Can anybody explain to me what it's like to be a psychopath


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It's the exact opposite of being an aspie.

>wake up
>"I think I'll kill some people today."
>kill without a second thought

Just be yourself

and without a reaction afterwards.

Most Psychopaths aren't violent though.

You're confusing psychopaths with sociopaths. Sociopaths aren't violent, psychopaths are volatile and tend to be violent.

Not really many Ceos and politicians are Psychopaths the main difference between sociopaths and psychopaths isn't actually violence it's impulsivity.

Okay, if you know so much about psychopaths then why even bother making a thread on this? How redundant.

Plot twist: he's a psychopath.

this must be how the echo chamber forms

I'm an aspie, and this makes no sense. Please provide an explanation.

I want to ask real psychopaths on what it feels lie to be them. That was the purpose

suck two dicks in the morning
suck two dicks at night
suck two dicks in the afternoon
because it makes me feel alright

suck two dicks in time of peace
and two in time of war
i suck two dicks before i suck two dicks
and then i suck two more

-anglo man, famous anglo-american artist

Sup Forums as a whole is an echo chamber.

shut up leaf

You'll not find them here, this whole site is pure autism.

You might find them on Sup Forums back in the day but yea, this entire site is full of pussies now.

That's unfortunate.

I have ASPD traits but I'm not a true psychopath, try hitting up an inmate dating service.

I agree, we should organize a new psyhopath contingent that executes random violence

i think we'd get hit by dronestrikes but THATS A RISK IM WILLING TO TAKE

Let's see, what would a bastard child of Sup Forums /k/ and oldschool Sup Forums look like?

I exhibit the most psychopathic traits a person can have, short of being convicted on those bullshit tests. Everything seems to be put into light after I started looking into it.
>abusive behavior on my part
>setting shit on fire
>saying incredibly odd and cold statements making people recoil
>walking through life in a daze untill something excites me
>irritable and generally angry for no reason
>raging alcoholic
>run into situations with someone yelling "WHAT THE FUCK YOU COULD HAVE HURT SOMEONE/YOURSELF/ME"
>just think that it's exciting
>people flip between asking me "are you okay?" "What's with your eyes?" to telling me that I am "Goofy" and "Very funny and charming"
>never reflect on anything
>going into further degenerate fetishes
>will fuck with my roommate for an hour over him borrowing $10 for gas money as he had none
Stupid petty shit like that then I will be in traffic perfectly fine, then suddenly explode "SOMEBODY BETTER BE DEAD". I will slip back into this daze. I have seen dead people before and it doesn't bother me in the slightest. I guess imagine everything being dull always looking for a "fix" I guess. Bored with talking to people, bored with life, then you suddenly remember an article about how some coalburner got beat and killed then laugh in some roundabout self righteous way.
Pretty fucking empty.
>inb4 edgy

You'll do anything to get what you want and how you want without feeling a thing for anyone else.
The ultimate greed machine.

Imagine the world as a big fucking role-playing game. You don't have any emotional attachments to anyone and you literally don't feel shit for anyone, or anything. You have to act emotional when something bad happens to your loved ones, and you have to keep yourself from laughing. However, on the other hand you "feel/know yourself to be" smarter and more intelligent than other humans in your social life. You "feel" like you can predict and tell what they think just by looking at them...

so i guess its a give and take..

>predict what they feel
Yeah it ain't hard to predict an immigrant is going to fuck your wife.

That sounds more like deceased rather than psycho but ok.
So, where and how did you gain self-awareness of your condition?

Read the book The Psychopath Test.

I always had a fixation on serial killers, of course not all of them are psychopathic, so as I read more and more into it fitting into the slots it made some sense. At first I thought it was funny as hell but it is the only explanation for my behaviors and I am positive that isn't my only personality disorder just something that I can be definitive about thinking about the events in my life.

