Why does Sup Forums hate Jews?

Jews represent 48% of U.S Billionaires, yet only are 2% of the population. Call it "privilege" or get triggered at that statistic however you like.

Blacks hate white people due to their superior social and economic standing, and you fucking idiots hate Jews because they're above you.

Accept it, you're just a pale nigger.

Other urls found in this thread:


>redit spacing
>Jew shilling


Fucking Jews created and spread the cancer of leftism. They all deserve agonizing deaths.

Their ideas are literal cancer, they know it and expect you not to say a fucking thing about it. Just look at 3 of the images here and that should give you a good idea.
If this were the end of it, I wouldn't be so angry.

Posting Anti-Jew images

No kidding. Got a 3 day ban for posting a nigger hate thread.











This picture needs to be updated to remind everyone just how FUCKING TINY they are as a demographic. (((Western media))) has heavily skewed perspectives to make it look like they're 20% of the US population opposed to 2%. And if it's blindly assumed that Jews are that numerous, the "coincidences", won't seem as weird.

I hate jews because there big nosed freaks who killed jesus.

I frequent this board, I dont have a problem with jewish people especially since one of my favorite right wing news sources is Ben Shapiro and hes right about literally every fucking topic he utters two words about.

I think most of the hate is just a meme at this point... or kids born after 1993 enjoying their first few years of Sup Forums before they grow up.

Nope, it's real. All polls show this.


I see jew.

Fuck you jews get the rope.

No, it's not a meme, you just need to read through these to see why they're the most detestable group on the planet. And I actually like Ben Shapiro, but he's definitely not right about "every fucking topic."

>rape, murder and thievery
All things which are against Judaism, goy. If someone of Jewish heritage routinely does any of these things, they're no true Jew.




But what if its in the Jew's nature to be money grubbing thieves?

Just like if rape, murder and thievery are anti-islamic and muslims that commit them are not true muslims, right?

Cause you are posting slide threads.

>Got a 3 day ban for posting a nigger hate thread.
The fuck?
It's funny how this happens but shill threads, dampf threads and Sup Forums btfo threads stay up.

Im christian babtist from maritimes...im as far from jewish as possible.
Being paranoid on the internet about jewish people just discredits the whole fucking board. Please stay in Southern Ontario

I like Jews. Most Sup Forumsacks are retarded.

Founders of (((((Goldman-Sachs))))): (((((Marcus Goldman))))), (((((Samuel Sachs)))))
Presidents: (((((David Solomon)))), (((((Harvery Schwartz))))
Nuke their fucking HQ already for fucks sake.

Because they push for mass immigration of low IQ subhumans into Western countries. Also circumcision.

Gas all jews tbqh.

>looks up the Talmud
>holy fuck it's real


Serious reply:

I know many Jews and many are great people. Some of the smartest and funniest people I know are secular Jews.

The problem is many Jews, even if they drop their psychotic religion, still believe they are the Chosen people and see the life/well being of a Jew as more important than the life/well being of a non-Jew. In business, this manifests itself in cronyism, nepotism, and poor treatment of workers by a Jewish boss/manager.

My biggest issue is with foreign policy. Many powerful US Jews, who feel more loyal to Israel than the US, push and agitate for a neoconservative Israel-first foreign policy. Thanks to this policy, Iraq, Libya, and Syria (all anti-Israeli regimes) were decimated, costing thousands of American lives, all to the benefit of Israel. Not even going to mention the millions of Arabs who died and the rise of ISIS that came out of the Iraq invasion.

If powerful Jews would stop getting Americans killed in neverending wars for Israel, I wouldn't have a problem.

Did you read ANYTHING here, or do you disregard it on principle because it doesn't sounds nice, like all bluepillers do?


>Jews represent 48% of U.S Billionaires, yet only are 2% of the population
Source faggot

>Hating Jews
I just want them out of my government and out of my country, desu

Soros admittedly profited off of the Jews being put in camps in his neighborhood. most billionaires would exploit any moral boundary for money if they can get away with it. Except for Donald J Trump that is.

No , i beleive they are in control of media and currency. But unless you are a fucking pussy who cant show up to work, save his fucking money for a house instead of phones and shitty honda civics for ten years long enough to pump out 4 kids then WHAT EFFECT DOES IT HAVE ON YOU.

Live your life and stop being frivolous and nothing can stop you from accomplishing the one thing that matters.

>Jews represent 48% of U.S Billionaires
That's exactly why, how can greed reach those levels of morbidity?
Jews are subhumans parasites, unable to build anything without leeching from others.


Let us count the ways: Expecting us to believe they're better than everyone because they told us so, encouraging whites to feel guilt for their very existence and to race mix themselves into extinction, funding them at every turn because their grasp is unavoidable, fooling gullible idiots into believing that letting in millions of migrants is a good idea, potentially getting drafted to fight against whoever pissed off Israel too much this time. And many more that have surely been listed already.

Niggers can't build anything for themselves, nor can jews. Jews are infiltrators and manipulators. Paracites

Youre a collosal puss bag. My god.

Youre already deafeated... might as well just stay inside and keep paying all those bills... or tell your parents to keep paying all those bills.

Nothing will stop someone who wants to be happy from being happy.
Youre looking for excuses to be a pussy jesus christ.


Can someonee explain what the point of Israel is if they already have the US, which is essentiallly Israel lite

>Nothing will stop someone who wants to be happy from being happy.

Figure a boot to the face might do the trick.

Jews only want to further Jew causes at the expense of everyone else, therefore, they should be gassed.

If Jews were actually benevolent to anyone other than their own, I may feel differently, but since they aren't, fuck 'em all.

K, I tried. Here, enjoy some more.

Eric Ludendorff smuggled Lenin into Russia to cause the Russian government to fail so they would drop out of WW1. Ludendorff wasn't a Jew, he was in charge of the German military. You should hate Germans.

Not me! Love me some Jews! Joojoojoojoojoojoojoojoo.
Also love Israel. And it's great people.

>reddit spacing
wtf is this retarded meme?

i have always used spacing and always will because it's much more readable.

Jews would be find if there weren't a powerful cabal of them trying to eradicate European people.

>Why does Sup Forums hate Jews?

becuase they're criminals who work against their host nations

>"You're thief!"
>"Hurr, durr, you're just jelly I stole from you"

Don't think it was public knowledge Lenin was in any way a Jew at the time either. If there's any German to blame, it's Friedrich Engels.

This again?
Whites don't hate Jews because of their overall wealth and their relative over-representation in certain professions. For the same reason whites don't hate Asian doctors or whatever. Whites hate Jews because, taken as a group, they are a bunch of scheming, deceitful greedy fucks who purposefully seek to corrode, corrupt and destroy their civilization from within and forcefully replace them (the white natives) with easier-to-ensalve subhuman savages and mongrels. They are amoral genocidal parasites that abuse our hospitality and purposefully work towards our destruction or our enslavement (whichever is more expedient) so that they may rule uncontested over a rubbish parody of the society they have destroyed. They poison our minds, they desecrate our values and time-proven traditions, they mock and deface our heritage; and not even because they seek to replace all those things with a "better" alternative. Nay, they are hypocrites: all those things they destroy within white civilization they uphold among themselves. They are worse than cancer, and since they have attempted these subversive tactics so many times throughout history, and never stopped doing those things despite being treated very mercifully (all things considered), I'm forced to admit that they're irredeemable and fundamentally incompatible with our way of life and should be expediently thrown out of our societies. Good fucking riddance.

Nah. Make them 100% subservient and I will be much happier.