Why did it take god seven days to create the earth?

Why did it take god seven days to create the earth?
You would think being god almighty he would have just snapped his fingers and created everything in an instant.

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Cause he is a lazy fuck

it's an allegory referring to the human condition and how it relates to the night's sky

God is a lazy nigga. Stay Woke
Also made the earth flat like a record player.

>after jesus rose from the dead some 2000 years ago, hes just chilled.

> seven days
If you want to insist on taking it the literal way, get it right; it took six days.

Ray of creation, law of seven.

The earth is round, just like a pancake?

This is still the sixth day, user. It's not done, yet.


no it's the number 7, there are seven distinct human personality traits, you can take 7 alpha males and stick them in a room and they will filter into these seven different personality traits,

there are 7 different visible with the human eye heavenly bodies in the night's sky

it's an allegory describing natural law

as above so below

Small mana pool

you don't know how G-ds tech works -- it could be like clash of clans where it takes a bit of time for things to develop
/cast spell 'create water ' cannot use spell again for 8 hours.

Did you forget to take your antipsychotics today?

If you assume the universe begins from nothingness, then 7 would be the second complete fundamental form after the ossilating triad.

haha, I'm sure you remembered yours goyim

now do you want to talk more about this old book that is a propaganda manual for desert warfare or not?

because there are recipes to make drugs in it

What concerns me is that we think the Aztecs and Hawaiians and other cultures were uncivilized for having human sacrifice when isn't true that Jesus was a virgin sacrifice?

Everyone believes in our virgin sacrifice - yet we are supposed to be civilized? Doesn't that put us in throwing virgins in volcanoes tiers

Tuning it in...?
Plus, have you ever filed a bath or grown a garden?

Takes time man.

Genesis 2:4

"He was called Trismegistus on account of his praise of the trinity, saying there is one divine nature in the trinity."

>Not getting the metaphor
Atheists are such tards.
God created the system by which the earth could be formed.

Those fucking cool downs on the tree aoe...

>creationists actually believe this

the passing from conscious and conscious (night and day, awake and sleeping) is a passage that allows a human to come in existence.

I literally spoke against creationism, 'tard.

Because the earth is flat so he had to go all the way across, not around

He is a lazy fuck?

I always find it funny that new atheists and ultra-fundamentalists have the same level of nuance when reading the Bible.

It's a standard creation myth that stems from the seed of life, which is created with seven circles. This particular pattern, as well as the fruit of life and tree of life can be seen throughout the world.

Go to bed kangaroo

Nah, i'm happy to stay up and point out how stupid you are. Try reading the Bible sometime, halfwit.

because creation.exe kept crashing and god forgot to save often.

Do you do all your work in 1 day?

Because he first created earth and then mingled in the dark until he thought it was a good idea to actually see what the fuck you're doing and created stars.

>Getting this assblasted over opinions on a mongolian fishnet weaving forum

Its funny how its always turns out to be an allegory or a metaphor once its proven to be bullshit.

I use it to roll up my joints for the cancer that book gives me

>Why did it take god seven days to create the earth?
Because it's a story about a magic man who lives in the sky.

>I am Isis, ruler of every land
I was taught by Hermes (Thoth) and with Hermes devised
letters, both hieroglyphic and demotic, that all might not
be written with the same.

"but... but... his name in Hewbrew is Jeshua goys.. because... you know...... there's no way god would possibly make use of languages other than ours!!!"


It's related to ancient alchemy

because evolution takes six days and you're so spent afterward that you gotta just hang out for a day

pretty sure genesis was borrowed from another religion when the jews were slaves

I mean it doesnt stand as day (24h). Every "day" is it own epoch. Between day 1 and 2 could be 5 trillion hours.

All the way back to before the great flood.

"Let me begin by observing, first of all, that nine thousand was the sum of years which had elapsed since the war which was said to have taken place between all those who dwelt outside the Pillars of Heracles and those who dwelt within them: this war I am now to describe."

Because he wanted it to.

It wasn't 6 days, it was 6000 years.
A day for God is a 1000 years for us, plus the Bible isnt meant for details, it gives you the bigger picture.
Also the Bible proves what we all know; everything has water in it (because we all came from water)

I don't understand the fight between Religion and Science.
Science doesn't prove, it just shows details as we understand them.
It can never explain ghosts and spiritual stuff like demons/evil spirits/poltergeists, and it's not meant to.

