If you believed in real conspiracies instead of fake ones about a pizza restaurant you'd have blown #russiagate wide...

If you believed in real conspiracies instead of fake ones about a pizza restaurant you'd have blown #russiagate wide open by now.

You act like you care about lulz but you don't. You care about keeping Trump in power. It was never about lulz for you freaks. If it was you'd be blowing his ass inside out right now with all of the information that the smaller news agencies are piecing together.

Unlike groids, he actually married each of them at one point and supported the children. And they all know his name.

>your news is fake
>the blogs I read are real
Grow up kid.

We only deal in truths or funny shit. Your story is neither.

The power levels of the Russians are legendary. Recent anthropological digs have revealed that ancient tales of human history have spoken of Russian influence in what appears to be a cryptographic language across cultures and regions. The moving of the Easter Island statues was done by Russian peasants and wise men leading their armies in prayer. In fact, the building of the pyramids were led by Russian engineers, and the moon was actually first discovered by Russian wizards looking at the stars for the Divine Answers spoken to them. For you see, as Russians, they are blessed with omnipotent powers and omniscience. Nothing is outside the reach of Russians- the very programming of centuries of learned human behavior could be undone by a mere whisper of the Russian language.

Journalists try to tell the truth about Russia, but Russians cannot let the world know that Russia has such strong technological influence which can alter the very chemistry of literately anyone and object that they target. In fact, in Revelations, it tells how Russia opens both the Gate which holds the Ancient Dragon and the Gate to Heaven. Linguistic scholars have determined with great success that Russia actually created the English language and all its derivatives. Russia created planes, ice cream, and scissors. It is rumored that Russians created the Wheel too, but these are secrets which only Russians hold.

>pizzagate is news
>russiagate is blogs

Wew lad it's almost like Info Wars is your only news source.

That's literally a blog, you know.

>acting as if yanking Trump out from under the mouthbreathers who voted for him wouldn't be ultimate lulz

Fuck off Trumpfag.

That's not how meme magic works Sharia Blue, Sup Forums couldn't make your Russia fanfiction real even if it wanted to.

Feel free to post proof anytime though.

Sup Forums tried to make the pizza restaurant meme real until even Alex Jones BTFO that shit.

There's so much evidence against Trump and literally all of his goons that I'll be surprised if some of them aren't executed when it's all done. But hey you keep chasing those pizzas for the lulz because you're definitely not a Russian cuck.

Somebody has to pay better than the CIA.

Not that you have the skillset for it.

Oh shit, nice argument and proof buddy. Weird how your entire response is about pizzagate even though I never mentioned it in my post. You should maybe stop licking cock for a second and try reading my post again you cum guzzling shitfuck.

Trump is the second black president after Bill Clinton

I hate info wars. Alex Jones is a snake oil salesman. The Clintons have numerous ties to missing children. Epstein, Haiti, and they've pardoned known convicts of child explotation. Look at bills pardons, drug dealers, money launders, and child molesters.
Now let's look at the Russia evidence. Zero, or Trump would be impeached.

Nice story kid, but I'm not into dime novels.

thinking Americans dont like Putin, and dont want to be a little intenrally molested by our old frenemies

thinking were actually as retarded as you.
thinkinkin this site wasn't flooded with enough circumstantial evidence of child sex trafficking to warrant absolute sistrust of anyone promoting globalist anti russia cold war propaganda.

Thinking we don't secretly want russia to invade and kill the commies and put the women in their place.

The fact is we know you're just going out of your trying to put pizzagate to bed and sell the ms media narrativ..and frankly you can do your best if it gets you by,

but the truth is the truth. And will be revealed regardless.

Guess who's kids are smoking weed and twerking at parties?

Do the people who make these know how racist they are? Are they implying that black men usually sleep around and have lots of kids?

You need to give Muhchelle her due credit.
>-Fucked up school lunches

>4 da lulz xD

back to Sup Forums

guess who's a billionaire and not another nigger in prison

the black guy is a gay muslim

If there was any evidence, which there is not, don't you think that with how much those in power want him gone he would be gone? I dare you to answer me that. I DARE you.