Why are you still eating Shrimp??

why are you still eating Shrimp??
They are literally fish with legs!
they are like sea roaches.

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i never liked shellfish

Everytime you eat a shrimp a turko-atlantian dies.

They are crustaceans retard

Gotta get that zinc bro

Seriously, if you want some good sex blow a load on a bitch after having some shrimp, she'll be covered

Fish with legs.

Yeah nah more sea insects.

Eat them because you're white you fucking muslim scumbag GTFO

Shrimps okay, now crab is where its at bitch boii.

>why are you still eating Shrimp??
because i am not muslim or jew

they are buttery mana from heaven now fuck off

I had a date with a Danish girl.
I went to her house and she cooked me this.
She said it was corn.
It tasted atrocious

Because of high nutrient density


your probably on some kek shit to ?

theyre tasty

Denmark yes

It's an industry jews don't control.

vegan here

stopped eating the processed cancer Jew even though I'm Jewish

I'm losing weight uncontrollably, becoming way more motivated and because of that meme haircut j paid 35 dollars for bitches be mirrin

eat whatever the fuck you want I honestly don't give a shit if you're a nigger that eats KFC 24/7 but I literally cannot stop eating Seitan holy shit

I mean why are so many hipster fucks gluten free? the stuff has more protein than any meat it's unreal. fuck tofu making my own garbanzo tofu and Seitan is the fucking best

I'm not letting (((them))) give me cancer and heart disease even though (((I'm))) Jewish so whatever also genetics has nothing to do with it you niggers

>meme haircut

The undercut/Hitler youth?


Bienvenue a la Louisiane! TRY IT YOU IDIOT

What the fuck is that

you bet, with hair clay and everything

even more ironic since (((I'm))) Jewish


Its squid.

what the fuck are you a sperm whale?

why are you eating a piece of H.R. Gieger art user? What the fuck is this shit?

You are also burger. You know the rules.


Shrimp and sea food in general is actually really healthy for you.

maybe if instead of steaming the damn potatos they served all of them as a giant service of mash

solid boiled potatos like that are just filler

When I was younger, I was obsessed with shrimp. Every Christmas I'd be so delighted to have my aunt bring them. I also went to North Carolina once and ate so much shrimp I threw up.


Eat dinner.

Rinse out mouth.

Eat out Danish chick.

Knock her up and raise the next generation.


I did read the post you double nigger, no where in it did the Aussie say it was squid.

what kind of lovecraftian nightmare fuel did she serve you? That aint corn

Are you black? Every black guy I know says that.

Because tastes soooo good

If turks are roaches, nothern cypriots are shrimps?

>steaming the potatoes


The first time I had carrot cake I ate so much I threw up.

looks bland

who the fuck has a crawfish boil without putting some spices in the water

You ate a seed pod from some Lovecraftian horror. You're gonna have squid monsters bursting from your orifices.

They are bugs. I do not eat bugs.

The south has amazing cuizine but no.

prawns > shrimp


>he doesn't filter feed for krill
florida reporting

I like how you reject your meds, but this is a waste of your time.

What in the holy fucking hell is that
Please don't tell me you really ate it

>he doesn't catch crab with a fishing pole
Only pussies use nets and cages

Langostinos also taste good when roasted
Just make sure to bath them in lemon juice, garlic and parsley a few hours before

I don't insects that walk on land, so I'm not going to eat insects that walk on the ocean floor either.

>they are like sea roaches.
So what are the seas kobe beef?


liar. no danish dish has tomatos in it.

Literally just ate a kilogram of this mmmmmmm

>why are you still eating beef??
>They are literally massive fat ridden grass eating sloths!
>they are like land whales.

What's wrong with roaches? I never pass up a free meal.

I fucking hate prawns.

Why are you using a scalpel to eat it.

I look at everything that crawls walks and swims and wonder what it tastes like. God i love being human.

Who fucking cares eat her cooking say it's good then conceive holy shit this is not rocket science

>when you trying to catch fish and all you get is crabs dangling from your line

Try dipping it in Garlic Aioli


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs
in contact with aliens
rumoured to possess psychic abilities
control france with an iron fist
own castles and banks all over the world
direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
first designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies
both brothers said to have 200+ IQ
ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church
They learned fluent French in under a week
Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
The twins are 67 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human.
In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the Bog bang to the end of the universe
The Bogdanoffs will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love

Because they're delicious?

>this trash exists

No that's not why. Because i spent two months at sea fishing these fucker and now I'm put off by them.

>Can't put a kosher symbol on shrimp
Hey Rabbi, watcha doin'?


