Aussies consider culling an already dwindling sub-class because of their feefees

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We share the planet with billions of creatures and we have to understand that in the ocean we are no longer the apex creatures. We may own the land but the sea is not our territory. An important part of conservativism is conserving nature.

losing an arm is literally the opposite of fee fees
sounds like sharks need to learn the lesson that they're no longer the apex predator of the ocean. we'll be happy to teach

what a silly name

Fuck sharks. They are the niggers of the sea

They are afraid of sharks because one of gods creatures is doing what it has been doing for billions of years. Thats literally feefees acting

if the victim was male nobody would have gotten triggered

>be australian
>know sharks are in the sea
>go in the sea anyway

Is this the beggining of the Great Shark War?

>one of gods creatures is doing what it has been doing for billions of years
so if a nigger broke your window and raped your daughter, you'd just let it be as a natural phenomenon? good to know
pic related

We do it nearly every year

Mmmm she looks like the type of girl who gets spit roasted by bbc

>i walked into a lions den and it ate me
>kill all lions

how about we cull stupid people instead?

How the fuck do Aussies expect to win a war against sharks when the couldn't even defeat the emus?

>one bitch gets attacked. Kill all sharks
>sudanese gang members attack dozens of people. Do nothing


We need Sudanese and such people to impregnate our women. Lord knows white boys won't.

Shark Lives Matter. He was a good shark just turning his life around. He didn't do anything.

>niggers of the sea

Nah I'd give that to the saltwater catfish
>looks like a nigger
>bottom feeds like a nigger
>smelly like a nigger

Why don't Australians cull niggers? They rape and murder way more 17 year olds than sharks.


They were retreating

kill everything that isnt human, white and cis 2bh

fuk u

I live on a bay, and let me tell you, cat fish ARE the fucking niggers of the sea. They're fucking disgusting.

sharks are cool and beautiful
niggers aren't

>Bodily safety and multiple deaths is feefees
Starve in H-block you dumb Paddy cunt

They're just so damn derpy looking. Do you get those monstrously huge ones or are those typically a river thing?

Lets cull the Australians instead.

quality post from a quality flag

We do it all the time, you fucking retarded yanks. Culling certain animals is necessary for both the ecosystem and our cohabitation with them. It is incredibly irresponsible to leave these things alone. Why are Americans so fucking dumb?

Nonwhites are in direct competition to whites. They threaten us directly and indirectly at all times

>chew on worlds undersea network infrastructure
>Killing almost strictly white people

Fuck these Hook Finned Sea Kikes


proving once again, that the most dangerous animal... IS MAN

The English should have done a better job of culling you potatoniggers

>Goes in to shark's home
>Upset when they get BTFO'd

The shark was only exercising his rights under the castle doctrine.

They don't have castle doctrine in Pacific Austria, just regular Austria.

Kek, would you look at that, a funny leaf.

I'm like 90% sure Western Australia has the most frequent shark attacks on humans in the world.
This is only the fatal ones.



Shark' got good taste

explain to me why it's necessary to cull sharks aside from probably 5 shark attacks a year

because anything that upsets the greens this much has to be a good idea

>Be Aussie
>Gets eaten

Don't bring religion into this.

God agrees we are their masters.

Genesis 1:26

Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

don't care about political factions, our care for wildlife and our ecosystem is the reason we're not a 3rd world shithole, altho idk how long that'll last considering (((current events)))

Why keep sharks around at all?

sharks and bears should be driven to extinction outside aquariums and zoos


We did it in the UK and our countryside is super safe for camping because No animal can hurt you

The most dangerous animals are the ones we import.

I ignore all mention of that
I've never been in a city

Shark was just finishing the job her parents started


It's always white people fucking with tigers lions and sharks. Darwin award.

Genesis 6:5,6

sharks, like wolves, should be killed on sight until they're extinct.

did the shark mistake her forehead for the ocean floor?

Won't this cause a boom in the fish population which will in turn cause a boom in the shark population?

Why the glaring lacunae in our Lord & Saviour's biography? Well it's because between the ages of 12 & 29, He was schlonging white pointers in the southern ocean with his gay lover Zane Grey.



Now there's a word I never thought I'd see on Sup Forums

Queensland here, put up the fucking nets you worst australian tards

we have had like 2 deaths in 10 years.

Stop going in the ocean.

>and we have to understand that in the ocean we are no longer the apex creatures.

But we are. As long as we're properly prepared and equipped.

Going surfing in bikinis in shark infested water without even a knife is fucking stupid. Going into bodies of water without a knife in general is stupid.

