Why has Islamdom not made any progress in almost 800 years?

Why has Islamdom not made any progress in almost 800 years?

Even the Ottomans never advanced anything. The last Muslims to do anything useful were the Abassids.

What's to blame? Inbreeding? Islam? Mongols?

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The eternal Anglo.

Islam's decline started before anglos were relevant.

1200's: Mongol Invasions depopulated the Middle East by 70-90%. The advanced parts specifically, Iraq, Iran and Khorasan wiped out and population centres slaughtered or fled West.

1400's: Tamerlane, a supposed descendant of Ghengis Khan, made the same invasion into the Islamic World and depopulated the same region by 70-90%.

1500's: Islamic World slowly getting on its feet again with the Ottomans and Safavid Empires quickly growing

1600's: Western Europeans discover direct trade routes to the East, which circumvent the Silk Road. The Silk Road dies out and it sends the Islamic economies terminal. The Safavid Empire collapses and the Ottoman Empire becomes the Sick Man of Europe and internally decays over the next few centuries. Islamic World is too late to get into colonialism

1700's; The wars of Nader Shah. Persia is conquered by Afghans and major cities are depopulated. Out of the ruins comes a Turkish warlord called Nader Shah who in a shocking campaign simultaneously defeats Ottomans, Russians, Afghans and Mughals in quick succession are re-establishes Persia. Ottoman Empire continues to decay and Europeans manage to adapt to Ottoman warfare tactics and start winning

1800's: Ottomans still decaying, everyone fully recognising it. The Qajars take Persia but are inept rulers, easily manipulated and directed by British and Russian governments.

1900's: Persia is now considered one of the poorest regions in the world. Ottoman Empire is taking its last breaths and decides to join WW1 in hope to save itself from being pulled apart by other Great Powers. Ottoman Empire collapses and in the vacuum arises many ideologies and identities fighting for supremacy, as well as foreign powers meddling for their own reasons.

So basically a devastating war that depopulated the region every couple centuries and the Silk Road died out.

Thanks for the post. Similar issues have been shared by other Civilizations though, like the Chinese. They were able to get back on their feet so there has to be more to it. How about conversions to Islam? Or the stuff about theologians like al-Ghazali discrediting philosophy which took more influence from Greece/Rome?

Also Tamerlane was Muslim so does he count towards this?

Last thing, what's up with Persia becoming so poor? Where can I read more about that?

Not quite the same. West China was utterly depopulated by the Mongols and never quite recovered. There were two massive Chinese Empires on the East but they didn't get hit quite as hard as the Islamic World or West China. Also, after this period China went back into isolation and were able to handle themselves while the Islamic World had a few more events come later on the scale of the Mongol invasions.

Persia took about 500 years to become majority muslim after the Islamic Conquest, which mostly happened during the Abbasid Caliphate. The Mongols, after putting the region to the sword, ironically saved Persia from become Arabic in identity (like the rest of the middle east) because they put one of their Epics called the Shahnameh into mass production. The Shahnahmeh kept the Persian language essentially stable for the last 1000 years.

The Semitic populations (Levant, Mesopotamia, Arabia) adopted Arabic quite quickly because their languages were already in that same area and the Quran itself was very influential (it's basically poetry in Classical Arabic and it spread very quickly).

Tamerlane was muslim but religion mattered little to it, he was emulating his ancestor Ghengis Khan and the Mongol hordes, that was the prime motivating factor. It was muslims fighting muslims

Thanks that puts it into perspective, very informative. So I guess you can really boil it down to Mongols.

hold on i'll write a bit more. Mongols got the ball rolling but there's more to it

So when you look into the history of Asia (East and West Asia) from antiquity right up to about 1800's there's a common dichotomy playing out over and over, which is settled civilized people vs horseriding nomads.

Settled civilized people had agrarian based food sources and towns, with artisans and sometimes professional armies (warrior castes) but often armed peasants/farmers.

Nomadic Horsemen societies were all warriors from birth. Raised riding horses and raised shooting bows. they traveled with their cities and families in caravans and they moved from place to place.

The settled vs nomad is an issue because settled civilization prospers out of taxation of production/trade as well as skilled artisans in their domain learning and sharing knowledge. Meanwhile, nomadic horseman culturally cared zero for any of this. They would prefer to turn cities into pastures to feed their horses. They didn't need taxation as they could loot, they didn't need artisans they didn't need walled cities.

So settled civilizations like Persia and China would wall themselves off from the nomadic peoples in the steppes and they would fight nonstop for a few thousand years occasionally hitting each other hard but always pretty much balancing out.

The balance ended with the Mongols who for the next several hundred years made settled civilization weaker than the nomadic alternative. After the Mongols the Islamic World was pretty much at the mercy of whatever nomadic people launched out of the steppe in hiding. Whether that was Timur, the Qajars, the Afshars, the Safavids. Settled civilization was never really able to properly put up a defense against these horsemen tribes ever again. I mean settled civilization was conquered by nomads before but the devastation was minimal enough that society still progressed technologically. That changed with the Mongols onwards.

There's a lot more to it obviously but yeah the death throes of the Islamic World began with Mongols

You called?

daily reminder that ottofags were not a turkic empire, after the 3rd ruler it fell to ar*b cultists. if it wasn't for stupid ottofags there would be no such thing as islam now. they genocided turks who opposed this death cult and replaced them with subhumans from middle east. another redpill about islam is that it was taken over by ar*b cultists (umayyads)


you talk shit about islam, turks and middle east all day but you don't know anything about them, only retarded memes done thousand times




>What's to blame?


