Russia bans Jehovah's Witnesses after supreme court rules Christian sect 'extremists'

so much for religous freedom in russia.

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wrong board Nikita


Religious freedom was a mistake, it allows cults to form. Christianity is degenerate and supportive of open-borders and child trafficking.

Religious freedom only applies to mudslimes and orthodox christians, dummy.

because Sup Forums is only for pro russian content made by putin shills?

why this topic even bother you Hans ? You got ~1mil emigrants and ~1mil Turks roaming your land. Muslims majority.

> Muslims majority.
russia also has more muslims per capita than any other european country...

That wasn't an argument. But thanks for pointing that out.
>Why this topic even bother you Hans ?

why does it bother you that a million turks are living in germany?

jesus fucking christ. krautcucks on Sup Forums unironically support apocalyptic death cults

>jesus fucking christ. krautcucks on Sup Forums unironically support apocalyptic death cults

but islam is okay?

what are Jehovah's Witnesses even doing which would justify a ban? ringing your doorbell in the morning?

>apocalyptic death cults
I thought they were dorks and masturbators.
If they are feral i might consider joining them.

Are you 12yo or smth ?! Just answer a fucking question.
>3mil Turkishi imigrants
>not counting Turkish Germans

and is ask you again
why are you botehred by the ethnics in germany?

im bothered because people keep telling how russia is the saivor of the white race but rhater bans some christian senct instead of islam.

>slavs are not white
>russia savior of white race
you have to understand that pol has retards

>jesus fucking christ. krautcucks on Sup Forums unironically support apocalyptic death cults
this comes from country with biggest european mosque and muslim population
inshallah dagestani brother

>World press freedom
>USA - Satisfactory

If you join better get wifed up quick but good luck with that with JW girls this day in age


Well at least they can expect help from Pence to spread more mosques in Russia!

>[[[Press]]] freedom
>a good thing

So Jehova's Witnesses are extremists but the Chabadi Lubacunts who say the goyim souls are from Satan and goyim are only on earth to serve the Jews as each Jew will get 2800 goy slaves and it is ok to kill goyim to take their liver to transplant it to a Jew if a Jew is dying...

That's ok, right?

Oh yeah, Vladikike Putin loves the Chabadis, don't he? They are alright, in fact, we should all kiss their ass, right Pootie? Just like your kike handlers say?


us agencies spied on journalists which caused that downrank from a good situation.



Double bump!

Didn't you read that article that came out last week about Chabat

JW aren't Christians.

Protestants, Catholics, and Orthodox are the only Christian "sects."

I've watched a couple of vids on Youtube

Do they like visit public school and work ordinary jobs? What is this separation exactly, just don't befriend kufirs?

I grew up as a JW, and when I got a little older i realized yeah, this is a cult, or a sect. I don't share their beliefs whatsoever. They can be pretty annoying waking you up at your house once a year or so, but I can say that nothing they do is worthy of being banned from a country. Dictatorship should be banned.

Nothing of value was lost.

>bans some degenerate american cia proxy bullshit cult instead of one of the major religions
Gee, I wonder why.

We dont celebrate holidays(pagan backgrounds) and we dont join the military to fight wars for zog.

>and we dont join the military to fight wars for zog.
Now that is patriotism alright.

How dare you not fight for our (((greatest ally)))

KYS gtfo of Latvia russian fucker.
Sory gerbro he is a fucking russian.

I like you germany but
>Germans having good press freedom
You know it's not true

Good. Joho's are fucking shitcunts. I would unironically support a ban in Australia

how can we not celebrate this? Jehovas Witnesses are the most degenerate organisation that exists

>Jehovah's Witnesses
shit tier cult.

real christians oppose them as well.

have you met the lord, Vlad?

Based. I hate them calling at my door.

Raised a JW here. They are for the most part harmless. The JWs were outlawed in all Iron Curtain countries for decades. This is nothing new. I LOL at the tards here that don't know anything about JWs. They are boring is all.

You don't know what a "real Christian" is.

