Drunk Ex Spook AMA

I can neither confirm nor deny that I served as a confidential asset in several countries from 1999-2008.

Want to know why the world is the the way it is? I can try to share some of my knowledge.

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prove it faggot

do it

Can u get Pizzagate unshoahed on Voat? Thx

Saudis, Jews, and communists?

Were you granted citizenship as a result of your work or have you always been American?

Why did Trump bomb Assad?

We want podestas balls


Ask a question


Pizzagate is likely propaganda to hit Clinton.

Powerful people love prostitutes, it is not unique to a particular group. They can be useful to gather information or compromise a target. See Berlusconi, recent Oklahoma lawmaker caught with a boytoy, etc. Many are not caught, fewer are prosecuted.

Human trafficking is very real and a very big business

Post proof user

>expertise about world affairs from 1999-present
>thinks he can offer adequate geopolitical explanations based on this

I actually believe you did work for the government, you have the right combination of arrogance and stupidity.


What's the end game for the mass immigration of Muslims?

Solid gold

Conglomerate of actors working for their own self interests, only joined by the fact they are rich and powerful.

Saudis, Et al use money and influence for their own, sometimes short sighted goals.

They all snort the same blow and party with the same people, kind of.

Military likely wanted to. Trump is a pushover. I think what we're seeing is some sort of "mad man" tactics, keep the enemy guessing.

I hear that the economy may be contracting soon and war could be a method to postpone or dampen the impact.

The MIC is putting their feelers out there to see how much of an appetite for war the American people and russians/china has.

No no no, why did Trump bomb Assad. This is important.

Is he continuing Obama's middle east policy to any extent? What is our current relationship with with Russia?

I know that Obama was battling Russia/China and the SCO and used the Arab Spring to destabilize their efforts especially in Syria for the purpose of stopping Russia's access to the Mediterranean.

I need a basic gestalt on where we are at in the playing field in the fucking present.

Where the fuck is Jimmy Hoffa you cunt

What's the realistic outcome of bombing Afghanistan this most recent time with the MOAB?

Is the government seriously concerned about the environment? Not just climate change, but things like soil depletion, over-fishing, deforestation/desertification, and cleaning up pollution?


>Military likely wanted to.

This is way too fucking vague. Are you a newfag or a LARPer? Your next answer better be fucking specific or you're just shit.

When is this yuan change over/ economy crash gonna happen?

I can't friend. Weigh what I say and see if it seems within the realm of probability.

A lot of people do. It's human nature.

Divide and conquer. Muslims are not inherently evil, but Europe is receiving the most uneducated, poor lot with a likely chip on their shoulder.

See in the US, their muslim population is quite docile and successful in comparison.

However, the migration is a useful tool to distract the masses while the wealth is continually plundered by jet setters.

Muslims want to stay in their own country. If we stopped our meddling, our info says they'd likely stay in their home countries.


A confidential asset is not a spook, you larping faggot. I've lived in 3 mudslide countries and was a confidential asset in two of them. It involved having coffee with a member of the diplomatic service once a fortnight and telling them about my business dealings. It was one way traffic. I didn't know shit about what my government did with the info. I did my patriotic duty, went home, and watched Netflix. Shit-tier effort. Fuck off.

How much of Sunni extremism is US funded, and do they have any overlap with local socialist shitbag agitators like Antifa?

I'm wondering because these groups seem less than likely to have skills regarding surveillance and cyber security yet seem to know how to navigate these realms, seemingly assisted.

Bull fucking shit.
Let's see how much you know you larping faggot.

What was the true purpose of Project Indigo Knight?

Wikipedia won't save you here

Do you even know what the SCO is and why it was the reason the Arab Spring happened?

Does north Korea even have nukes,or is it all bullshit to resume the Korean war to keep the economy from tanking?

I'd actually like you to tell me about that if you don't mind user.

But don't redpill me yet until we see OP expose himself as a faggot larper.

The MIC has more power now. They are more emboldened and want to justify their budgets.

Trump is also dealing with domestic questions and the bombing was an attempt to distance himself from Putin. Assad could rally his troops with "evil America." The war is taking a lot longer than any side anticipated, but Assad may be only one complaining since the proxy war allows for perpetual war and budget justification of MIC.

Most likely fireworks. Entertainment and real world test of the bomb. Also, they were getting dusty and I'm sure someone wanted to press a button. Also gives the illusion Trump is accomplishing anything.

It was an expensive bomb.

Yes, there are many that are truly concerned. Unfortunately, I'm afraid the vast majority may recognize the importance too late.

But many Oil rich nations are rapidly developing the tech.

It's been a while, but from what I'm hearing, is that Trump really is like he appears on TV. He's a joke and easily controlled.

