Germany rising - EU empire edition

Donald Trump’s ascent to power in the US has exacerbated German worries over Brexit. The Trump presidency is probably more traumatic for Germany than any other country, his values being diametrically opposed to the liberal, postmodern, rules-based, multilateral world-view that permeates Germany’s ruling elite. As a German diplomat put it: “It is hard for us to understand his nationalism, which goes against our DNA, yet China and Russia get it.”

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You mean Germany falling? If a nation preserving its values is threatening to you and your countrymen, that's not a good sign.

What do they mean by allow?

This system gives a negotiated withdrawal, due to the complexities of leaving the EU (particularly concerning the euro). However it does include in it a strong implication of a unilateral right to withdraw. This is through the fact the state would decide "in accordance with its own constitutional requirements" and that the end of the treaties' application in said state is not dependent on any agreement being reached (it would occur after two years regardless).[3]

Nationalism... against German 'DNA'

You entire nation has been a giant brainwash laboratory for the last 60 years.

That's not your DNA. That's decades of thought control at work. You'll probably realize nationalism isn't always such a bad thing at some point, but I'm pretty sure it will be too late by then.

They basically mean they want to make it as big of a pain in the ass as they can.

>That's decades of thought control at work.
Anglos and Burgers made us what we are today. They banned nationalism by threat of the death penalty. So we embraced internationalism and free trade and pacificsm.

You cannot now say "oh no! that was wrong, go back to nationalism" just because you folks are all uncompetitive on an international stage.

Why can't you guys just stop taking things to the extreme? first you're all, "there can only be one race!", now you're like, "theres no such thing as race bruh, just the human race". Why can't you guys just have the logic to repel an invasion when its happening (i.e. migrant crisis), but not go invading people yourselves? and another thing; stop trying to control Europe and force everyone to think your way.


>It is hard for us to understand his nationalism, which goes against our DNA
yeah, right

All Britain needs to do is wait 2 years, both sides have to agree to extend. It's not Germany's call.

>It is hard for us to understand his nationalism, which goes against our DNA


GERMANY why is your country such a shit

Theoretically, Britain could just say fuck it and close the borders and stop paying EU dues. The EU certainly will not take military action

until you fall again. Your shitty country is doomed to fail over and over again.

God, why can Germans still not shut the fuck up about Brexit.

>When your Union is so good you have to try to force members to stay


60 years of foreign ruling who are shitscared off us going full nationalistic again.
If you manage to brainwash a whole generation, that generation will fuck up the next generation even more.
Which we are in now, the second generation indoctrinated by the first.

>It is hard for us to understand his nationalism, which goes against our DNA

Germany, YES!

They're not even pretending anymore.

What the hell germany?
What is your point exacly?

> nationalism, which goes against our DNA
kill yourself fucking cuck,one day we will cleanse our country again

With arabs and niggers having 6 kids per women in our country and us having 2 MAXIMUM?

Give up already.

Well he kinda has a point.

One more go at it?
aren't you just tired of it all yet?

>give up like me

This ordeal is conclusive proof that your path is what NOT to do

That author is the director of a pro-EU thinktank based in London.

He's squirming at the thought of losing his comfy job.

Oh hey nippon, question not related to thread, why did you make that Hetalia stuff?
Literaly making WW2 into gay anime.

Germany is rising again and nobody can stop us.

>Germans declare war on Russia and calls in Japan
>US declares war on Japan; Japan calls in Germany

It's funny how every time Germany tries to rise in the world, everyone hates them for it. Trying to become Roman KANGZ by killing the Roman Empire. Larping as said KANGZ as the Holy Roman Empire. Trying to rise up in WW1 and get smacked down. Try to rise up again in WW2 and get smacked down again. And now the EU.

Maybe nuking them would fix them like Japan. Like Jesus Christ, native Germans have a lower birth rate than Japan for crying out loud.


britkeks on suicide watch when?

Yes. Yes, we can.

