What the fuck happened with pizza gate? does Alex Jones still think it's real?

The government said they werent pedophiles, so obviously we believe them. They even had the government sanctioned media outlets agree, and they changed all the pedophile symbols that Sup Forums pointed out. It really doesn't get much more definitive than that.

Sup Forums helped expose an international human trafficking ring that goes all the way to the top of the food chain in business, law, media, and politics.
A ring that has implications to being so old, and so sinister that literally millions of children could be victims at this point.
Then we started getting shilled like mad. The youtubers that tried to spread the word got harassed, and people realized that since this very well might be real, and the implications it holds if it is. Exposing it would almost inevitably mean certain death.
A lot of the extremely dedicated started getting spooked, and the larpers/lookyloos lost interest.

It's still going on, and there's next to nothing we can do about it.

Who is randipulator and why is he in heavybreathings video no luv?

Well I don't doubt that there are "elites" who are pedophiles and engage in a lot of shady things. The whole pizza gate just came and went fast. How come a lot of people were "silenced"? People like Milo had to say it wasn't real. What about Alex Jones?

The battle is still raging.


Never forget Ben Swann, disappeared for giving this realistic coverage in the MSM.

Pizzagate is only a small part of a much bigger global pedo organization. It doesn't just take place in the States you fucking retards.

Dude people are working on this shit constantly every damn day. Get on discord.

I was here when it started but didn't see it through. So what where the symbols changed into?

#pizzagate could just as well be named #ziongate because (((those people))) is were it ultimately leads up to.

can you email me the discord.

ITT: Shills spreading defeatist propaganda

Someone post pizzagate discord please


TFW your bitch wife's lawyers makes #pizzagate disinfo treads on /pol to steal your kids and all of your money away from you...

It's so fake, do you really believe politicians would hurt children? that would b so wrong!

I honestly believe its fake news. Its the nazis trying to make it look like the good guys are the bad guys. I think that is why clinton lost.

More effort should be put into finding the video of trump being peed on by russian prostitutes, which is gross, but will get him impeached.

nice shill 6/10

He's obviously being ironic. Are you retarded?




haven't like 1600 pedos been arrested since trump took office?

But John Podesta still walks free...