Russian Government created an Anti-Navalny promo

And it's beautiful.
All "muh-muh, Putin is the savior of white race" people - still don't ashamed now?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Hitler 1945
>Navalny 2018


1st for LEKHAIM


>no english subs
Why even post it here?

Have you ever seen a government that fear opposition so strong - that trying to compare him with HITLER?

Navalny depicted as Hitler in Putin's media since 2011

Heil Navalny!

Putin eats children

Putin right now:

Based Navalny.

Thats my Fuhrer.

Literally Hitler.

He probably has nothing to do with this. We have too many retarded people that would do this shit for free.

kurwa katyń

What about "Navalny libshit and Soros"?

Nothing to say?

1488 o/

Literally, anything which is against our governments is "Hitler", mate.

How Nazi is your country, Bohdan?

Literally what

Vodka anons
What are they saying?

All I can hear is

Russians are literally the dumbest fucking """people""" in this entire universe. Fuck Russia fuck putin that kuck who got kucked by Trump so easily and didn't do shit back. What a fag.

No one cares about you made about yourself Alex, no one cares about youtube celeberys here. Go away and take you shills with you.

Attention all Sup Forums redpilled polacks. Get ready to move in Russia, Navalny will be our national-socialist fuhrer soon!

Nazad na porashu, leeberahi

he was clearly being sarcastic

Nobody gives a shit about putin and trump.

i fucked this up.
No one cares about video you made about yourself, Alex, no one cares about youtube celebrities here. Go away and take you shills with you.

Russia will collapse again by trumps second term. How you feel about that vatnik faggot.

yoba eto ti?

>What are they saying?
"Navalny is nationalist. He want RUSSIANS to be strong [it's implied to be bad] He'll became FUHRER. Don't vote Navalny PLEASEEEEE"

Russia is multinational country tho

Why would it collapse?

Typical muh nazis propaganda.

Literally Hitler. Kremlin got butthurt over Medvedev video or something? I thought they played a game of "if we pretend that it does not exist - it will go away".

81% Russian

Those video animations are so retarded.
Made to confuse you

>Putin is a good goy look Navalny is nazi.

Casual Reminder who really runs Russia

Roman Abramovich

>Abramovich was the first person to originally recommend to Yeltsin that Vladimir Putin be his successor as the Russian president.[30]:135 When Putin formed his first cabinet as Prime Minister in 1999, Abramovich interviewed each of the candidates for cabinet positions before they were approved.[13]:102 Subsequently, Abramovich would remain one of Putin's closest confidants. In 2007 Putin consulted in meetings with Abramovich on the question of who should be his successor as president - Medvedev was personally recommended by Abramovich.

>His family is Jewish. Abramovich is a chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia (which is allied with Putin's administration), and donates money to the Chabad movement

Navalny will purge the xenos?

>random video against some faggot
>It definitely created by government!!!

Lol no, roman abramovich is a fugitive.

Friendship ended with Abramovich, now Mihelson, Rotenberg and Usmanov are Putin's friends

>Mihelson, Rotenberg and Usmanov
as u can see there are no even russians surnames

And 19% are not.

Why did Putin create propaganda against Navalny?
But Putin He is the main terrorist

That's what I wanted to point out exactly.
So? Next biggest minority is hohols, who are basically Russians. Nex biggest minority is so small and poor it irelevant

> soon elections
Jeez just stfu

Fuck Russia and fuck Germany.
Fuck nazism and fuck communism.

i just do not trust people with 200% kike mama

look at this butiful full of soul faces
yes, they wish you to be happy:D

Этy хyйню в инcтитyтe cтyдeнтaм пoкaзывaют и пpoвoдят пoлитpaбoтy.

Next biggest minority are tatars

Cтyдeнт: Этo нopмaльнo, кoгдa вы Haвaльнoгo cpaвнивaeтe c Гитлepoм? Bы гoвopитe, чтo мы ничeгo нe знaeм oб этoм чeлoвeкe, a вы o нeм знaeтe?

Aллa Быбa: Этo нe мы дeлaли этoт фильм.

Cтyдeнт: Ho вы нaм eгo пoкaзывaeтe.

Aллa Быбa: Пoэтoмy дaвaйтe нe бyдeм иcтepить, a бyдeм цивилизoвaннo диcкyтиpoвaть. Иcтepики, и пpo тo, чтo coгнaли.. Дaвaйтe нe бyдeм иcпoльзoвaть вoт эти жe мeтoды, чтo иcпoльзyют пo oтнoшeнию к вaм дpyгиe люди. Дaвaйтe нe бyдeм чecaть вceх пoд oднy гpeбeнкy.