>Islamic World is too late to get into colonialism

True, but only because they chose to waste their opportunities - Islamic caliphates controlled the coast of Morocco and the coast of Iberia by the 800's.

Which means they could have developed their existing ship technology designed for Indian Ocean trade into the Atlantic, and discovered the Americas centuries before Europeans - but they never did.

timur (tamerlane) was a turk and he knew what was going on in ottomans and how they were taken over by this cult. he waged war and defeated them but he didn't annex because he didn't want another turkic state to get destroyed


this was a huge mistake though, the death cult regained power again and you know the rest

Fuck Islam. We need to be rid of that disgusting backwards ideology and embrace a Arab/North African nationalism based ideology. The entire MENA region needs another Ataturk.

pic related is the ottoman sultan who served the ar*b death cult and ruled the state for them. notice anything?

All this happend because Islam doesn't promote growth, it kills free will, and you only serve like ant or die.

It's really good if you want enslave people
Bad if you want to reach the stars and prevent mass exictions events.

Retard we decxl
Lpveped Tô circunvent the Muslim s to reach Índia Ottoman
Empirea controlled the land routes

Middle east was great before Islam
The persians that you hated for being degenrate , free the middle east abolishing slavery , creating human rights, promoting free will and tolerance.

Then muzzies came and fuck everything up, islam only grows when it conqures and steals.

Muzzies brought back slavery, enforced and had quran laws that defined how to treat slaves, Muzzies killed freedomz and free will, by killing anyone that would speak againts , that would think or be not a muzzie.

It doesn't matter "these retarded memes" since they are not far from the truth, you could have said 100 years ago that we don't kno anything about Islam or it's history, but i'm sorry my roach pal... but it's no longer true.

We know plently about Islam, we know your intentions, we know every well.

Turks were tengri, they embraced Islam ... well the nobles and kings did, because it was an effective tool to take over people , to enslave them and brian wash them to die and conqure so that the RICH and powerful be more rich.

As your quran says, the word of the Imam is law , he is god send and questioning him may mean death.

There is no freedom in Islam, only death or servitude.

You tell me what "islam" means if not "to serve" .. try to prove me wrong, just try it.

Islam killed great nations, destoryed economies, allowed the crandle of fucking civiliations to fall.

You are not great, and the only fucking reason you Turkey are anything of worth today in 2017 or 1400 or wtf is your fucking date, is because of that fucking great man ataturk, who saw the down fall of his country and created policies that reflected those of the west... banned polygami, banned burkas, banned the things that makes you pieces of crap.

> a Arab/North African nationalism based ideology

You wuz Berbers?

A centuries long series of conflict and wars with them including but not limited to those which we collectively refer to as the Crusades contibuted significantly to what people see/saw as the Christian "Dark Age" and until recently we remembered to not let them spread again.

They're genetically stupid.

Inbreeding and killing any human that tries to advance muslim society while contradicting the Koran.

If muslims had their way they would reduce all technology on this planet back to 1100 A.D because in their view all this tech is doing to corrupting muslims.

Daily reminder
Muzzies are not special, they kill each other like everybody else.

I onced talked with a muzzie female that was trying to convice me that Islam was great that no conflics happen between muzzies.

A female that was raped wearing a burka, and later tried to killed herself 3 times, because of the same.

What does the quran says you fucking piece of shit? That a woman is protect by God if she wears the burka?

Wrong you fucking piece of shit, you do not control men by removing temptations, you educate them... but you dont want them to be educated , to think you want to serve.

What happens to a woman that is raped "wearing a burka" in Pakistan? do you know? she is raped by the police , one by one takes her time to rape her to teach her a lesson that you SHOULDN'T report rapes.

Atleast europeans fought with eachother to eforce, peace, stop atrocities, to stop abuse. While you JUST TO CONQURE AND ENSLAVE.

Now stfu about your Islamic propaganda and go out and enjoy a fucking Effes, eat a Pork burger and go have gay sex in Istambul(rightful christian city by the name of Constantinopol)

Of course they are
It's easier to control humans if you are back to 1100 A.D
You just dont feed them, and send their men to die so that the calif and his people grow their wealth.

Women are less than shit in Islam, you are not even supposed to show any hint of empathy towards women in Islam.

From a muslim's point of view, western men are completely insane.

Boy fucking is a Caucasoid trait as Euros fucked boys as well.

did you even read a single word I wrote? I'm not even a muzzie fucks sake. I have stuff to do so here is a tldr

>muhammad is kill
>house of umayyad (ar*b cultists who hate muhammad) take over
>they corrupt muhammad's teachings
>they get rekt by mongols, tamerlane and khazar turks
>they infiltrate ottomans and use it as flag ship (just as how kikes use USA today)

sorry I have work to do, if anyone's interested with the subject research the links I've posted, that's where the real redpill lies. Sup Forums should drop normie tier memes and research further on the subject

Only reason these fags hate Islam is because they are mindless slaves to western women.


Makes me laugh everytime I see a european slut defend a muslim over their own man, clearly shows who is the real man.

also turks didn't just embrace islam, there were countless genocides done by ar*bs and wars between ar*bs and turkic city states

It's named ba'athism, and was killed off by the (((Americans))).