Why do they hate each other so much? From a outsiders perspective, I can't tell these white niggers apart

Why do they hate each other so much? From a outsiders perspective, I can't tell these white niggers apart.

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why do you care, miguel?

curiosity killed the cat?

all Slavs hate each other. it's how they bond.

Nothing compared to Hungarian-Romanian relations.

because their population is iq ~60

Becuase the Serbs rape the Croats military and they had to call NATO to defend their ass

You have the same IQ like them as a Balkan nation but don't hate anyone.

Nice quads mountain jewish Serb

yeah but we're more money oriented, they're more emotions oriented

Cause we're fucking stupid.


Also growing into a culture of hating each other. Really stupid.

because muh past

Croats are Catholic Serbs. Serbs are Orthodox Serbs.

It's kind of like in Ireland where people in the north and south are identical in every way except traditional religion.

Isn't it the other way around? Serbs are Orthodox Croats and Croats are just Catholic.


Literally trolls of Warcraft by your words

Nah, Serbs are gypsies and turks mixed.

religion differences basically.
one of them is fucking catholic and the other is shithead orthodox. Both are nationalistic and want to forcibly define themselves apart.

would a better analogy be that Balkans are like women: they hate each other because they understand each other?


Mostly this.

TL;DW Yugoslavia fell, Slovaks got out quickly and the rest tried to genocide the others.

Because of history.
Croats were with the Axis (partly because of more history with Austria-Hungary) and Serbs were with Russians.


Well we are the jews of the Balkans

can some sea croat tell me advantages and disadvantages of living near the adriatic coast?

Serbs are Orthodox Croats and Croats are Catholic Serbs.

In fact, this entire mess was spawned as result of a gypsy curse bestowed upon both their houses for not letting their daughters be cucked by Vlad Tepesomir Hindüstanovsky, the Great Trader-King of Romania in the year Anno Dominovic -3145 (approx 11th century when normal people count).

Since then they ahve been fierce enemies, war between them escalated several times. Then one branch of the Orthodox Croats decided fuck all and created their own bullshit sect called the Bogomilovsky Religion of Palacinka and considered themselves as Bosses, in fact their early donations to the holy Bogomil church actually came from BOSS™. In honour of this ecnomoic dona- er.. transaction, they chose to call themselves BOSSnians and made a white flag with some fucking shield on it because it was the fashion during that time. Aaaaanyway, what is important too understand is that the Ottoman Empire wwere the only ones who could keep these animals in check and even then they still couldn't unite against a common foe no matter how muslim he is.

After the ottoman occupation the Orthodox Croats and Catholic Serbs couldn't tell eachother apart and neither could anyone else (not that they actually gave a flying fuck) so they decided to change religions to Catholic Croat and Orthodox Serb because everyone was changing their fucking religion at the time (especially the BOSSnians and ALbanians, lmao) so they thought, why the fuck not?

Then they were forced into a multicultural EU-project by king Tito-nkhamun and his Egyptian slave army. This union lasted untill approx 1990 when it was fashion for communism regimes to die. It ended in a bloody war between the Yugo-slavs who fought over if the Yugo (car) was Serbian or Croat.

So as you can see my dear friend, it is complex history of two peoples and their noble proud history and identity.

Oh. The Slovenians and Montenegrins are Venetian Jews and Macedonia = Bulgarian RP.

Thats just blue pill oversimplification

God I fucking love this

you will see a lot of meme tier answers but let me try to give you a bit broader picture. Basically, what this guy said, , really A LOT of bad blood over the last 100 years. Interestingly enough. before ww1 we were considered brother nations.

somewhat lengthy explanation of 20th century events which lead to current state of disliking, even if not hating, each other.

1) ww1 (1914 - 1918) - Croats, as part of A-H monarchy, participated in invasion of Serbia and did some bad stuff, like in every war

2) First Yugoslavia (1918 - 1941) After the war, we entered the common state with Serbs, which was not only Serb dominated, but Serbs also wanted to punish Croats for fighting for A-H and doing some bad stuff in ww1

3) ww2 (1941 - 1945) Ustashe, croats nazi guys did really bad stuff. Concentration camps for Serbs and shit, almost like a holocaust, as a revenge for oppressing croats in first Yugoslavia which was done as revenge for atrocities done by Croats in ww1

4) second Yugoslavia (1945 - 1991) - Serbs despised Croats for siding with Germans in ww2 and kinda oppressed us again, people were not allowed to call themselves Croats, police in Croatia was mostly composed of Serbs (they didnt trust us). All that as a revenge for ww2