Think about that though. A person that feels dead engaging in risky behavior up to near death is an empty individual engaging in impulsive destructive behavior. This next sentence is hard for a solid 98% of the population to understand, I want to die but I am not suicidal. After long nights of drinking and loading then unloading my SIG P250, again, again, again ,and again until I blackout from whiskey. I will be pulling the gun to my head and pulling the trigger, then the following morning pull it
Laugh and just hop in the shower. It is so surreal to make a gamble like that then forget five seconds later riding a high. It's not as fun anymore but I still do it.

relevant material, if you got the time:

This is importante to answer.
It has ALWAYS been like this?

You could possibly find them on /d/. Or on /r9k/.

It's not what the media depicts. If anything, it's far exaggerated from the truth with minor isolated incidents.

You're disconnected from reality with skewed priorities, materialism and consumerism comes before yourself. You're ridden of positive emotions, good things, and so on. You lack the ability to reflect upon yourself or self improvement. You pray upon the weak, elderly, and mentally ill because they're easy. You're plagued with constant thoughts of murder, anger, and violence it's just a matter of delivering on said thoughts. You have an innate desire to be known out from society, different from the herd but even then you're denied that simple satisfaction. You don't understand the concept of friendship or love, they're simply props which can be used to elevate yourself on the social ladder through a variety of things. You make a mountain bigger by pushing everything else to the earth.

No, it became more and more severe as I went into my adolescence. There are precursers like me lighting shit on fire but my mental state is reaching higher and higher into erratic behaviors into my early 20s. All of which coincides with previous evidence. I mean I remember my first violent thought in pre school. I don't remember the kid's face, just that he was a fat piece of shit. What I remember is pure umbridled rage and hate.

Psychopathy is an overused term by weak individuals who view anything they disagree with on even a small level. It has lost any meaning. Meanwhile the populus can encounter someone where the straw broke the camels back and they are retching out "WHAT WAS THE MOTIVE".

This is very spot on but I tried to deliver what it actually "feels" like on a mundane daily basis.

Feeling hollow, like emotions have around 1 third of the depth to me than others. Got a thrill from accidentally running a red light once and have done it several times since then but each time it's starting to feel more mundane/boring like I need to take it further next time. Everyone calls me charismatic'and likes me but truth is I really could not care less about them.

Hollow is how I'd sum it up.

Actually, you're confusing the terms. Psychopath is a misnomer for people with narcissistic personality disorder. They're very manipulative, love themselves and are emotionless but they often act in way that only benefit themselves. A sociopath is someone with antisocial personality disorder. They're often the ones that are violent, terrorize people, kill animals, etc. Both have potential to be killers but its often the antisocial more than the narcissist.

>it's an edgy teenager LARPs as a psycho on the internet episode
Protip: mentally ill people don't think that they're mentally ill. Actual psychos will never respond to OP.

Many know they're different because the learn to emulate normal people. Also there are tons of schizophrenics that know they have a mental disorder. You're pretty wrong senpai.

This is another reason why the terms have lost their meaning because of arbitrary "educated" conjecture changing on a whim every moment. Supposedly now it's simply only supposed to be referred to as ASPD, then Psychopathy and Sociopathy are essentially media terms for the masses to understand and consume.
And the Australians are awake. You couldn't tell the difference between your crackhead neighbor and a schozophrenic. I am not trying to promote "hey I am mentally ill".

Thanks goys. From what you've guys have told me it feels like a very shitty state of being.

>Many know they're different because the learn to emulate normal people.
Knowing that you're different isn't the same as believing you're mentally ill. Real narcissists are virtually impossible to treat for this reason. The cuck I was responding to is probably more of a narcissist than a psycho anyway judging by the fact that he has to invent an edgy backstory to seem interesting on the internet to literal whos.

>there are tons of schizophrenics that know they have a mental disorder
Eh, fair enough. I was pretty imprecise.

But people with these kinds of disorders are notoriously oblivious to their own illness. That's part of the disorder.