Halt die fresse
Deutschland geht unter, wenn wir es im September nicht richtig machen.

Womit? Das nächste Bundesagenten Aufflanglager AFD wählen?

Das einzige was Änderung bringen könnte ist den ganzen Scheiss niederbrennen und wiederaufbauen. Es gibt nichts zu wählen, es gibt keine Wahl, alles der selbe Scheiss.

>AfDkek detektiert

Spreng dich weg Kevin

Die AfD ist quasi die letzte Hoffnung.
Der ganze scheiß wird brennen, wenn die Moslems irgendwann feststellen, dass sie in der Position sind zu fordern. Sie werden fordern, fordern, fordern bis es den Deutschen zu bunt wird. 100% Bürgerkrieg.

Wir müssen uns dann schon fast über die EU Armee freuen. Dieser Krieg in Europa wird Nationalstaaten begraben und uns in ein vereinigtes Europa führen.

Deutsche Tradition adé!


Germany is the absolute worst

Junge, die AFD ist nichts. Du klingst als würdest du irgendwas nachlabern und hast selber nicht nachgedacht.
Es gibt gute Gründe warum eine Partei wie die AFD plötzlich aufgetaucht ist. Ihr seid nicht besser als die NPD.

Zu Anfang hatte die AFD noch rationale Punkte zu vertreten, aber nach der ganzen Schmierkampagne und der Unterwanderung und vor allen Dingen der Abwanderung einiger höchst kompetenter Leute ist die AFD nichts als die NPD light momentan.

Wach auf Junge. Wir müssen uns bald im Straßenkampf testen. Geh lieber trainieren als wählen.

Antifa-Troll oder dumm wie Scheisse. Vllt. auch beides.

Is klar Kindchen.
Was immer dir hilft zu schlafen.

Runājat angliski lūdzu!
Paldies vācija.

>You cannot now say "oh no! that was wrong, go back to nationalism" just because you folks are all uncompetitive on an international stage.

We actually can and there's going to be another Rape of Berlin by the time we're done, kraut

Cant wait for the British tears

What does Brittain offer the EU ? They have no pressure on EU to make demands.

>B...but all the EU people in Brittain

Mostly good skilled workers going to immigrate back to their countries boosting the ecnomoy


Please do nuke this shithole ... average GDP per capita would even go up 4% ...

Implying we care about anything besides our own economy.

Muhhh values: We sell Tanks to saudis who use them to kill shitskins in the desert. We sell submarines to the kikes in israel.
We cuck the EU, according to our politicians the most important project in all of our history by lending them money so they can buy our shit. We are basically running the same scam that the chinese are running with the US. Britain was smart enough to get this and GTFO of this ponzi scheme.

Absoluter Schwachkopf, nahezu alle Probleme die wir haben werden von den gestörten korrupten alten Parteien verursacht,
von welchen du dich elegant in den Arsch ficken lässt wenn du nicht Afd wählst.

Allein schon um die alten Parteien zu verdrängen solltest du Afd wählen.
Was ist überhaupt dein Punkt? Hauptsache nicht le Nazi?

Wenn du nicht wählst, wählst du automatisch die alten Drecksparteien, welche so oder so wieder ne riesen Koalition bilden nur damit sie
an der macht bleiben können um Straffreiheit für Triebtäter zu garantieren und damit ihr Propagandachannel finanziert wird.

Die AfD-Lappen trauern. Mutti macht das schon.


>nationalism, which goes against our DNA

Deutscher wehr dich! Waehl nicht die AfD!

>Deutscher wehr dich!
>Waehl nicht die AfD!

Als ob (((Mutti))) und ihre Grosse Koalition, die die Bevoelkerungszersetzung angestossen hat, so eine bessere Loesung waere.

>which goes against our DNA
Literally from the lips of people who were running concentration camps in the name of their own twisted nationalism 70 odd years ago.

WTF Eesti......