Science does a lot of good, it does coexists with what the Bible says if you actually read both the Bible and scentific facts (not theories) and understand we don't know everything and we're not meant to.

I know this is a dead thread and there's a whole lot of Atheists who will never accept God, but I'm as Fair as I can be;
The people insulting the Bible never read it, the people insulting science never understood what science actually is.

It's called Faith for a reason, it comes down to you; if you're stubborn you won't believe anything I say, if you're not you will.
There's no physical proof of God/Christ, God is spiritual, demons are spiritual, spiritual means you can't touch them, there's no DNA, there's no way to physically communicate, but they're there.

>after Jesus rose from the dead, he confronted his desciples and then died and went up to heaven to await the rapture.
Fixed it :^)

They're brainlets encountering each other in a mirror.

Because that's how many days are in a week. God is very organized and leads by example. That's why he didn't work on Sunday, he wanted that day for rest and it would be improper for him to tell us to rest if he didn't do it first. This is all very simple and logical. What's with the stupid questions, OP?

Because it's a story.

In the Beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth.

10 Words = 10 Fingers on your Hands

בְּרֵאשִׁית בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ

28 Letters = 28 Phalanges on your Hands

Septenary Masonic Cipher


Holy Bible = 28
622225225 = 28

Seven = 22

Pi is God. God is the circle. The Zodiac. He is mathematics and the seasons. In summer man finds the world, and in winter man finds himself.

Mathematic = Mathemagic

7 Rainbow colors
7 Visible planets
7 Days of the Week
7 Notes on Major Scale

1-7=28 = Hands = Hands of God

Three Point One Four Two = 86

Diameter Circumference = 86
451157553553616555135 = 86

The Hebrew alphabet in their Gematria sums to 432.

432x432 = 186,624 ... the speed of light.

There are 24 hours in a day. 60 minutes an hour and 60 seconds a minute. 12 Hours (12 tribes) equals 43,200 seconds.

Phyllotaxis, or the arrangement plants or leaves have from on a stem is the golden angle, or 137.5 x π = 432.

There are 432 Buddha statues on mount Meru.

The Stradivarius Violin was built to the frequency of 432 hz.

In cymatics, 432 hz creates symmetrical geometries.

4,320 Is two precessional ages in the traditional mapping of the precession of the equinox.

That's all I'll say for now. There is much wisdom the Jews keep from us.

didn't he create sunlight before the actual sun? Shows that he wasn't that prepared and was half assing things, 7 days seems about right.

excuse me guys! its not god its allah!

22 divided by 7 is not Pi you autistic fuck. Peddle your number pattern garbage somewhere else.

>Mom and dad never loved me so to lash out against others by releasing my parental and cosmic abandonment issues. I need to point out the synchronistic patterns of man and nature are garbage because I don't understand how to garner any form of self-respect.

Hello shill!

Go back to drinking your fermented trash and eating pigs bum little boy. You will be where I am one day, be happy I planted this seed in your head, perhaps you will grow out the dirt, where the sewage runs.

Open a calculator btw. 22/7 is Pi, faggot.

>a day for God is a 1000 years for us
That's not how dogs years work
1 human year = 7 dog years

>Open a calculator btw. 22/7 is Pi, faggot.

>I don't understand the difference between an approximation and the value it approximates

cause he isnt real

they dont even mention DINOSAURS in the bible

No, its not. It is absolutely not. Pi doesn't end at the 3rd/4th decimal place just because YOU say so.

3.142857142857143 ≠ 3.14159265359

Try using that in school, college even. They'll fucking ream your ass. It's an approximation, NOT actual Pi. But its okay, twist facts to fit your infographic.


22/7 is 3.1428 and so on
Pi is 3.1415 and so on

Not surprised you are an idiot though


Theology fag here.

There is a lot of misconceptions people have about the idea of the Abrahamic god.

The original Hebrew and Aramaic text can be translated to be more akin "the sun stars and earth + creatures including humans were created in 7 stages" The problem was that later on Hebrew started to call days the same word as "stages" and so it was later (incorrectly) translates as 7 days.

