda shit that you don't get to remember anything, but it would probably be pretty fucking psychologically scarring to be an adult with full memories in the body of a helpless baby.

Death is as much of a part of life as birth.

We all die, we all were born.

Embrace it, for it is good.

Who cares

depends on how you got here.
Either it just begins anew.
Gets a whole lot worse.
You wake up your true self, horribly disappointed you didn't reach your full potential and want to go back, only to hear the waiting line is a trillion years long/the simulation has already ended.

Bottom line, we get mad props for having lived on earth.

You shit your pants

Death is not opposite of Life, Death is opposite of Birth


shut up cartman, fatass

Yall need to get into astral projection, or do enough psychedlics till you're forced out of your body. You'll be fine, always were

You reborn instantly.

The only question is whether it is a new life or the same as you previously had.

only one way to find out

>go to hell
>Hitler is there with dead nazis and Sup Forumsacks
>overthrow satan and establish hell reich

This sounds awesome, who wants to commit suicide with me?

You start remembering


The fun part.

Can someone explain to me why leftist/antifa types are so adamant that when you die thats it? Why does the left like to push this as much as possible ?

the stink.

Make Hell Great Again

Maybe we never die. The twin soul theory is that there is another person alive or dead that shares apart of your spirit. So if you believe in this, you never really die.

They hate people having other opnions

no one really knows IMO

all for the preservation of isolationism trough exclusive individualism and materialism, as designed by (())

Because all of them are newer to earth, look at their body's, temperament, reasoning. Underdeveloped

because they want to believe that there are no consequences and that they can do whatever they want

How you do ethnic cleasing if everyone in hell is immortal?

topkek, but we would be in heaven friend

Life on Earth is just the first step in your creation. When you die, your spirit continues on for as long as others keep it.

>Hitler is there
choose one and ONLY ONE

Same reason they push socialism: They want everyone else to be as miserable and worthless as they are.

Reincarnation (possibly into a shittier life) or enlightenment

whats the name of that story when the guy dies and goes to talk to god only to find out that time is non-linear and that he is everyone ever then gets sent back to earth to the body of a chinese peasant girl in 5th century AD?

The same thing that happens before birth. Nothing.

Dying and becoming enlightened would prob be the equivalent to falling down and putting on 69lbs of muscle mass.

Everything must be earned

It was on /x, where it should stay

jews take your money

I dunno.

Death is the perfect opportunity to become enlightened to the nature of reality, if you have an open mind for such things.

try brain cells which disintegrate into another bio form post death thus maintaining the conservation of energy

If you're like most people, you go to hell and are tortured by demons for all eternity. Nothing you can do, say, or buy will keep you out of there.

If you gain access to heaven, it will be by the grace of God.

Remember that when liberals try to tell you that life isn't fair.

Remind them that if life were fair we'd all be burning in hell, and we should all be grateful God doesn't just hit the reset button and start over with a more promising species.

yea people, listen to Jew over here

a human brain is a lot like a computer
brain cells are the hardware
whats the software then?

jew, you're right. fuck your iq.

What about all the photons?

What does an eternity of nothing feel like?

It doesn't.

A jew shilling for nhilism how surprising

Answer: We don't know minus the decomposition part.

Debbie does Dallas

You sound like a fun person

that's legit gay



You take a seat beside your ancestors.

You die until your brain structure is recreated on another human and you get to live another life.

It's called "The Egg" by Andy Weir.

It gave me some real good feels.

Ghenghiz Khan? I'm not sitting anywhere near that guy

>What happens after death?

We get away from this cheap thread made to inculcate us with talmudist do anything you want because you just go to sleep until lucifer comes back beliefs.
And, "do as thou wilt" will not become the whole of the law.

you get your 72 virgins (45 after taxes)

>pic related
my friend abdul emailed it to me from afterlife

You join Aeris in the lifestream

lol what if the twin dies you stupid nigger?

not helping

We came to earth partly for logic so this guy is doing it right

No punishment for actions desu.
Im agnostic, but i do believe karma is real whether confirmation bias or not, it happens.

Example: jimmy knocks the ice cream out your hand for a week

One day you get fed up and say: one day karma will get you!

Obviously the victim doesnt have powers to enact karma, but the aggressor will mess up or be punished for something else later in life which is the karma itself.

So karma is real, but it's not what most people think.

why does that penguin just sit there and take it? fucking fight that other penguin you sissy cunt

lol why wouldnt you to die if the tax rate was 38%


Only those who stood still in life run from death user.

The software is a mix of electric stimuli, information of your senses, adaptation and chemicals, also your dna plays a part in that
the software is basicially a mix of the functions of the hardware, which all together kind off create the software

Simulation ends, your virtual reality helmet comes off and you continue your life as a 10ft reptile from zarayur

Either that or nothing

>tfw reading near death expeirences of normal people who ended up being sent to hell to be tortured by monstrous demons for eternity

when you die you go through a bright light
the light is a vagina and you are getting born again

I love that story. Reading it made a lot of sense to me. I think there's some truth to it too. We're all little fragments of god, and at the end of time we will become one with him again.

It's a female


>tfw you reborn as a nigger

What he said

Ask God for forgiveness. No man should fear death lest he has something to hide.

Life is infinite. Matter cannot be created nor destroyed, it simply changes.

Consciousness exists "outside" of the physical world as its opposite, otherwise it would not be able to experience it.

We wouldn't know what the physical was without knowing the non-physical, in the same way you cannot know "up" without "down".