All the EU workers I've talked to have one thing in common. They prefer doing shit work in the UK than trying to live in their own country doing whatever they trained for. EU pols should pepper their angus if we stop taking their workers.

So Germans actualy addmit that they control the EU?

Der Zug rollt und niemand kann ihn aufhalten. Das is die Realitaet. Deutschland wird weiter die grosse Koalition waehlen solange die Wirtschaft waechst und man ein ueberdurchschnittliches Einkommen kriegt. Niemand wird sich auf Experimente einlassen und die Trottel von der AfD waehlen. Die zersetzen gerade sich selber.

Ich noin understanded douch, danke douch mann talken english plenn

In two weeks it won't matter. When Le Pen wins the European union and the Euro are dead.

Schon wahr - witzig wird's in dem Moment wo die Wirtschaft anfaengt zu stottern und man merkt, dass Illegal Eingewanderte dann doch recht viel vom Kuchen haben wollen (Schutzgeldzahlungen damit sie nicht randalieren).

Just wait some years and german will be the new EU language.

I think what everyone is telling Germany is: stay down, if you keep getting up we will hit you harder and make sure you stay down next time.

Mark my fucking words:

Germany will start WWIII
Somehow, some way, they'll not rest until they start another world war.

>As a German diplomat put it: “It is hard for us to understand his nationalism, which goes against our DNA, yet China and Russia get it.”
Yeah, get fucked you cunt. I understand it perfectly well. And so does everyone else, it's just the German institutions are full to the rim with fucking faggots.

Nah as much as i like Germany (My own surname comes from Baltic german who lived here)
EU was a mistake.
Small and poor countrie like Baltics are losing there population for the richer western countries.
And rich countries are experiancing a lot of imigration from eastern europe.
Eaven without muslim refugees it's bad idea.

>to the rim with fucking faggots

Remember this is a diplomat talking to the Guardian, of all things.

He probably gave them what they want to hear and later on went out for drinks with his colleagues to share a laugh over it.

>Illegal Eingewanderte dann doch recht viel vom Kuchen haben wollen
Wie lange wird das dauern? 5 Jahre, 10 Jahre. Bis Dahin hat jeder die AfD oder die Fluechtlinge vergessen! Warum? Alle junge Menschen ziehen in grosse Staedte, weil eben dort die besten Arbeitschancen sind und man viel Geld verdienen kann. Die einzigen die "national" waehlen sind die Doerfer oder kleine Staedte die recht homogen strukturiert sind. Diejenigen die in Grossstdaedten wohnen gewoehnen sich recht schnell an die "Vielfalt" der Menschen und orientieren daher and der Merheit. (Beweis: Wahlunterschiede in Ost und West)

>Wie lange wird das dauern? 5 Jahre, 10 Jahre.
Typischerweise kommen Rezessionen immer recht schnell nach neuen Arbeitsmarktrekorden.

"Wenn Amerika hustet" . . .

Anglo-Russian-American Entente to crush the continent i.e. the Merkel Germ.

>It is hard for us to understand his nationalism, which goes against our DNA

The fuck it is

>EU was a mistake.
EU was not a mistake. All East-Europe countries gaining wealth because of EU and their support.


Edgy 16 year old Antifa-troll detected. Good advice on the recommendation to go lift though. Every German should hit the gym RIGHT now.

Deutsche, wehrt euch!
Wählt die AfD!

Du sollst an Deutschlands Zukunft glauben
An deines Volkes Auferstehen
Sollst den Glauben nicht verlieren
Trotz allem, allem was gescheh'n
Und handeln sollst du
Als hinge
Von deinem Tun allein
Das Schicksal ab der deutschen Dinge
Und die Verantwortung wär' dein

Unsere Haupteinnahmen kommen ja vom Maschinenbau und solange dieser Sektor halbwegs arbeitet kann ich dir 100% geben, dass Mutti am Lenkrad bleiben wird.