Another example of an hilarious mistranslation from ancient Hebrew+Aramaic to Latin and English. Is the entire "Man was made in the IMAGE of god"

People think this has to do with appearance while the original text was more along the lines of: "Man was created as equals to god". Meaning Humanity has the same worth and abilities as its creator through "kabbalah" which was a word that both meant magic/science/technology at the time.

Ask me anything else if you want to know anything.

kabbalist here, would you mind rating a little essay i wrote on the jewish conception of magic/occultism if i post it?

Tell me about why the Tetragrammaton looks like a person.....

Sure drop it. Although I'm not specialized in occultism outside of the Abrahamic religions

>guys it's a metaphor



The Hebrew simply reads "mekhashefah lo ticheyah," which can literally be translated, "A witch: do not give her life." In other words, give her death. The word mekhashefah is the feminine of mekhashef, which is used in the verse in Deuteronomy, and comes from the root kaf-shin-peih (KShP), which I explain below. It probably originally did not have connotations of doing evil, but rather, some kind of magic forbidden due to association with the practices of idol worshippers. The traditional commentators tell us that it mentions women alone here because men are mentioned separately, in Deuteronomy. The more academic answer is probably that the Exodus verse is a late JE text, and probably only refers to priestess-practitioners of magic associated with forbidden goddess-worship; the Deuteronomy text is a D text, of course, and probably has much wider meanings.

Deut. 18:10-11

There shall not be found among you anyone ....that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.

The verses 10-14 in Hebrew read: "Lo yimatzei bekha ma'avir beno uvito b'eish, kosem k'samim, me'onen, menakhesh, umekhashef. Ve-chover chaver, v'sho'el ov ve-yidoni, ve-doresh el ha-meitim. Ki to'avat YHVH kol oseh eileh, uviglal ha-to'evot ha-eileh, YHVH elohekhah morish otem mipanekhah; tamim tihiyeh im YHVH elohekhah; ki hagoyim ha-eileh asher atem yoresh otem, el me'onenim v'el kosmim yishma'u, v'atah lo; ken natan lekhah YHVH elohekhah."

Which means, being translated, "There will not be found among you (1) one who passes his son or his daughter through fire, (2) nor a diviner of divinations, (3) a soothsayer, (4) an augur, (5) nor a [male] witch. (6) Nor a charmer of spells, (7) a consulter of Ov and Yidoni, (8) nor a necromancer. For an abhorrence to YHVH are all who do these things, and because of these abhorrences, YHVH your god has disposessed them from before you; you will be pure with YHVH your god; for these nations in whose place you will posess, they listen to soothsayers and diviners, whereas you do not; therefore YHVH your god has given [their portion] to you."

1. One who passes his son or daughter through fire. For the worship of the god Molekh, whose practices demanded human sacrifice, often in the form of burnt children. From this, and from the succeding verses, it is generally agreed that this list of practices was deemed to fall under the category of deeds Israelites were commanded to avoid because of their use by idolatrous neighboring peoples.
2. A diviner of divinations. One who divines, either by extispicy, sileximancy, stipomancy, cartomancy, or suchlike. However, the Tosafist Rabbis of 12-14th century France authored several Jewish legal responsa which clarified that this prohibition specifically refers either to extispicy alone, or to any divination method so long as it is done by invoking the power or guidance of any god but the One God.
The word "kosem" comes from the root QSM (kuf-samekh-mem), having to do with dividing or distributing things, or assigning them.
3. A soothsayer. Specifically, a nubilomancer: one who divines by gazing at cloud patterns. The word me'onen comes from the root 'NN (ayin-nun-nun) meaning "a cloud."

4. An augur. Specifically, a colubromancer: one who either divines or casts spells using snakes, either real or symbolic. This may be a diviner, or a sorcerer. Colubromancers were often healers, and indeed, Moses is instructed to use sympathetic colubromancy to heal the people (Numbers 21:4-9). This discrepancy is one of the key arguments that show JE had no problems with many kinds of magic that D/P find irredeemable.
5. Witch. the word translated as "witch" in the Hebrew Scriptures is "mekhashef/ah" from the root kaf-shin-peih. Now, that root is itself the product of a proto-Hebraic Akkadianism meaning "to cut" or "to shred." Thus, it is likely that it referred to one of the following two kinds of sorcerous practitioner: either a maker of blood magics or diviner by extispicy (i.e., mekhashef = "one who cuts flesh to get blood"), or perhaps alternatively to a maker of potions and herbal brews (i.e., mekhashef = "one who shreds herbs into a pot").
6. Charmer of spells. One who casts binding spells. Possibly an exorcist, or one who allows themselves to be posessed of spirits or demons. The root kHBR (khet-bet-resh) refers to joining or binding or knotting something up tightly, and can also indicate the reverse: unbinding, releasing, or untying a knot.