You want to be a psycho but the truth is you're just a narcissist. Go ahead, try and deny it. Refusal to accept the diagnosis is a hallmark of narcissism :).

I don't deny you're mentally ill, you're just not one of the "cool" ones.

Well like I said previously, now narcissist are "psychos" and ASPD people are "sociopaths". The words have lost their meaning but they were lazily applied before. Don't blame me though, blame academia.

Psychotics are different than psychopaths retard, but thanks anyways Australia. You truly know how to shit up threads. They claim to not know of their condition because of innocence retard. Plausible deniability. I didn't even go into extravagent detail despite the lengthy posts.
Kill yourself

i've read that a tiny percentage of psychopaths are actually self-aware, so it's possible a genuine one could respond here

Narcissism isn't synonymous with psychopathy. There is some overlap with psychopath but only in the "meanness" aspect. Narcissists have a massively inflated sense of self-importance and need for attention and admiration (obviously) which psychopaths lack. But you can be both a narcissist and a psychopath at the same time and mental illness is the opposite of lightning in that once you've got one you're a lot more likely to have others.

Yeah, and I'm talking about psychopaths - what you claim to be - not psychosis.

Shut the fuck up you stupid narcissist. You're not important and nobody cares about your LARPing.

Everything's possible. There are as many different manifestations of mental illness as there are mentally ill people.

Chances are slim, though.

Side note: Hollywood doesn't tell you this, but the vast majority of mentally ill people are also incredibly dumb. We have an image of the suave, intelligent psychopath who terrorises people and is the gentleman murderer, but the reality is they're usually low-IQ barely functional mongoloids.

You don't see people as people.
Just puppets or toon characters.


There is a concerted effort to flood our board with Reddit faggots doing a "Raid".


This thread is an attempt to slide genuine content off the board.

We are being invaded. Wake up.

Psychotic and psycopathic have the same root word you fucking mongoloid PSYCHO. Which you used repeatedly. Let me just infer what the drug addled down under cunt really meant.

One of the few to get it right.

Logic over emotion. Psychos think of emotion as tools to react to other people. If something is bad, you might have the tendency to laugh at it instead and find it funny. Basically you feel different emotions than what everyone is feeling. You tend to question what makes a person sad by impulse when you can control your sadness if you're a psycho. Saying that they're reactionless is wrong. A psycho might not care about other's feelings, it's like they view the world of feelings as black and white. Emotions don't really have a huge impact on them. If someone is crying because of their loss, you'd feel nothing and be like "Why should I give a fuck about them? They don't concern me.". BUT if psychos gain money or relationship advantage if they show a specific type of emotion, they'd do it.


You find laughter in pain.

>you claim to be a psychopath
>the entire conversation is about psychopathy
>confused what is meant by the word psycho
Like I said, most mentally ill people are also retarded.

If you were a narcissist what you would be thinking right now is that it's all my fault that you're too dumb to follow a conversation and you'd respond with an angry diatribe to protect your fragile self image.

If you were an actual psycho you'd close the tab because you don't care.

I see, thanks for clearing that up.

The point is that you don't know what you are talking about dumb cunt. I am a half bottle into Jim Beam and still more articulate than you. Let me reiterate, kill yourself.

I feel dead until I do something stupid.

I constantly look for the next level of stimulation, it only works a couple of times before I need to move on to something else.

I don't really feel emotions in the common sense of the word, I don't feel sad, happy or anxious in anyway.

The one emotion I feel is anger, when I get into a rage, I hurt people, objects and animals.

I sort of knew I was different when I didn't cry at funerals like the other kids and adults.

Got my kicks at school by being an opportunistic bully, I wasn't an open bully, but if I knew a kid was having an already shit day I would come along and make it 3 times worse.

I can be very manipulative, setting up in my head before conversation starts of what I want and how I'm going to convince this person it's what they want too.

