Where do you buy coffee from if you aren't a liberal? I'm assuming StarBucks is a no go

Where do you buy coffee from if you aren't a liberal? I'm assuming StarBucks is a no go.

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the grocery store

Regular coffee shops with actual decent coffee. Theres one in every street everywhere in the world its not that hard.

You make you're own. Buy coffee grounds from a GFS and drink it black in a white cup with zero sugar or creamer.

I go to StarCucks but I always poop all over the urinals and steal as many napkins & straws as I could take, then I call the barista a faggot on my way out.

Just go to a place with good coffee and buy some? Fuck user, who gives enough of a shit I'm paying for a good product not because the coffee tastes like glorious white supremacy.

If you're too much of a pussy just try costco

>not supporting small local coffee shops

Seattle's Best

Black rifle coffee

Locally owned coffee shops. Cheaper and not "cool" enough for hipster faggots.

Black rifle coffee company

Local coffee shops. Theresa. Good one in the GTA called Balzac's.

Yup. I bought myself a coffee pot, brew it in my apartment every morning. Instead of reading the newspaper, I browse Sup Forums

I don't buy coffee to go. I drink it fresh at home.

I grow my own coffee beans

To Tim Horton like a true blooded leaf.

I fucking went to starbucks once, I needed something to drink desperatly and this shit was the only thing nearby that was open. I ordered some shitt coffee there, drank it, and after 25 minutes I had a fucking psychosis because of that shit. Never again.

Also, get coffee at your local Italian restaurant.

I still go to Starbucks because I'm not an autistic whiny faggot

I don't take drugs sorry i'm not degenerate like u

>having a coffee dependency

coffee is bluepilled tb h

must you be such a fucking pussy about everything?

Tim Hortons

THIS. I had to make my wife stop buyinh starbucks. She would spend 7 bucks there every morning, and then bitch at me about money. Shut that shit down quick desu.

Imagine being so autistic you go to an Internet forum to have us validate where to buy your coffee.

make it at home you fucking lazy shitter.

perhaps it's just because I live in a Liberal city but most of the coffee shops around here are those hipster microroasters

I don't really care because it's good but ya know

tims is quite shit

my nigger.


Coffee beans go stale in like 10 days

You don't have much choice but to buy from a local roaster if you don't want to drink stale garbage.

I buy coffee from the grocery store.
I also sometimes go to cafeterias to get a coffee just to have an excuse to go outside and walk a bit, because otherwise I would never leave my room in the afternoon.

Black Rifle Coffee Co.


I buy it on Amazon

Dunkin Donuts, literally no libtards there

Buy a light roast.
Coarsely grind them.
Put in French press.
High coffee/water ratio.
Steep 3 minutes.

You'll know you did it right if it comes out almost golden in colour. The reason for the high coffee/water ratio and 3 minute steep time is because the first of the compounds released by the coffee are delicious and the last compounds to brew are the really bitter ones. By using this method, you maximize the flavour of the coffee without turning it excessively bitter.

If your coffee tastes like burnt bean juice or is so bitter you need to add sugar/milk/creme/whatever to it, then you're doing it wrong.

Tim Horton's is like Starbucks without the fat. It's still overpriced and gross.

I buy Kirkland brand it at Costco, which is the same blend/brand as Starcucks.

That coffee is garbage just like everything else in Seattle. Pic related is where its at

At home. While out, Dunkin Donuts.

>light roast

Get a load of this guy. Fuckin leaf

starcucks sales anything but coffee
hell even McDick has actual coffee for like what? $1/cup?

make your own plunger coffee.

or you can get a decent coffee machine for quite cheap these days but I cant be assed to make one with it if I have to be somewhere in the morning.

> drinking the jew beans

I agree. You also only use one hand to drink it. Two hands is the designated beta male coffee holding position. It's funny how many people think I'm crazy for drinking coffee black, but imo, if you don't like coffee black, then you don't like coffee.

Moka Pot master race and I will fucking fight you french press losers

McDonalds coffee isn't terrible for what it is. It's ok coffee for $1. I put those numbers in my calculator and I get a happy face.

Make it yourself retard. Buy yourself a nice thermos and a cheap coffee maker.

It costs me $5 a month to drink coffee every day. If you go to a coffee shop youll pay $5 for a single drink.

Only beta faggots need to rely on drugs like caffeine to get them through their day

True strength of will and physical capability is being at your most natural state without any dependencies

Buy? McDonalds offers it for free in leafland.

I drink tea but I guess that makes me a libby cuck.

Light roasts: So good they don't have to burn it tasteless and market the fuck out of it so retards think they're connaisseurs for drinking burnt bean juice.

whats the deal with you partisan shits that let politics into every aspect of your existence?
just fucking buy what tastes good

Non origineley

Coffee Beans can only grow in the southern hemisphere and parts of central america. Get your turk head out of your ass.