We've got helicopter patrols here in SA

When a nigger does that they are doing it to hurt you. When a shark bites a bitch who probably voted for immigrants they did it cause they though she was food. A Nigger makes a choice, a shark does its normal behavior.
There are around 5-10 deadly shark attacks a year. Do you know how many sharks are killed in illegal fishing a year? How many people are killed by cars or food poisoning every year?

Another Queenslander here. Just don't even try. This country is beyond fucked because stories like this are the norm here.

Watching the national news here is like watching a groups of monkeys in a zoo play with their feces.

>Easter weekend
>everything went perfectly until like 8 cunts got in a huge pileup and died

You're a faggot

They're all like that here,

Underwater helicopter patrols? I mean, apart from telling everyone about the Sharks you can see from the air, what else do you do, drop depth charges on them?

I love seeing foreigners react to Australian drama

Enjoy fucking up the ecosystem beyond repair. When you remove the predator from the ecosystem the prey animals no longer have anyone to kill them other than us and they will have a population boom and when you now have 10000 rabbits instead of 100 the rest of the ecosystem doesnt catch up. The prey will eat the vegetation to extinction and will leave behind a barren wasteland.
>inb4 we kill them
Spend tons of tax dollars to fix something that worked before. Genius idea you fucking neo con.

Huzzah! And you know another word you won't see on /pol? The word of knowledge, that delightful insightful gift of the Holy Spirit. Hark, I have one just now! "And saith the Lord God unto all manner of finned creatures of the sea, yea even unto those of cartilaged skeletons and they that know not what they eat, but will try anything once, I AM COME THAT THOU MAY HAVEST RAD FEEDZ OF HARLEQUIN FISH AND RED EMPORER, YET THOU DOST HARLOT THYSELVES UNTO THE FALSE GODS OF NEOPRENE & FIBREGLASS. AND LO, I SENT MY PROPHET STEVE IRWIN, AND THOU EVENST SMOTE HIM IN YOUR FOOLISHNESS. AS SURE AS ALBY MANGLES DOES SLAY YOUNG TROLLOPS BY THE LIGHT IF THE KING TIDE MOON, I SHALL SMITE YOU CUNTING SHARKS FROM THE ROARING FORTIES TO KOKAMO AND BEYOND WITH MINE OWN STRING RIGHT ARM."

THAT is the real reason we sent our fleet that side of the world

Well we tell people about the sharks you can see from the air? Then they send boats out if they get to close to shore. If they keep coming back they get dead.


it would be cheaper to cull the retarded humans

>the australians lose the shark war like they lost the emu war.

>“In light of the recent shark attack the Commonwealth would welcome any proposal to put human life first,” he said.

Okay, how about keep people out of the fucking water where sharks live? No one's ever been killed by a shark on dry land.

Thanks for that profound piece of wisdom you seppo cunt.

>No one's ever been killed by a shark on dry land.

That's what crocs are for

You don't need profound wisdom where common sense will do,

>animal populations steadily decreasing
>human populations exploding
>1 human dies, well we better kill the already dying animals

jesus Christ i hate people sometime

>implying niggers have free will

Why are they always so pissed off?

No, those would be Groupers (Or whatever these fish are).

>be Australian
>17yo white girl killed by fish
> Aussie govt decides to genocide the fish

>be Australian
>17yo white girl raped and murdered by sandniggers
>Govt invites more in

do you see the problem here?

Because people are always pissing where they swim

>Surf on your period
>Free bleeding
>Surprised when sharks attack

Good idea for a tampon commercial

The only reason there are still sharks in Australia is because abos couldn't work out how to set fire to the sea

dolphins are niggers of the sea
they are in packs

I would be too if i knew chinks killed me at record rates to eat my fins as a shitty base for a chicken noodle soup

>lost a war to emu
>losing the war on carp
>oh I know let's wage war on the sharks!
Australians confirmed the dumbest race on the planet

Canada is best ally

Piss off, fuckhead.

The number of sharks who kill people is incredibly low.

Also, comparing sharks to niggers is unfair; sharks are better behaved, contribute to the environment rather than act as leeches, and are an awesome addition to the world.

Might as well ban fucking water because people drown in it. It's a risk you take going out in the ocean. Same with sharks.

Maybe we should ban chicken nuggets cod niggas that kill muthafuckas love dem some chicken nuggets

Who in the fuck would step in that water

bitch is fucking hideous anyway

sharkbro was doing the world a favor by taking out some fugly Aussie sheila