Conversations go through stages
>small talk
>initial denial
>small talk
>sharing media
>small talk
>arrange to meet-up socially
>arrange another social occasion
>full acceptance of my will

Sometimes, depending on the person the cycle goes like this
>small talk
>full acceptance

Other times when I know people are going against my desires I fake a small "emotional" moment which is simply to get their guards down so I can continue to control their actions unconsciously.

The majority of people never put 2 and 2 together that I'm manipulating to the degree where they do things for me because it goes against everything they've been taught to believe.

I'm constantly in need of stimulation to fire up this husk I call my body.

I either, beat the fuck out of random people on a night out and blame it on me being drunk (I'm never usually drunk at all), drink alcohol, do illicit drugs, wear strangers on the internet down to the point where it starts effecting their real life etc.

So just empty

>The point is that you don't know what you are talking about dumb cunt.
And your evidence for this is...

that you made a primary school interpretation error over what I mean by "psycho"?

Your evidence for my ignorance is your own idiocy? Are you sure you want to tender that?

Just accept that you're a fucking narcissist, one of the garbage tier personality disorders, and not the cool psycho that your inflated self-image makes you want to be.

Oh wait, you can't, because your narcissism doesn't let you! Fucking kek.

I'd feel bad for bullying the mentally ill, but then I remember that narcissists are universally absolutely garbage people who belong in a gas chamber.

Society would be better off without you so hurry up and pull the trigger in a fit of drunken rage and insecurity. We're all waiting for it.

Cool bruh

You'll know that you're really dead inside when you've spent over a decade reading LARPers talk about how edgy they are.

I have no empathy but know when to fake it. Does that count?

>The one emotion I feel is anger
>So just empty
isn't that just depression you sad cunt
sounds more sociopathic to me

Fuck off fag I was curious. You can't seriously say this thread took away from any meaningful discussion.

>Many know they're different because the learn to emulate normal people
this is me, but im not a sociopath or psychopath. is this common among mental illnesses?


>mfw he's gotta get the last word in, just can't help himself, he literally has to reply
If you respond to this post you're mentally ill.

>Actual psychos will never respond to OP.
>implying they'd think psychopathy is a disorder that gives them at a disadvantage
i'd say they'd be much more proud of themselves to say this on the internet


its awesome it makes you hate gibs and niggers because you can't understand their emotions

I'm not LARPing, I've actually been formally diagnosed by a health care professional with the condition known as frontal lobe disorder.
Nah, I'm quite content with where I am socially, financially etc.

The anger I'm talking about flairs up when my current web crashes around me and I don't know what to do next, it's happened a couple of times with my earlier friendships before I honed my skills.

I actually predicted you would call the other guy a LARPer too. I guess that is he meme you got set on after you got off the bus from your drug deal, collected your welfare, then went home to post on a 2002 laptop.

>>So just empty
>So just empty
>So just empty
>So just empty
yeah i see you're quite content lol

It is like being a jew.

I'm willing to bet a real psychopath wouldn't respond even if he is one, and if he is he doesn't think that he is and is simply having a laugh at the thread. Not to mention that if he does actually post a response to the thread, he'll just make some random post that seems like the other posts in the thread.

And if he doesn't post anything, he'll just read the thread and node to things that he agrees with and shake his head and smirk at things that is more of a Hollywood impression of one.

That would be a sociopath

The brain of psychopaths is not working properly, they are not mentally slow,
their brain disfunctions in a way with only advantages.
Its not that they learned beeing a psychopath, its not possible to learn beeing a psychopath, their brain as organ is defect,
you cannot even beat sense into them.

They feel less or no compassion and mercy at all, they feel no remorse or guilt, they feel less or no fear
and on top of that their reward system in the brain is stronger than usual.

If someone claims he is a psychopath you can test it, fuck his shit up till he is too scared to claim that he is a psychopath, if you succeed he wasnt one.