He expanded the military budget, during "peace time," for a reason user.

Hi OP, drunk here too. Thx for doing this AMA.

Some questions:
1. Are you retired? What are you doing for a living now?

2. What's some of the craziest shit you've seen? You don't have to go into detail about what country or whatever but tell us a good story.

3. Did you have handlers? How were you paid and/or what was your cover?

4. most importantly, What are you drinking?

What's happening in South Korea after that crazy Hillary like bitch was thrown out?

Why is tucson mayor a faggot

>The MIC has more power now.

Tell me what the SCO is faggot.

I know what it is. Let's see if you do.

I want this answered.

We got like 28 more of them bitches and they expire in like 2018 or something so might as well use them now

1 gib monies
2 tell me about quntam computing does the cia have it and using it against us because of assange
3 does kim really want war or was he threatened
4 tell me about the white dragon family

That's somewhat comforting and terrifying at the same time. Thanks user

After we prove this faggot is just another larper.
No problem.
I may make a thread about it.

Actually Muslims here have been radicalized by the left in this country, along with Mexican anchor babies. The modern left, with its focus on identity politics, is easily the most violent political ideology in America today. See today's murders in Fresno as an example.

Are any government entities working on trying to achieve an Artificial Super Intelligence in secret, and how soon can we see one come to fruition?

EU decided ethnic cleansing so close to heartland may not be good for tourism bucks and general welfare of continent.

Money has increasingly drawn actors, and their interests, closer together.

Arab Spring began as a grassroots effort at reform in a brutal area of the world. However, the efforts and various groups were quickly funded by people to again, divide and conquer and keep perpetual war moving.

Please, enlighten me user.



you didnt answer me op

>Arab Spring began as a grassroots effort at reform in a brutal area of the world. However, the efforts and various groups were quickly funded by people to again, divide and conquer and keep perpetual war moving.

Tell me that you know what the fucking SCO is or neck yourself.

Tell me what it is.

Why it exists.

and what its FUCKING PURPOSE is.

I have another question user. Do you think the political division is going to lead to lead to widespread civil unrest and Rodney King 2.0 riots? I'm deebly goncerned about this as well.

Is the earth flat?

You should make that thread user. I'll participate.

It's going to be worse. We're looking at an eventual all out war.

That eliminates intelligence services.

What about Project Black Eagle?

Veteran of the secret war against the martians AMA

Can't prove it though, it's all OPSEC, you know how it is.

And Hoffa?

Did you try getting the Emu's to help you?

Not inherently evil

Now I know your full of shit


1. I'm surviving.
2. The overthrow of a peaceful and democratically elected government for the sake of money for a few is pretty crazy man. Hard to live with.
4. Drinking rum m8

This is interesting. Rich and connected people like her run in similar circles with other rich and often influential people.

It's the tip of the iceberg and I hope SK prosecutors dig deep, but I doubt much will be done to be honest.

1. no
2. I don't know much about the tech side, but from what I understand, it is very exciting.
There are good people in the CIA. Some not.
3. Kim is fat and comfortable. He doesn't want to jeopradize that.
4. There are many families that are very influential.

But not that many ;)

This is the type of thinking they want to encourage. The more "the left" or "right" are dehumanized, you're easier to control.

Poor and stupid people are easy to radicalize.

It is the groups who promote education, family programs, and wealth redistribution that are most heavily propagandized against.

It took me a while to cope with that, but it's the truth.

It's why this board is so heavily shilled. They don't want to risk another Occupy movement.

What if it had a leader next time or wasn't subverted by agent provacateurs.

Hey, you're not the spook. But anyways, another spook-type guy said there's going to be shit going down soon, but as long as you keep to yourself and don't get tied up in it it'll eventually blow over.

gtfo normie fag meme generator impact font using bitch

Did the time-regression kick you in the gut, too?

Can't say man, that's classified.

What I can say is that there were a few VERY LARGE FEATHERS lodged in some glowing green martian bootays, catch my drift?

What's the SCO?

Nobody should listen to you if you can't answer that.

i thought u werent allowed to leave, doesnt everyone stay as a long term asset

why would u leave

post something juicy

Fucking larping SJW faggot moron

Are you that @2000 or whatever dude on twitter that is always chatting with the crazy lady Louse mench that said trump would die in jail ?

Oh man dat FTL travel is a bitch. I saw my best friend de-age and become unborn right in front of me, dude. Shit sticks with you.

Nothing else queensbro? Actually sounds kinda legit I'd like to hear more about it

I first read your title as Deus Ex Spook and was disappointed upon rereading it. Fix this.

Where was your AO?

ayy lmao

I am a British spook ama fellas

What are you drinking?


Drank screwdrivers on a beach in Panama until 1995.