5) War of independence 1991 - 1995 - Croats wanted independent state after 50 years of Serb dominated second Yugoslavia, and Serbs didnt plan on allowing that to happen. Many war crimes, ethnic cleansing of Croats etc

6) 1995 - Final chapter in sorrowful 20th century Cro - Serb saga. Ethnic cleansing of 300k Serbs which was done as a revenge for previous 4 years of war which was caused by Serb oppression of Croats in 2nd yugoslavia which was caused by Croat war crimes in ww2 which were caused by Serb oppression of Croats in first Yugoslavia which was caused by croats invading Serbia as part of A-H army.

tl;dr it started in 1914 and ended in 1995. We have mostly disdain, hatred and ill wishes for each other ever since

Serbian attempts of creating greater serbia and croatians beings nazis.
Bosnia is still an issue.

>50 years of Serb dominated second Yugoslavia
this part isn't true though, Tito was a Croat himself and did everything in your favor
every major fabrics were transfered in Croatia, you got everything you want while Tito spitted our country into three pieces which ultimately resulted to the seceding of Kosovo

Don't call us white please, we don't want any of your white baggage:
- We are not privileged
- We have not colonized anything
- We don't want to lash ourselves for our skin color
- We don't want to inject ourselves with female hormones like white people do
- We don't want your political correctness, your feminism, your faggotry, your nigger acceptance, and least of all your Islam acceptance

Keep your "white". We don't want this contemporary social plague.
Labeling oneself as "white" is tantamount to willingly contracting AIDS these days.
We'll have none of it.

I beg to differ

When is Slovenia getting triest back?

mmmmmmmmmmmmmm koje sise

It's not like Hitler deported almost every single jew out of the country

his is lower actually



Croats and Bosniaks are white, Serbs are turk rapebabies due to Jus Primae Noctis

what is triest? You some kind of a fascist lover my fellow brate?

nice source albozerg

Should have said no.

Because serbshits ruin literally everything they touch

I see OP did your job for you my croat diaspora

Artists name?

>all these anti-Serbian protoniggers relying on Tesla's electricity
>muh Ustace is better anyway
>muh Srebnica
>muh Kebab

[materclaws; ictiosis]

Tesla described himself as neither Croat nor Serb. He considered himself purely Yugoslav, because he knew both of us are cancerous in the same ways.
He knew that two negatives and two positives don't attract, and both us and Croats are two negatives.

You're proud of the fact your turk rapebaby brethren killed thousands of blonde blue eyed boys and men because they were muslim. You realize you're the nigger here, right? You claim to be Croat in Germany too, because you're too ashamed to look people in the eye and tell them you hail from a cesspool full of mongoloid gypsy turks. Kys, shitskin.

nice shilling skills you got there

how long have you practiced it?

Fuck you nigger he falsely assumed that Croatians are human which turned out to be false when the Ustace Niggers killed innocent Serbian civs and kids in WW2. If he was alive today he would call himself Serbian. And who gives a shit about opinions anyway when he is objectively an ETHNIC SERB, even Serbian Orthodox at that lmfao. It's not even a discussion.

And Yugo was always shit because it forces Serbs to live with Mudshits and Croats who can chimp out any second

Fuck off you retarded nigger you don't belong here. First of all you're wrong and Milosevic did nothing wrong. Neither did Arkan, Legija or anyone else.

Most importantly though even if it were blond blue eyed infants who shit rainbows that heal cancer and piss liquid gold, Muslims belong in the fucking oven and everyone on this board agrees with me so you can go off yourself.

Plus I am not Serbian but Russian you inbred gypsy. Just end yourself desu

Slovenians were the first to chimp out though.
Croats just followed the idea of their neighbor.

They hate each other because Serbia is jealous of Croatia's cultural/economic/historical/martial superiority.

Fresh from the butthurt belt reporting for duty as long as it's against the Serbs. Going as far as glorifying Croatia is low though

>jealous of Croatia's cultural/economic/historical/martial superiority.
You mean Austrian cultural/economic/historical/martial superiority.
Also you Hungarians come from Western Gokturk tribes, your language is too in-common with Turkic, your Hungarian "Jesus" was named "Atilla", and you proportionally lost more territory than we would even if Vojvodina went away.
You have nothing to make fun of others about.
You were the retarded brother in the Austria-Hungary alliance who always fucked up and had to get Austria to clean after you, as did every other territory in the alliance.



this is not a thing

Memes and Nazis

From what I've understood, it seems Serbs are butthurt of Croats constantly winning over them.