It seems you're just looking for an argument.
You seem to think I said "Just empty" like I was a rock kicker depressed kid. I mean empty as in I feel absolutely no body emotional response and haven't since I became a teenager.

complete wrong lol

I've only known one of them and he was a sociopath. If you want to argue the difference between sociopaths and psychopaths, you can do that among yourselves.

In any case he was kinda fucked up. He was the kind of guy who had been beaten up both in home and at school. He always felt like everybody hates him, which in turn made him resent humanity. He was also constantly depressed, which made it difficult to hold a job. That's probably why he leeched off of other people. I'm no shrink but I think deep down he was incredibly lonely

Imagine you lack those basic gut reflexes people get when they see something. I don't wince seeing car accidents or a guy getting kicked in the balls.

I think I might think slower than the average person, maybe those emotional subroutines most people have are faster, but I definately don't have as many emotional hangups as the average person.

Diagnosed ASPD as part of a hacking investigation at my school. Managed to avoid long term consequences

not all psychopaths are socially disabled or autistic
there are people that are half psychos, 70% psychos, 10% psychos, etc.

>node to things that he agrees with and shake his head and smirk at things that is more of a Hollywood impression of one
lol your post is a hollywood impression of one

If you are socially awkward its impossible that you are a psychopath.

Well, that's more interesting then.

Frontal lobe disorder is distinct from psychopathy, but psychopathic behaviour can definitely result from frontal lobe disorder. The thing about psychopathy is that it's generally not associated with uncontrollable anger like FLD is.

Did you acquire the illness from an accident or head injury, or did you always have it?

Also, what's your IQ? If you don't know then just give me an impression of your general intelligence.

This seems like a fairly accurate description.

What defines a psychopath and can make them seem a bit creepy is that they value logic over emotion which can make them disturbing to others.

You're mostly right except that instead of nodding and smirking he's probably drooling and jerking off to weebshit.

Psychos aren't suave and genteel, they're usually dumb and crude. Mental illness is like that. It's hard for a brain that's malfunctioned as disastrously as a psycho's to also be intelligent. It can happen, sure, but it's unlikely.

that would be wrong, not all psychopaths are socially active
you know why? because they fucken hate pretending 99% of the time around others
why would psychos waste on useless people? they only want useful people, usually one or two or even none

>If someone claims he is a psychopath you can test it, fuck his shit up till he is too scared to claim that he is a psychopath, if you succeed he wasnt one.
A quintessentially German idea.

>he has a vendetta
Mega fucking kek did your mommy beat you and you think she was a poopootoad?

I believe I got it from an accident from a bouncy castle when I was around 9, it was deflated and my friend and I decided to inflate it while I was holding on to the side of it.

You know what happens next, it inflated and threw me off and I hit the frozen dirt forehead first. Terrible headaches from that day for about 3-4 weeks.

I got my IQ tested recently and it's 120 to 124.

>feeling pity for people with personality disorders

You can't trust a single thing you think you know about them. Don't bother extending your empathy to people who literally can't return it.

They should be culled. They'd do the same to us.

Randomly think about scenarios on how I would torture and kill people or scenarios on how they would end up dead, both realistic and not. For example, seeing someone driving and they have a kid in the back seat without the belt on could make you imagine the kid being catapulted out after a crash and imagining every single detail: the angle of the fall, the breaking of the bones, the effect of the friction with the pavement and how it destroys the skin, the cars failing to avoid the fool and turning it into a mess of meat and blood, what the kid is feeling, the life going away. All of this qite vividly and in great detail. You know, stuff like that. Just imagining suffering and enjoying it. It's the epitome of edginess but it's not for the sake of being edgy. You don't really tell this to other people, you just imagine it and it gives you entertainment. With a bad enough environment, turning these fantasies into reality is fairly easy.

You can call it edgy all you want but just thinking about all that blood, entrails, the reactions of the people, the discovery of the limits of pain, it all feels quite relaxing and charming.

