Thoughts on LSD? I get very mixed opinions

Ive done it a few times and have enjoyed them. Im not talking about taking 6 tabs at once and seeing if you can talk to God behind the dumpsters in a Wendys parking lot. Just a tab or to for uplifted mood and trippy visuals.

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Watch The Shining while on 3+ hits of LSD and find out the true meaning of life.

Did a lot of it between 14 and 28. Zero regrets.

you spelt 2001: a space odyssey wrong friendo

I've never taken more than 1/2 a tab (reagent tested, confirmed legit stuff). I liked it. Even on 1/8th of a tab from that same sheet, it was a nice sensation. No hallucinations, just a warm buzz. The "trip" was more mental for me; by that I mean that I was making thought connections and having ideas I normally wouldn't
>tl;dr: its not "DUDE THE COLORS LMAO" but its good, imo

If it's bitter it's a quitter. Other than that, try not to hurt yourself, and enjoy the ride.

That's great too. But it's less family-focused. At least we both recognize that Kubrick understood this world.

i did it three times and it changed my life because of how it showed me how susceptible we are to our senses. that said, it was my teens and I'm 30+ now. I don't do it anymore. but it was a seriously philosophically enlightening experience in my life.

>it showed me how susceptible we are to our senses
Elaborate? You've piqued my curiosity

Yea, I would agree that lower doses are like that a lot. Its such a fragile substance though. Ive had single tabs seem like a quarter tab and others that have made my walls melt. I enjoy it but its not like weed where I can very easily control the high.

It lets your subconscious take the wheel on doses that are larger. The first time I took two tabs and freaked the fuck out at the peak of the trip, had to learn to control it and ride it out. After that it was so amazing and enjoyable

>I enjoy it but its not like weed where I can very easily control the high.
I can agree with this in the context of dosage, but in terms of the high/experience itself, I found the "trip" to be a little bit more easy to "control" compared to p.cubensis

might just be my personal experience (or the particular spores/strain of fungus I was trying), but I've always had a little bit of a "harsh beginning" with psilocybin trips. That's not always been the case with LSD, and I've been able to "snap out" of strange thought loops easier than when I'd be on psilocybin

So you understand what I mean when I say that it's easier to "control" the trip (in my experience) on LSD compared to psilocybin

I love the Shining but Kubrick made 2001 specifically to drop acid to.

I took 8 250ug blotters once because i was peaking and thought i was sober. Cue 2hrs later i thought i had alzhiemers and was crying on my bathroom floor and tthe only way to cure myself was 5o beg my girlfriend to pour a 2 liter of cream soda on my head. Afterwards i had a euphoric moment of every answer to a question i forgotten and it felt like my brain physically twitched every 30 seconds.

Pro tip. Psychedelics is not a dick waving contest know your boundaries and havr fun within them

if you are a sorted, stable person it's great

if you are a mentally deranged ill faggot it will harm you

>Vatican City
>has a gf, took LSD
Are you a proxybro or do you work in a staff role?

Dude, sorry to sound like Joey Tribbiani right now, or some Room 237 fag, but The Shining is the best movie ever made. On acid, it will scare you to the point of respecting your relationships, shirking drugs and alcohol, and allowing yourself to be the best you can be. You get to see the functional reality of how america was carved out of wilderness and blood, and you get to understand how history is all boiled down to the present moment, and how it's your responsibility to live it. It's an amazing movie. Actually, come to think of it, 2001 evokes the same thing, but it's more about personal agency rather than fitting in well to a family dynamic.

how is this /pol this is a /b thread

Just a poor as fuck cook from south africa

I was a socialist left wing atheist in my teens, i went to university did two science degrees and did lsd, got into economics martial arts and fitness and ended up a right wing libertarian agnostic.

Go figure.

Sorry man, I was looking for the more political views on it, whether or not it is viewed in alignment with pol ideology.

good way to get to know oneself

So what youre saying is that LSD is THE redpill and that we must spike every blue states water supply with it so that they can see the light?

Would recommend, do in a safe environment and try to remember you can die.

Did you drop the lucy when you were in SA or the Holy See? I'd imagine taking that much acid in a literal holy city with all that imagery and shit around must be a hecking strange trip

also cream soda is the most delicious soda in the trinity of delicious sodas (alongside Mr Pibb and Ginger Ale) so I hope you apologized to someone for that or confessed it to a priest

I actually like The Shining more than 2001 (however I think EWS is his best) although I've only watched it sober so I cannot comment on it in regards to it's effect under LSD.

I truly believe Kubrick was the heirophant of some secret ancient mystery school trying to help us evolve through his films.

Are you a nig or a white? greentext your life pls

Dude imagine taking it in South Africa when there are thousands of feral niggers ready to chop your hands off and push a tire around your shoulders and light you on fire. That sounds like a far more intense trip.

I think he is a rogue Jew, honestly.

whenever i take lsd all i can think is

>user you shouldnt be doing drugs. you should be doing anything and everything you can to become the best version of yourself possible

that being said i also picked up the hottest chick of my life while on lsd. all i did was look at her and she literally came up to me

that being said as well it's not a "party" drug. at least it isnt for me. i sort of feel almost sad taking it and all i can think about is how to make a better life for me and my family. oh and the true meaning of life and that sort of thing

Two opposite extremes on one spectrum, imo
>drop acid in Vatican City: possibly achieve gnosis
>drop acid in South Africa: experience Dante Alighieri's hell