Another Balkan thread I see

Serbs got cucked by Communism, Croats got cucked by western degenerate satanic pope, each betrayed western Balkan. Now they try to redeem them self by blaming other side.
Truth be told Croats are cucks for far longer time.

All we need now is a FYROM guy and a Montenegrin and the circle is complete

They can't beat us in waterpolo despite us not having any sea,
and they couldn't beat us in war without you guys bombing us to "pave a way" as you do everywhere where you intervene in the world.


>Vojvodina goes free
>ends up like Kosovo
>worse than ever before in history with everything malfunctioning and everyone bailing from the self-"governed" territory like never before

>king Tito-nkhamun and his Egyptian slave army

>they couldn't beat us in war without you guys bombing us to "pave a way"

but I thought they bombed you in 1999
our war lasted from 91-95

Don't worry, our plans will not allow Vojvodina to suffer.

Leave Germany, mongoloid. Your wife and daughter are getting fucked by Chechens right now.

The best comment award goes to

I allways thought that Croats are Catholic Serbs and Serbs are Orthodox Turks.

well at least you're right about the first thing desu



Operation Deliberate Force was just one of the air campaigns operated by NATO with US lead.
The US and UK needed good-boy-points with the Arab world after the Kuwait and Iraq shit in order to pave a way towards 2003. We were the excuse and unfortunately our fuckup with Srebrenica.

NATO bombed the fuck out off Yugoslavian and Bosnian Serb positions not to forget they sanctioned us that we couldn't lift a finger for the Serbs in Croatia.

>Nice quads mountain jewish Serb

I thought Croats were mountain serbs
and Slovenes were Austrian rape babies

Ha-Ha, losers.
I love how Serbians involve Muricans who did shit during war for Croats and Bosniaks. You lost, your Russian brothers didn't helped you.

Because in every union of any nations, usually one from them (often title) is very chauvinistic, aggressive to others. Russia. In Yugoslavia this role taken by serbians. So others, bosnians, croatians, albanians are hate them.

Kek, u literally dont know history from 20 years ago? How is that even possible.

NATO bombed Serb positions in Bosnia in 95', that is the reason u have Dayton Agreement, Serbs were forced to give up. Even if they did win in Bosnia, and that is reflected in Dayton Agreement as well, since Serbs hold 49% of territory while being 30% ish of Bosnia population.
Also Croatia purged Serb territories in Croatia with the direct help of NATO, they were literally war rtards before the NATO chose to intervene. Croatia even entered Bosnia territory at the end of war, talk about overreaching.

And if Serbia did not cuck before the "oh they are agressing us" meme at the start of the war, Croatia would be literally 10% of its current territory. Since the Serbia controlled the army of Yugoslavia, and the war infrastructure.

Neither. Croats are Seaside Hungarians.

Croats-Catholic Serbs
Bosnians-Muslim Serbs
Slovenians-Alpine Jewish Serbs
Montenegrins-Lazy Serbs
Macedonians-cosplaying Serbs
it's not really hard

wait but aren't Hungarians just gypsies to lazy to be nomadic?

Russians didn't helped us because they couldn't lift a finger aswell whille Yeltsin was in power and Yeltsin was basicly an American pupet

I bet you are telling that to people when you chill your ass during summer in Croatia?

You fucking Serbs! It's no-not as i-if I l-like you or a-anything, baka bre!

I dthink dat i must help baklkan niggaz. Fuck youself there how u want

Essentially because Serbs are notorious backstabbers. Pic related.

Croatia is based tho.


how much is croatia expensive for summer vacation, compared to greece?

do you actually believe that arguably the smartest person in human history cared which country he belonged to?

We will invade you again just so we can be closer
those are not backstabbs

U might think dat russians help serbia today

Now for real boys. We had Serbians tho, but we purged them in 1941. and in 1991.

depends where you go tbqh
I'd say about the same
greece used to be more expensive but they had to drop prices to remain competitive what with the whole "riots in the streets, pay denbts now" situation

on the other hand the total collapse of civilization in north africa and now the ottomanization and descent into islamic barbarism in turkey, european mediterranean nations can only profit from increased tourism

But you are brothers, you need to help your brother bro.



u did not have "Serbians", u had Serbs. Those 2 are not the same.

Ure not brother to me. I saw serbians in russia and i know who u re. Fakoff bnigga