Aллa Быбa: Пo кpaйнeй мepe пpaвoвaя шкoлa никoгдa никoгo никyдa нe cгoняeт. Hac пpиглacилa aдминиcтpaция Bлaдимиpcкoгo гocyдapcтвeннoгo yнивepcитeтa пpoвecти вoт тaкyю вcтpeчy c мoлoдeжью. A кoгo кyдa coгнaли, этo вы yжe paзбиpaйтecь co cвoeй aдминиcтpaциeй, и пpeтeнзии нe в нaш aдpec. Этo нaшa paбoтa. Mы пpocтo пpoвoдим cвoю paбoтy.

Aллa Быбa: Oчeнь плoхo, дeвyшкa, чтo вы тaк ничeгo и нe пoняли. Bы пpocтo включилиcь в этy мoднyю тycoвкy, чтo дeйcтвитeльнo этo бopьбa c кoppyпциeй. He пepeбивaйтe мeня, пoжaлyйcтa, я вac нe пepeбивaлa, и я eщe cтapшe вac. Пoнимaeтe, нaдo элeмeнтapнo yвaжeниe имeть к cтapшим.

what an unsurprising post.

It seems that you're right. Anyway, they are irrelevant in terms of GDP input and population. Tatars are enclosed in Russian regions, what are they gonna do?

Why can't Putin just kill this dude?

So wait they are comparing Navalny to Hitler?
Is that guy really that far right?

God bless the United States of America.

>far right
American education.

No, but he's against flooding Russia with niggers from Central Asia - something Putin won't even discuss because "our grandfathers have defeated Hitler"

Freindly reminder: Russians are all subhuman scum trash. You're almost as bad as the chinks.

Quality propagnda bait.

>Why can't Putin just kill this dude?
He is useful to kremlin. An easy way to track all those who have anti-government sentiments while providing no actual challenge to kremlin. Simply put russian police and army has no issue with shooting any civilian that throws up nazi salute, as such even if he really did try to use force to capture kremlin it would've been a massacre.

Kreakli(follower of navalny) will go to a riot

Seem you had right all the time. Putin is a cuck shilling for russian minorities.

for some reason visa regme for asian ex soviet repiblics and his PRO GUN policy are liteally nazism for putinist cucks

The terms are relative. Obviously I'm not referring to economic or social liberalism you fuck tard. I'm talking about pro white people that in a modern context the media would refer to as "far right". The media doesn't call National Socialists far left do they?

Irrelevant my ass. Tatarstan is one of the few donor regions.

>why doesn't Based Putin like the Nazis, who killed millions of Russians and wanted to enslave the rest

>in Russia

Aaaand what are they gonna do if we just remove their special republican status and turn it into Kazan oblast?

Stop Fascism now!


>referring to fake msm terms

When you realize we are in a second Weimar republic but this time Nazis are the Jews

You have to understand though, current Russian regime is useful to everyone but the russians themselves.

Some small territorial gains in Ukraine are nothing compared to what a nationalist-led Russia could achieve.

As it stands, we are as jewed as the murrifats, if not more.

In the Russian Empire there was a revolution(Riot)
Why not now?

>Putins puppet
>are Hitler
wew lads, Putin bots are on full scare production.

It will encourage tatar islamic extremism and it will ruin the whole integration thing going for last 200 years.

>The media doesn't call National Socialists far left do they?
Wew this is embarrasing

Interesting. He sounds pretty decent so far. If he actually is a good option I hope he has a fair chance and doesn't end up having dying in a mysterious car crash.

>"Navalny is nationalist.
Kys faggot he is jewish cuckhole.
if you wanna suck his dick that much dont match him as nationalist.
You are filthy jew.


>tfw Puketin is now pandering and trying to make himself seem more tolerant and multicultural then the opposition, which is painted as literally hitler

>Russians are commie subhumans

colour me surprised

There was no Kiselev in 1917.

Genetically inferior vatniks

This has nothing to do with offending Islam, this is about national heritage.

Why Trump is Hitler?

>Putin probably doesn't have anything to do with trying to undermine his largest competitor for the presidency
Nice one

OK I should have specified third positionist or alternative right. Most people understand what is meant by the common term "far right", and I should have realized that autists would take issue with the term.

So is Navalny our guy?

I don't know about that, but I'm gonna save this one to piss off russians anyway... they tell the truth when they're angry.

Holy shit, it's even more hilarious than """leaked CIA documents""" that dub him "agent Freedom"


"Don't offend us or will kill you". Though if such terrorist threats come out of the mouth of Muslim nationality they don't count as terrorists threats. It is natural.

Literally who??

At 2:15
I-Is that the Bloodborne critical attack sound effect?

>Russia is a democracy
Sure, sure, their """ex""" secret service decides who's the President and who isn't.
If this guy was in any way a competitor, he would receive a visit of some "robber" or whatever to break his leg and cut his throat.
Whatever happens in Russia was already sanctioned by a higher up, doesn't matter how much they try to pretend otherwise.

>when your only argument against a gov criticizer is that he's hitler