See, you can't blame people for eating unhealthy when eating healthy is more expensive

See, you can't blame people for eating unhealthy when eating healthy is more expensive.

Other urls found in this thread:

>I'm fat because I'm too stupid to buy things on sale let alone grow my own vegetables

That pineapple is like $6 by itself. Who the fuck gets a full pineapple while on a budget?

>im poor so I literally can't stop stuffing my face with 6 gorillion times of recommended calorie intake on the daily

No wonder that person is poor and fat. Xe's an idiot when it comes to grocery shopping on a budget.

She posted receipt:

$21.75 for the grapes
$3 for the pineapple
$4 for the raspberries
$1.69 for the soda
$1 for the nuts
$1 donation to united way

>eating that much fruit


Just have an orange or apple every day.

>eating healthy
>is more expensive.

only if you're retarded nigger.

They shopped at the most expensive store or they're lying. All that food can be had for much less. Fatties are lying (down) all the time.

>2 bags of grapes
>1 big pineapple

How TF are her grapes so expensive

>buys glucose snacks
Neck yourself u stupid nigger . Look up ketosis

bags of grapes
big pineapple
Because they're being imported from 6000 miles away and they the most expensive fruits at the given moment.

>excessive amounts of fruit

Like how they grabbed some of the most expensive fruit out there. You could likewise grab around 8 fucking bags of apples for the same price

Of course their fucking fat, who the hell just eats fruit and think that all you need. Buy some frozen veggies, chicken breasts and rice. God are fat people retard as well?

why did seh buy only fruit wtf

Out of season fruit is pricey and usually of poor quality. Who knew?

>21 dollars for grapes
what the fuck, I could get that many grapes for 2 quid

We need to make dietary classes mandatory to graduate highschool.

How many grapes did she buy?
ten bags?

out of season?

Apples run about $1.50-$3/pound, so a couple of bags of apples would run you about $20-$40

Gas yourself low test ketard

Isn't that already being taught to some extent in Home Economics?

>Everyone can just grow their own vegetables and fruit
>70 percent of U.S. population lives in cities

You're not very smart, are you?

>buy $32 dollars of rice and beans
>have enough food for months
>lose weight

I'm a poorfag who lives alone. I basically exist on a diet of either rice, pasta or potatoes with a mixture of frozen vegetables and/or legumes. Provided that I keep mixing things up with difference sauces or herbs/spices it doesn't really get boring at all, and I spend less money on food in a month than some of my peers spend in a week.

Grapes are usually expensive as fuck. They are not regular fruits.
I still remember paying two times the price on New Year Eve.

>healthy food
>all sugar

I can eat $32 worth of McDonald's and not get fat. The issue isn't cost. It's that people buy fucking $20 of McDonald's and eat it in one sitting which amounts to thousands of calories PER MEAL. People don't into portion control, especially with calorie dense foods like McDuck, and that's why they're fucking fat.

Rooftop garden, balcony garden.

It's all dependent on where you live, OP's pic is probably a city slicker and bought organic shit. 32 dollars would be enough fruit and veg for at least a week here, and I usually don't eat fruit every day. If that's what city fags pay normally for fruit, I'm so sorry.

wow you got ripped. i can get that for 10$ and vegetables/fruit are the cheapest thing in the store.

>Buys a bunch of off season fruit and some kind of snack bar

Who the hell goes shopping and thinks this is what eating healthy looks like?

I could get all that for about $12 at Aldis.

Even if you eat fast food exclusively you can fight calories, stay active and be thin.

Food gives a big dopamine hit to the brain and their naturally lazy lifestyles don't stimulate them very much, if at all, so food becomes the one thing they go back to again and again. The only reason to live, basically. Of course they get fat.

We need to stop treating the symptoms and attack the disease, stop subsidizing corn ffs

but i want another big mac.

Smart enough to not live in a city

Produce is cheaper here in the UK in terms of meal value, if you buy your shit and cook it yourself usually its more cost effective to do so. some people cant cook though.

Also they worry about stuff going off. if you store your veg properly it can last alot longer

Ask her if she wanna eat my of charge

Well if you pay $5/lb for out of season fruit. Then hey go fuck yourself. Where do you think they get strawberries in winter?

