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Lel. Saged.

Please stop they are going to start bullying Irish people again


So how do those potatoes taste? oh... thats right,,,

>if you ban guns only criminals will have guns
>gets shot

Make better beer

yeah but my great grandpa immigrated here and my family is irish with only my grandma who is Norwegian

The Irish are race traitors.




>too much ass

redpill time, kiddo: your family isn't irish and your grandma isn't norwegian. you're basically a mongrelized product of racemixing so you should probably just forget about larping as a mick or a nordic because you've never been to either country and have nothing in common with those people

your race is burger

do you care about your heritage

yes goy heritage is meaningless

yeah no my family tree is well documented and its all European

fuckin lol'd

*-americans are silly

go to ireland or norway and tell them you're irish-norwegian but you live in kentucky and see how it goes m8

>yeah no
confirmed mic


Holy shit made me lol

>Mfw I literally spent my entire vacation in Ireland bumping into those assholes.

burgers everyone

>Why didn't you move closer to the shore and eat them fresh?

Your country is full of cannibals.

you act like me recognizing where my ancestors comes from means that i think that i am too part of those countries and a part of their culture i know im american and was raised on american values but i dont see whats wrong with respecting the culture that my ancestors lived in but idk people in Canada don't really care about national identity so i guess that is why you think like that

Irish American here. Born and raised in the USA but hail from the motherland. Top tier genes with some Italian German and polish thrown in.

Feels good having such a great ancestry and living in the greatest country ever born created and molded by the hands of Christ himself.

God bless.

Some of us know what bay leaves are... Also, you've been trolled by post-ironic burgers. How does it feel to be stuck behind a people whose primary mode of transportation is a scooter that moves 2 miles per hour?

we only know for sure the guy with the white hand was being post-ironic

Also this.

why is there a northern ireland and ireland?
why dont they have a full country?

The proud history of Ireland:
>smelly Celts
>enslaved by vikings
>enslaved my Brits
>enslaved by Americans
>get hungry because potato
>go to America to not starve
>drink a lot
>blew up a car one time

Wait they were so picky that they wouldn't eat fish without salt? Why would you even put salt on fish? it's disgusting

Pretty sure it's kinda like how there's a Korea and North Korea


How does it feel that no one is paying attention to your post and is just saving your flag?

Me grandparents fought in the IRA. Grandpa has a few skulls of British soldiers in his garage. Says he likes to visit the good times every once in a while and reflect on killing Brits and how much fun it was while drinking a 12 pack.

The Irish are the most powerful group in the world.


>most powerful
>GDP of 50k
>not even defacto world-hedgemon

>killing brits
>as if that's an accomplishment

My ancestors were killing Brits before yours were :p

I'd take the British over you, and that's saying a lot.

great post