Reminder that 24 years ago today, the federal government murdered 76 people including women and children in Waco Texas

Reminder that 24 years ago today, the federal government murdered 76 people including women and children in Waco Texas.

I watched it live on tv. For me it's one of those events where the details of the day haven't faded

Thanks for greenlighting the op Hillary. What a shit show that was.


>FBI still denies they opened fire
>can fucking SEE thermal imaging of them doing it, killing them, and running over a guy with a tank

They'll never admit it either. Every single fat cat fuck involved will get away with it and die peacefully.

>compound full of pedophiles.

pol will defend this.


How many white scalps does Lon Horiuchi have, do you think.

That is one of my all time favorites.

>You need to start asking questions, dave

Good. Fucking pedophilic cult.

Sup Forums went wild that day great happening wish we could do it again

i was born and raised in that area. when it happened it was so surreal. still get the chills everytime i pass by when i'm driving home to visit family.

That's where you're wrong

They were rescuing child sex slaves from the Clinton's trafficking operation


What opinion did you have of the waco people prior to the ordeal?

At least Reno is burning in hell right now

>fbi murders a bunch of kids
>makes up lie saying their parents were pedos so the kids needed to die

fuck janet reno also.

Reno claimed her own people lied to her and tricked her into giving the go-ahead.

You realize that there was never proof of this and that Janet Reno, the woman who started this claim and gave the order to kill them, used the tactic of calling those who she was prosecuting pedophiles for decades and in over half a dozen cases these claims were completely made up.

I lied to a girl at a bar that my family were members of the branch davidians but we were out of town recruiting new members at the time the shit went down. We ended up banging. It was a clever rooze.

I wonder what would happen if the fbi and atf pulled a ruby ridge or waco now.