> How much more they can get at mcdonalds
More is why they are fat. Watch your calories and you can stay thin even at McDonald's, you would just die of nutrient deficiencies. Being a lazy gluttonous fuck makes you fat, not being poor.

People are fucking morons. Healthy food IS cheaper when you just buy cost-effective shit. For fuck's sake, anyone can grab random super high margin items and make some bullshit claim about the food system.

You can take brown rice, frozen vegetables: peas, spinach, riced cauliflower, and spices and eggs, and make a meal for 2-3 for around $1.20, and every single nutrient known to man will be in that.

We need to ban Vegans and Ketoheads from the internet.
There is something about both diets that turns their consumers into proselytizing, slogan thinking, absolute retards.
The cocksure arrogance with which they regurgitate arguments, made by other people, they don't really understand is a sight to behold.

Friends, we are happy for you. You found a set of eating habits that made YOU feel better.
If you wish to recommend it to someone have some humility and refrain from doing stupid shit like calling fruits "glucose snacks".
Because frankly, you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

>go to Mcdonalds
>get $5 worth of food
>save $27
>fighting obesity and poverty at the same time

wouldnt be a prob if it wasnt for the (((bankers))) and (((monsanto))) that lefties suck of all the time.

fun fact, you can grow your own healthy food

Waiting for the swedish retard who thinks any carbs will kill you

If grapes Are on average $2.99/lb how are two bags worth over $20? That's about $12 at the most. Why the fuck would you buy grapes if you're poor anyway. Go to a farmer's market. I can get 3lb of bananas and 10 apples for $6. Liberal yuppie scum posted OP's pic.

A person desperately trying to be correct, despite all odds

Those "healthy" fruits have about as much sugar as a stack of candy bars. And are actually pretty low in nutritional value.

Rice is about a dollar per pound. Chicken is about 2 dollars a pound. Vegetables, especially frozen, are around $1.50 per pound.

Stop living like a nigger and learn how to eat.

idk i have more a problem with never eating. it's weird.

Wanna eat healthy? Fruit isn't the answer. Your don't just say "Fuck human junk food! I'll eat nature's candy exclusively instead!"

Green grapes are way more expensive than other grapes. Pineapples are expensive. Berries are are expensive. Tiny bags of nuts are expensive. Bottled water? Nice bait brah.

Thanks for shopping at a quality German discounter with a no nonsense policy

>all sugary fruit
nigga you dumb. also i could buy all of that at my grocery for about $10. what is this dumbass doing?

>$21.75 for the grapes

>buying the most expensive fruits that aren't for daily nutrition like cabbage, apples, etc.
fucking idiots.

You can always freeze the leftovers and make delicious smoothies with a blender.

I always do that with my old bananas and leftover fruit.

>eating healthy is more expensive.
Only if you're a cuck living in Burgerland/Canada.
>22$ for grapes

What is that suposed to mean? How much food stamps are worth in the US?

Because 32 dollars a day in food is simply too much, and for a week is not even enough for McDonalds(I'm thinking about McDonald prices here, but getting obese for 32 dollars a week seems ludicrous, not even corn syrup can do that)

fat bitch couldve bought some cheap and delicious apples.

another fun fact, in the time spent setting up and maintaining that growth you could have worked for a few hours and bought more junk food

>healthy food

Kek, bet she drinks several glass of juice in the morning thinking it's healthy.

>"all of this costs $32, so I'm going to buy mcdonalds and gain more mass"
pic related

I can buy this at my local supermarket for around 10 dollars.

What retarded fuck thinks that, that shit is eating healthy

This is easy to debunk. When I was poor. I spent 4 hrs a day comuting to work on a bus. I didnt even look at a fast food restrant. I packed meals.

>See, you can't blame people for eating unhealthy when eating healthy is more expensive.

We don't buy fruits for calorie intake, we buy them for nutritional intake.
The correct answer is
>buy large amounts of cheap meat
>buy small amounts of fruit
>eat your protein intake of meat
>supplement the fruit
wow I just spent less than 10 dollars.
people are fucking morons.