Tbqh I've had several tests run on me by HR'S and most concluded that I have empathy problems as well as manipulative tendencies. I never really noticed lack of empathy, I have a loving family and good relationship with everybody in it, several close friends who think I'm a great guy and I helped them alot, a job what involves working with people and helping them. Mostly I have great relationship with women, but several of my gfs noticed that something is awry with me, as if under intense stress or drugs my ability to blend in social surroundings is gone and I appear coldly, mechanical. I also have no problem whatsoever inflicting violence on people, including women, if I see that hurting somebody is more beneficial than non hurting. I never give shit to beggars, but I am a blood donor and give my old clothes away.

Oh, I know he would have taken advantage of me if he could have. I've no qualms about that. I just thought it was interesting to observe him, and see how he manipulates people

It's all lumped under ASPD now, but originally it was thought that psychos have malformed brains that scan like how a person with brain damage would, and sociopathy is a coping strategy to deal with trauma.

Using this model, I'd say I imagine it must be like being heavily drunk all the time, given that they are potato, stumbling around in a haze with fleeting moments of lucidity.

Socios on the other hand are just self-absorbed, angsty faggots who think the entire world has wronged them and decide they're 'above' it all.

The majority of these types are typical 'white trash' from poor backgroundds, addiction is also a common factor, nothing like le superhuman Hannibal Lector stereotype.

Thats wrong, they love contact with people, because they feel no negative impact,
they have no shame or stress like some loser, they only feel the good things.

Also humans like to be social by nature, so a are psychopaths, they get the dopamin from the acknowledgment,
but they dont get the negative impact if they get blamed or shamed or whatever.

They dont need to "pretend" to be when they are around other people.
Other people dont really matter to them, they are like npcs for them and I dont confuse them with Narcists or Aspergers.

>Using this model, I'd say I imagine it must be like being heavily drunk all the time, given that they are potato, stumbling around in a haze with fleeting moments of lucidity.

Ding ding ding! When you're on day 2 or 3 of a drinking binge you know that feel

To defy judaism.

Welp, that sucks but fair enough.

I work with a lot of personality disorder cases, and my advice to you is the same as the advice I give to them (less bluntly, obviously): try and stay out of jail and get a job that pays good money and in two or three decades we might be able to fix you somehow and you might be able to afford it. In the meantime just do what your health professionals tell you because they understand this world better than you do, and you're going to need their help to not end up in jail and then shivved for pissing off the wrong buck nigger far from the support you actually need.

I'd be interested to know what an average day is like for you. Are you a NEET or do you have a job? Do you have a specific example of a time you manipulated someone into doing something they really didn't want to do? Thinking back on that example, what are your thoughts?

Best of luck in your life, user. You are technically still on some level a person so I guess I will waste a few words on wishing you well.

>You'll do anything to get what you want and how you want without feeling a thing for anyone else.
>The ultimate greed machine


Emotion is copied rather than felt. All the other differences stem from the effect that that has on our values.

>Just imagining suffering and enjoying it
this might be just some other sociopathy mental disorder or some weird edgy shit
psychopaths aren't like that, not unless if they're doing this for a science experiment or something
everything that they do has a purpose, and bludgeoning people doesn't seem like it has any purpose not unless if they want to exact revenge

an example of a psychopath is a person rejoicing from a destruction of a company or a death of a person because they'd get money or some advantage in return

>they love contact with people
That's wrong, they hate contact with people
the more people there are, the more chances that things are not gonna go well for the psychopath

well that would also depend on the type of people that they're around with
>they love contact with people
is just their ploy to show emotions to others on how they feel about them
usually psychos don't tend to care about their bullshit that slows them down
they are not usually the ones to engage, not unless there's a value in return
they are humans, not einstein, they don't know everything
they might not feel much emotions, but they know the differences between taking risks based on what they know