7. Consulter of Ov and Yidoni. In the Talmud (Sanhedrin, 4th chapter), a baal (one who consults Ov) is defined as one who speaks from his armpit, which the commentators believe refers to summoning a spirit which, for some reason, speaks out of the sorcerer's armpit. But it might also simply refer to a charlatan, who throws his voice to imitate the spirit speaking; this latter was later the opinion of the Rambam (Moses Maimonides). A baal (consulter of Yidoni), according to BT Sanhedrin, is one who takes an enchanted bone, places it in his mouth, and then the spirit or demon or miscellaneous entity speaks through him.

My current understanding is that the spiritual roots of christianity were the attempts of answering questions about reality with the toolset of mysticism.
"The Church" is more an abuser of the heritage, or misinterprets elements of it as a measure of control.

My question is: why does this persist? If instead of endlessly telling and retelling the gospel verbatim it were the intended meaning first, people would be much better off, no?

Looks like an egyptian anhk

>You would think being god almighty

he isn't, he's just the demiurge and jesus is a deceiver, worship Abraxas.

Rambam opinion is that the bone was hollow, and smoke was produced, which seems to indicate that he believed that the magic was the result of a shamanistic hallucination as the result of smoking a psychoactive substance. It is also possible that this refers to a practice of using a death-talisman, placed in the mouth, or bound to body parts, in order to evoke a spirit or demon to possess the magician temporarily (one hopes). The same Tosafist Rabbis who were lenient in defining "kesem" and permitting divination, tell us that Ov and Yidoni are an entirely different matter, and there is no permitting such magic, for it is all black magic.

8. A necromancer. This referred originally specifically to the practice of calling up the soul of a dead person, in order to ask them questions. The Tosafist Rabbis tell us that attempting to raise a dead body into life is also forbidden. However, they say that it is not forbidden to ask questions of dead spirits if one shows up without being called, nor to pose questions to a medium if the medium is not summoning the dead, but only listening to those spirits already present.

The following verses make clear that these practices are being interdicted due to prevalence among the Seven Nations, whose practices are forbidden to the Israelites. The word choices and forms in Hebrew are fairly clear in indicating that all these things are connected, and that it is because of the dedication of the indigenous Canaanitish peoples to priests or shamans who use such magics in the services of their foreign gods that YHVH is taking away their land and giving it to the Children of Israel. In any case, this is a very clear example of D-text outlawing magical practices not only accepted by JE, but included in canonical Tanakh stories as examples of the magical powers of Israelite heroes and prophets.


The best discussions of these matters in the Jewish tradition have never been accurately translated from Hebrew and Aramaic. But the Rabbis of the Talmud seem to have read these prohibitions as having much more wiggle room than the Written Torah seems to indicate in Deuteronomy. Also, if one examines the 2nd-8th century tradition of amulets and talismans found at archaeological digs in Israel, it becomes clear that not only were the Ancient Jews using many such magics, but the Rabbis of the Talmud were clearly knowledgeable about them, and do not appear to have been inclined to rein in their use.

Most of these seem to be references to local idols that were inherent in the pre-abrahamic semite communities. Especially things like Molekh are known.

I suggest you try to find out more about the Islamic "jins" or "ginnaye" in Aramaic. Since a lot of semite communties that didn't convert to Judaism retained their idol religions until the advent of Islam and some elements of them were even incorporated.

Most of what you wrote has something to do with the rejection of rituals of local idol worship. Except in particular the "witch" you talk about which was about poison brewing in particular and has to do with the preparation of kosher foods and specific preparation of foods and other things meant for human consumption.

God years are like dog years but in reverse and on steroids.
So when God says "one day" he is talking about one GOD DAY, which is quintillions of dog days which is like billions of normal human Christian days, so when the Bible said: "He finished it all in one week", it's actually "He finished it all in 7 or so billions of years".
Go to church. They will explain all the God days and God-math stuff there.