Free range, organic, small batch, locally sourced, artisanal, sustainable, fair trade grapes.

don't live in a mega city where produce costs more than twice compared to just normal urban areas

>soft drink
>Non-homebrand nuts

Jesus Christ these people are stupid

It's also cheaper to bang whores than have a wife but fuck you, you gotta pay for what's good for you.

All of that shit is as bad as the junk food. It's sugar. Stop eating sugar.

>I went to the grocery store, but bought only convenience store items except for a pineapple (wtf)

Peanuts are like $3.50 a pound shelled. Get a pound, and have 16x the peanuts for the cost of your soda and snack.

Soda is like $10 for a 24-pack, which makes each can about $0.35.

A normal person would have a hard time going through 4 pounds of grapes before they go bad. You only really needed one bag at most, and that's if you're eating grapes every day.

Raspberries are expensive unless you're buying them during a short period during the summer. Don't waste your money on frivolous goods if you're poor. You could buy 5 lbs of rice and three or for cans of beans for the same price.

I'm not even going to approach the fact that she failed to purchase any proteins or greens.

I truly do not understand what is going through this woman's head when she goes to the grocery store.

>$1 donation to united way
This person isn't trying to prove a point, just status signalling

>it cost $32
kek, no, wtf did she buy this at a gas station or what?

Yeah grapes are historically food of the wealthy.

>consistently poor people make bad financial decisions

Buying fucking 21 dollars of grapes instead of buying whats in fucking season for 99 cents

>Individual size peanuts from name brand
>Probably certified organic fairy dust fruit
Depending on the time of year, where you live, etc., the average pineapple in the US is about $2.50 when NOT on sale.
I looked around locally and at the local low-cost markets a bunch of grapes is $1.99 and a pint of raspberries is $0.69. And roasted, salted nuts? If you buy generic they are $1.99 a POUND (i.e., 4x- 8x the amount in the picture).
And who the FUCK pays for bottled water?!?!
IN OTHER WORDS, I could get more of the exact same things in that picture for less than $9.25 WITHOUT looking for sales or coupons

Even better would be stuff like black beans. Beans and the like are a much cheaper source of calories and protein than meat

There's a reason rice and beans is a staple of poor people's diets all around the world

The only things American public schools teach are black history, pop culture classes, and the holocaust.

all of that is cheap as hell except the berries, but black raspberries grow wild around me

>Hur dur what is street art
>sees pic

>frozen and canned fruit doesn't exist

It's even worse, that's a diet soda

>When will this meme end?

Fruit has no fat and is mostly fiber, which inhibits the absorption of sugar. Your junk food is nothing but fat and mainlining fake sugar that's closer to plastic.

An apple=/= ice cream / Mountains Dew.

Not eating a Maui gold
Kys faggot

No but I didn't take it. My friend said it was mostly baking. Majority of these people were raised by fatties so they have no concept of what eating healthy looks like. They think fruit is healthy because it's natural so they eat that witha bunch of junk food.

Someone post the
>6 limes

North Korea manages just fine.

canned is generally abit shit, usually in syrup. frozen is better than fresh usually

What's healthy about eating shit ton of fruits, drinking soft drinks and eating shit like peanuts? Or I should probably say, some of these are healthy but if she wanted to lose weight she'd it different food. Jesus.

Fucking scum can't control themselves and just stop eating. Being a mild fatass myself (Working out, maintaining caloric deficit every day, eating right carbs most of the time, only eating fish and shit like that) I fucking despise fat people and think they should be burned alive and turned into soap. Fuck them they are the worst.

I learned one thing: if you wanna lose weight - stop fucking eating. Motherfucking animals.

At this point the only thing I'm curious about is what the answer of the fattie would be to this entire post.

>She'd eat different food

10/10 in America

>$21.75 for the grapes

does the rabbit hole of broken homes and the shittiness of single mothers have no end?

>fancy packaged raspberries and grapes

Ya.. Or you just buy some seasonal fruits by the pound, cunts. Also, do you know how many potatoes vegetables and beans you can buy for 32,-?

>mostly fiber
The difference between fruits and sweets is that the fruits at least have some vitamins and shit, but you should be eating a lot more vegetables and nuts/seeds/grains than fruits

fruits and nuts are ok, but they don't really give you that wow i'm full feeling like a nice big mac.