I just drink store bought instant black

Tims is the working man's coffee

Doesn't the moka pot rely on the water boiling? I never brew coffee with boiling water.

If you guys haven't tried a french press yet, I highly recommend it. I've switched to only french pressing my coffee. I bought a press for $25 at Target and I source my course ground coffee from a local coffee shop. You get more of the bean in your coffee, if you buy the right coffees it'll taste subtly mocha-y without anything added. Love it.

That's the first step to communism, I sense a cowardly traitor in you

One small compromise leads to a bigger compromise

Coffee shops over charge for their shit coffee. I break my joe at home, like a real red blooded American.

>drink it black in a white cup with zero sugar or creamer.

Maybe it's just the version Australia commends, but why the fuck is the standard Starbucks coffee so egregiously bitter?

And the payoff isn't even satisfying, I put three sugars in every time I go to any of them in the city and it's still the most bitter fast coffee place around.

It's a drink not a political statement. Who gives a fuck where you get it?

Voting with your dollar is one of the easiest and most effective methods of effecting change in your country.

>drink it black

I prefer to throw half a dozen things in it

I like the aeropress. It's kind of a modified french press. I feel like I can put more pressure through the filter so I get more taste. Idk, maybe it's exactly the same.

Congratulations you fell for the marketing and now you're overpaying 2-3x for a bag of coffee.

Stop drinking the caffeinated jew you addict.

Yeah but you can't really make espresso without steam, the water has to boil

But it's the steam that goes through the beans not the water

>like Starbucks but without the fat
Nigga have you ever HAD timbits? How Canadians don't have as much of an obesity problem as America does I'll never know, it's all donut holes and maple syrup up there, also poutine

I think the idea is to turn it into a political statement

>he doesn't have a pro white cafe next to his pro white barbershop.

Sucks to be you.

I take yohimbine before lifting so I don't need coffee.

My man

mcdonald trump

Yeah it's 1$ for McDonalds coffee. It's not too bad, good for emergencies and doesn't taste like dog shit. Starbucks basic brew is like $2(I drink it straight black because I don't consume that much sugar, or dairy) but my wife always wants some kind of vanilla bean fuckachino that is over $5. The food at Starbucks is alright, but is pricey compared to the actual portion size you get.

It's not a bad price as far as coffee goes.

When in Canada...second cup or Tim hortons
When in USA...dunkin donuts

Lived in Seattle.....starbucks is the arm pit of coffee, the libs can keep it.

Also just a general question, how do we make liberal faggots stop drinking coffee. I'm tired of finding every fucking coffee place owned by these dipshits. Maybe someone needs to start a bean company called "The Fürher's Roast" or something like that.

Steam is still too hot. French press lets you control the temperature. Bringing it to a boil and let it sit until it stops bubbling has given me the best results.

Drip brew master race

id probably agree with that. still hate it though

The internet. Love me some Valhalla, freshly ground.



drinking it now

I especially like the juxtaposition of the smallest laptop being used by the whale. Really emphasizes her disgusting size.

Fpbp. Just brew one up yourself in the comfort of your own home, rather than giving your money to (((Starbucks))) and sipping your spit-ridden coffee alone at a table like a faggot.
That does beg the question, though... what are some redpilled coffee brands? I'm not sure that they even exist, given how caffeine is just another addictive Jewish stimulant.

Not a fan of coffee in general, basically just a caffeine delivery service.

Tea is basically superior in every way, even at the caffeine delivery.

It's smooth as shit never burnt I don't know what to tell you man, I ain't no scientist

If you're using fiber filters, you're spending more money to get worse coffee and pollute more.

I don't see how it could make much of a difference

I make it my self fràpe is the shit

the grocery store
gas stations if I'm not at home

Boiling water won't get the most out of the beans. As far as burnt flavour, that's from getting a dark roast.


I unironically want to try the unicorn whatever it is from starcucks

I have a surplus store down the street that sells fuckhueg boxes of keurig cups from some brand called ripafritta for $25. I just buy their Italian dark roast and then use the keurig machine at work. Those boxes last me quite a long time.

Meanwhile the other recent college graduate kiddies from Baltimore and DC are going out every morning and every lunch and getting $5 cups of coffee from starbucks and dunkin'.

Get a gold mesh filter for your setup and you'll even SEE the difference in your cup. The fiber filters absorb the flavourful oils that rise to the top of the cup, giving it a shiny luster.

White men do not drink coffee, it is unnatural to our homelands and a nigger drink. You should be drinking water, coffee is the reason you cannot get up in the morning without coffee.
Stop drinking the black jew

>>anyone listening to a Turk
lol pal, us Americans actually get shit done, nothing wrong with a little coffee.

Depends on where I am. In New Hampshire it's A&E Roastery. At home it's at random places depending on mood. Even the free of charge cofee machines at work.