>All East-Europe countries gaining wealth because of EU and their support.
Yes but at the same time lossing 20% of there population like we did.
Right now we are one of the fastest economicaly growing countries in EU but still is it worth the price of lossing so many people?And not being abble to dictate 20% of your own laws?
Also thanks for Riga and Lutheranism germany.
I am thinking on learning german, becouse i have some german heretage, as i said.

Why is it that Germans in particular have such a hardon for the EU? Everyone else seems to either want out or are indifferent, but krauts will whore out their daughter for it. I don't get it.

Becouse they are the ones who dictate the EU this is 4th reich.


No the EU was a great idea. A continent with 500 million people should work together to compete against fucking nations that have thrice the population alone ( China for example )

But the result we got is way to bloated, slow

>go lift though
Deswegen seid ihr AfD Waehler die Versager! Anstatt mal ein politisches Programm aufbauen, welches auch ins 21 Jahrhundert passt, traeumt ihr noch vom Adi.

I was pro-EU before your left wing retarded politicians floded the continent with Unskilled low IQ barbarians.

They come back when you begin a boom.

Germany must be crushed under the Anglo wheel of war

Germans aren't allowed to be German patriots so they fill the gap with meme 'European patriotism' instead.

Germany was a mistake.

I think this is a common pattern all across the EU

>price of lossing so many people
This is the FREE market. You can go anywhere you like and work there. And if people leaving your country than it is the fault of your goverment that they cannot provide better economical environment for new business and so on.

>you can not say

Yeah. Yeah we can, faggot. Get with the program. Your country is brainwashed

lmao at britain thinking it's still relevant in the slightest

Those people left for other countries and openly offended us, i have no respect for them and think they shouldn't be abble to get back once we get to western european levels.

Ich träume nicht vom Adi und bin auch kein Nazi, mein Freund. Kann mit diesem Scheiß überhaupt nix anfangen, genauso wenig mit Höcke oder diesen ganzen bescheuerten Memes dazu.
Die AfD ist jedoch auf dem richtigen Weg und die einzig wählbare Option momentan. Meuthen z.B. ist sehr gut.


If I told you how much taxes we pay here in the Baltics,

you'd bust a nut and get on a plane.

Sorry but I don't get it. I mean if you have the posibility work in Germany and get paid better than I'm sure anybody would do it even you.

>This is free market and it's
Yes the EU is and it's a mistake, we shouldn't have let people get to any country they plese as soon there country join EU, needed to have some regulations to it, that would prevent them from traveling to richer EU countries, at least while they are not devoloped as good as western europe.
>And if people leaving your country than it is the fault of your goverment that they cannot provide better economical environment for new business and so on.
We unlike you suffered a lot from comunism, don't act like it is our foult.
(Pic related) we where on western level before USSR ocupations.
Eaven east germany is lacking behind of the rest of germany.

That makes no sense. The Irish people that came back came back with experiene and piles of cash.

Woher nimmst du die Sicherheit, dass die AfD nicht genauso zu einem Schatten ihrer selbst wird wie die Linken/Gruenen ... Sobald sie Blut lecken und verstehen, dass man durch Lobbyarbeit recht gut die eignen Taschen fuehllen kann, dann werden sie das auch tun.

Sorry Germany is worse.


Because their DNA wants them to rule all of Europe, but their brains were broken by SOME PEOPLE and so they had to go through mental gymnastics in order to justify German empire.

I can go to Germany any time, but i never have and never will, there are more things then money in life, germany.If you would ask Latvian youth as what nationality they asociate: European or Latvia do you realy think they would say European?
I don't whant this country to be just part of Europe, i whant it to have it's identity.And those people are weak scumbags who leave just becouse they got paid few shekhels less then in UK.
But i can understand why you have no idea what i am talking about, 1939 german would, not you.


Germans seem to always take whatever current ideology they have and put it to the maximum until it fails.

>multilateral world-view
>we're want to screw an entire country out of spite

We should scrap EU and start a confederacy.