>The earth is 12000 years old
>god planted fossils to fuck with us
>jesus was a virgin birth
>jesus was born again
>Job lived for 600 years
>Noah built a boat that held every animal in the area
>noah lived on said boat for 150 days before the times of preservatives lasting more than a month with no fresh water source
>Moses was led out of egypt by a burning bush
The whole fucking book is metaphors and symbolism great stories with values, but some dumbfuck way back said that it was all true and you can't question the word of god. Now here we are not willing to hurt any other religions group in fear that god wouldn't like that.
God is a watch maker, it built it and then it ran just like he predicted.

That says there's 5 genders

I want more sources about your 8th point.

What do you mean by "souls"? There are no such things as human spirits that are seperate from the body in Ancient Judaism since "souls" that are separate from the body are a 3rd century Hellenistic philosophy.

When Jews are talking about the "world of tomorrow" and the ressurection they are talking about their literal burried bodies getting resurected and living on earth again. This is also the main reason why burning a body is prohibited since it "returns your soil(not seperate from body) to dust

This is not the case. A lot of the errors and schisms within Christianity has to do with a lot of the text being translations of translations of translations of translations. While at the same time christianity tried to incorporate local pagan traditions and elements in their religion during the roman era.

The holy spirit doesn't get a mention in the ancient Jewish scrolls and was almost certainly a Germanic pagan god that was incorporated sometime during the assimilation of romans into the roman empire.

>26 letters of the alphabet fits on your phalanges, if you think your thumbs only have one single phalange each
>a numerical system used for letters in an alphabet you apply to another alphabet gives result you can freely interpret as anything
>if you sum these arbitrary numbers, and divide by this arbitrary number, you get a fraction that approximates pi, even though the bible define pi as being exactly 3, but that was a metaphor so that doesn't count
>now as you can see if we use our notation system for numbers in an innapropriate way we end up with symbols looking a bit like some in another system!
>now if I apply yet another biased flawed numeric notation from earlier to a text in a painting written in another langage and another alphabet, I get 270 but I don't now what to make of that number so I'll just show a relation with the sum of the angles of a cube in a unit made by humans and the average length in day between conception and birth even though I don't know what's a day since it's a concept that was invented by humans and it's definition changed with the time
>this is the proof the christian god exist

top kek.

> First take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. 6Do not give dogs what is holy; do not throw your pearls before swine. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.


This picture implies all of our fingers have the same length.
But I see how the golden ratio is everywhere in nature, from a computational point of view, it's cheap to approximate which makes it easier to reproduce with a minimum of error, and its definition is spatially small, so even reproduction defects aren't likely to overwrite it.

Still, it's not explicitly linked to god in any way.

phi = god
so yes it is directly related


A lot of useless mythological symbolism. Here's all the relevant history in a nutshell.

>Some cosmic wide event
>Evolution/mutation and shit
>Time passes
>Long ago some space niggas created humans by genetic engineering monkeys and their own DNA
>Humans were meant to be cheap labor to mine shit and whatnot
>There was a rebellion because just like modern politics, everybody wants to be in charge
>The defeated were cast down to Earth
>The victors said "fuck em" and got the fuck out
>We are now ruled by those losers that lost the war

Maybe the victors will return one day, maybe not. Who knows, we are living in the continuation of that story. Anyway, there is your truth behind human existence without all the fucking bullshit.

Wasted trips, why don't you put a but more thought into your statement?

>What concerns me is that we think the Aztecs and Hawaiians and other cultures were uncivilized for having human sacrifice when isn't true that Jesus was a virgin sacrifice?

This makes the assumption that we willingly sacrificed Jesus, but he sacrificed himself. Also, it's a one-time deal, no more people have to die to be forgiven. Also, he was God... so it's a bit different.

Most Christians understand that he was a sacrifice in concept, you aren't really blowing the lid off of any theology here.

>Everyone believes in our virgin sacrifice - yet we are supposed to be civilized? Doesn't that put us in throwing virgins in volcanoes tiers

No, it doesn't. In addition, there was a lot of shit that made them uncivilized, other than the throwing virgins in volcanoes stuff.