You're being rude. I'm providing over view and context.

I think it is, we're just becoming numb to it. These college riots, etc. There is much civil unrest but I do not believe a civil war is an anyone's interests.

No, I don't think society will collapse but the gov has been wrong before.

The longer we neglect income inequality, education inequality, infrastructure, etc. it becomines increasingly likely.

Listen, speaking specifics may get me in trouble. I'm providing an overview. Got an event or something you want clarity on? I can try




Is brexit really a conspiracy by the lizard people to turn the UK into a Children of men ripoff?

>You're being rude. I'm providing over view and context.

What's the SCO then?

Whats your opnion on the current US domestic state of affiars? I feel like shit is on a powder keg and all it needs is another depression in order for it to be triggered, how do you see the US in 5-10 years

Where did this SJW bullshit come from? It feels too contrived to have happened naturally and only really started to pick up steam around Obama's second election.

Who manufactured this "movement" and how can we put the genie back in the bottle?


oh this is a boring sjw i retract my questions

I think a collapse will be the best thing in the long run. The people will be too fed up and go apeshit. Or people could simply all realize we're being fucked collectively and stop showing up to work and demand change. Only time will tell I guess.

Juicy: Bernie Sanders had the establishment truly scared.

Why: I had trouble dealing with my conscious.



I wish I knew more about aliens.


Thanks based british spook.

Serious question.

I visit dc regularly and stay at one hotel at crystal city which is full of spooks.

Why do they hit on me when I am just wanting a drink at the bar and why are they all Mormon, in open marriages so they can experiment after getting married so yoing and slide me their numbers even when I express no interest in them?




What is the sco?

what do you mean education inequality?

what do you think of libertarian groups, or end the fed type stuff. Ron paul?

You know anything at all about aliens?

I'm not saying they're clean. They, like most at the top, are incredibly dirty and linked to many organizations.

She was favored by certain groups. Trump was favored by others. His propaganda won.

To say either is linked to human trafficking organizations more than the other is disingenuous

I feel like the MIC has too much influence and it is beginning to severely weaken our country.

I don't think so. I'd like to think we're human enough to salvage what we have, but I don't know. The propaganda is strong but I have faith in the American people and the ideals I swore to protect.

Welcome burgerbro

larp detected

You may not be exactly who you claim to be, but do sound in the know
Got anything interesting for us concerning the upcoming french election ? Probably not your area of expertise I'm guessing though, you sound more like a fuck-shit-up in the third world type of guy

This guy is fake because he claims that the Arab Spring was nothing more than a destabilization effort for the sake of the Military Industrial Complex.

The SCO is an abbrevation for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Which is fucking simple and anyone with knowledge of the conflict between Russia/China and the USA/NATO would be aware of this, so this guy is either a low-level government shill, or he's just a larping faggot.

Doesn't matter. But I'll give context where he won't.

The USD was being devalued by the SCO because the USD is the most valuable asset that the United States has other than it's military, and if you take that a way, you've taken away a lot of power from the USA in general. That's what the conflict has been about.

I'll take excerpts from a classic copypasta to help explain this.

for completeness I’ll introduce you to the reasons why the cold war is back with a vengeance. It all began back in 2006, when the SCO acted to attack the US dollar due to the failed attempt by the US to implement the “New Middle East” plan via the war on Lebanon.

My neighbors fucking reeeeeeing about his bitch drinking too much. Guys shouting at her YOUR A FUCKING DRUNKKK


What is it

In the know

[1][2]. At this point, should the US have done nothing else, it would have faced a certain run on its currency. The neo-cons under Bush/Cheney then plotted the Georgian war, which was meant to put Russia face-to-face with NATO in Georgia. This plan blew up in their face the moment Russians threatened to use tactical nuclear weapons in Georgia should NATO remain in their positions. The planners hoped that, with Putin in China for the olympics, Russia will let the Georgian attack on S. Ossetia slide. They didn’t and we all know what happened next.

What isn’t widely advertised is that NATO, effectively, struck back, flooding the black sea with vessels, essentially cutting off Russia’s Crimean port from safe access to the Mediterranean. That’s when a certain character who was probably unknown to you at the time stepped in: Bashar Assad opened the Tartous port [3] to the black sea fleet, effectively burning NATO’s card as the Russian fleet can safely amass in the Mediterranean sea. After this series of failures, confidence in US geostrategy collapsed and with it, confidence in the US dollar/US stock market collapsed as well. We all know what happened in September and with that, the neocon team was officially out the door.

[1] slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/war_stories/2006/07/there_are_worse_things_than_the_status_quo.html
[2] english.al-akhbar.com/node/9005
[3] theguardian.com/world/2008/oct/08/syria.russia

so IS Trump going to jail?