That would have turned me off living

Fuck off. You shits talk about how amazing your pizza and burgers are but I didn't have a single good one. I was eating shit burgers everyday all along Cali, NY, Vermont, NH, Nevada, Maine, CT and I didn't have one single one that I'd go back and want to eat again.

Danish education at it's finest

I didn't know turks could go undewater

food aversion is an interesting read. research suggests that it's a genetic trait, and actually doesn't become active until toddler years. which makes sense from the survival perspective
crab, shrimp and lobster are amazing.


wtf is this Sup Forums shit


What are you talking about you stupid nigger? Are you retarded? I question what the strange looking food in the Aussie's post is and you go on a tangent about conceiving with some danish female whom I've never met.
>tfw no gf

I always get crab when I don't bring a cooler of ice too, shit sucks. I hate crabs, annoying fucks. They taste good though.

steaming, boiling, its all just the use of heated water to cook the damn thing

the point is that solid potatoes like that are flavorless, weak, and just take up space in the entire thing for no reason

i agree, you should quarter them so they absorb the spicy juices better

Royalreds are no where near as good a Floridahoppers as far as taste is concerned. Yes I can tell by looking at OP pic.


I would probably try eating these but 1) I don't live in the south so any I would get where I live in CA would probably be cooked wrong and 2) I have not a clue how the fuck you are even supposed to eat them to begin with
I don't even eat shrimp if they still have the shell Bc it gets way to real for me
How could something have a head and then just "meat"
Where the fuck are the organs
God dammit now I'm triggled

Ahhhh, that brings back memories. We'd do it just like that, get a couple 10-gallon pots, boiling over a fire, throw everything in, then get some onions grilling on sticks. Take it all out, dice the onions, season with lemon and garlic and pepper, serve with lots of shitty beer and coke.

are you mad I eat cooked and baked crickets too?

they're a great source of protein and the ultimate redpilled food.

Prawns (although I personally prefer crayfish) are great too, I plan to farm some in my aquaponics setup after I move.

If you understand how aquaponics work, then you'll know the cycle starts/stops at a sink tank, so we'll start and end there

the sink tank pumps water into my tilapia and catfish tanks, that water then goes into my "pond tank"/swirl tank (this is where the bulk of the solid waste i.e. fish poop gets dumped). From the swirl tank it goes into the grow tanks (their exact order doesn't matter, but I'll have to have a lot, oh no, plenty of fresh organic greens my body will totally hate me for having so much lettuce and kale and ong choy/water spinach)

From the grow tanks the water goes into the sink tank, the lowest point of the cycle, here it is pumped back into the fish tanks and starts the cycle again.

The grow tanks clean the water, acting as the filter. And since prawns/crayfish are bottom feeders they'll be able to feed off the solid waste. I'll also grow a few plants in the swirl/pond tank.

Honestly, all of Sup Forums needs to take the aquapill already, you can grow clean organic greens in your house if you don't have enough room for a setup like my ideal one.

>shittalking master race foods

I would eat the spawn of cuthulu

This actually sounds redpilled and I swear I'll do it one day but it's gonna be a long time before I have the funds/space to do it

But he said it tasted like shit

oh shit absolutely forgot

from the grow tanks the water is sent through a hydroelectric generator to power the whole system, including lights. I'll have to play with the water pressure, but theoretically I could just use gravity with smaller and smaller pipes to force the water into a more powerful stream, but that's a question for /diy/ and not Sup Forums.

from the generator tank it goes into the sink tank and the cycle starts anew.

You need like 20 more insights to see it in its actual form.

Choose your destiny

I think your "Danish girlfriend" was trying to colonize your insides. Definitely some kind of alien egg.

Slap enough ketchup on anything and you can get it down

not eating land insects


It can really take no room in a small setup (his lacks a few of the tanks, but on such a small scale it works alright).

Mine is elaborate as fuck but it allows me to double my garden space all while growing my own fish for food.

Tilapia+Catfish+Crayfish=so much fucking protein

also it's comfy as fuck


see there are those of us on here who have already taken the bugpill.

but user, join me in taking the aquapill.

organs are in channels along the back

most of the tail mass is muscle

Actually using smaller pipes and gravity, considering air pressure actually exists, is possibly but it would be a pretty week generator
Would be easier to just use solar power faggot

I don't even have my own house yet m8 I'm only a year out of highschool in Southern California
I basically got out of highschool into a complete shithole adult world of Beanerfornia

Look this place up. They are my local fishmonger (Pensacola, Fl). They can ship anywhere in US in 24hrs on dry-ice. Guaranteed fresh.