>why this topic even bother you Hans ? You got ~1mil emigrants and ~1mil Turks roaming your land. Muslims majority.

because he's a paid shill


I think Jehovahs are fulla shit, but they should be free to practice their bullshit like any other religion.

If they break laws, then prosecute them on those specific laws they break.

I am Orthodox myself, but I am rather disgusted by the Russian Orthodox Church's ties with this faggot dictator.

Theocracy and a church so connected to the state is unhealthy for the faith of Christians.

If your state supports your church above others, it breeds weak faith. Forcing someone to follow a church and outright banning others is no way to spread your church.

You become as bad as Israel or an Islamic state at that point.

any proof they are a cia proxy?

Hasn't the Orthodox Church always been in bed with the State there? It seems as though the Orthodox even kinda lamented the end of Communism, as they had a hammer-lock on all things religion there, even though the USSR was officially "atheist."

I do, you don't.

>any christian in US
>all kike and israel worshiping cucks

Have Jehovah's Witnesses actually done anything particularly violent or criminal? They're annoying as fuck, but otherwise I don't really get why you would go through the trouble of ruling them "extremists"

During the Cold War, the USA said JWs were a "Communist plot."

> apocalyptic death cults
To be fair, that's how they started.
My aunt who is a church school teacher always brings up their end of the world bullshit when they come to her door. She asks them why would she follow a church founded by liars. A number of times they claimed the world was ending on a certain date and said people needed to join their church.

Given that many other Protestant churches in America have that Rapture bullshit and other such obsession with the book of Revelation and the end times, I don't see how they are much worse than many mainline churches in America.

Sure, give me your Creedal list of Confessions. That's what Christianity is, right? Not being a disciple of Christ, but confessing to the "correct creeds."

Thank fuck. That at least sets a precedent of banning religions that practice excommunication, have their own laws and schools.

They are sects, though. I've participated in multiple beatdowns of local JWs because of that.

>Chabadi Lubacunts
>Founded in 1775 by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi
Nice to know the Jews has as many modern crazy cult offshoots as Christianity. You also got the Luriatic / Kaballah Jews that then got their own Hollywood spinoff from some scam artist.

Not to mention the regular Hasidics are a buncha lunatics anyway. A Jewish friend of my godmother would have nothing to do with them. He was Jewish and they would come up to him and he would almost yell at them to leave him alone. He found them disgusting.

What the fuck I am a Jehovah's Witness now

I went to a Jehova's Witness meeting recently because my relative invited me. They were sending letters to Putin. They talked about how all over the world they are persecuted.

I didn't ask too much, they did say that they don't partake in any political events (voting, standing up for the national anthem) and that pissed me off.

Can anyone give me a quick red pilling on them?

Oh and they described heaven (the new world) as one kingdom, one government that rules....

They are even more annoying for the state.

I have a lot of JWs in my family, they are disgusting people i kid you not, they take their kids to the fucking meetings, and then when they are 10 or 9 (idk) they are asked if they want to join the church, and if they dont they get abandoned and they are not allowed to talk to their parents and vice versa, Putin did the right thing.


A bit of an oversimplification, but not without some merit, however small.


did you read the bibile, vodkacuck?

Russians are in over their heads. Witnesses existed throughout the Soviet Union under total ban but had operations networks throughout translating books and magazines and distributing them. All that work that took big clunky machines that were difficult to hide can now be compressed onto a USB. The fact that the Witnesses there are used to operating this way and many of the older ones who were alive and active in the Soviet era are still around to teach the next generation the ropes.

Putin going up against literal pacifists and going to get BTFO.

To be honest. The muslims and christians both have their scumbags. Like Salafists and Jehovahs.

They are NOT moderate believers. If the christians don't keep their mad dogs in leash. How it could be expected from the muslims?

Look up Anabaptists on the web. If you understand the basic Mennonite view of politics (seeing as you are a leaf and they are all over there) then you will understand JW view of politics. They are very traditional morally. They look forward to benevolent Monarchy under Jesus, who will wipe out all degeneracy.

When was the last time a JW cut anyone's throat in the name of Jesus?

wtf i love christianity now

to be honest I really hate all this neutral shit, here I am busting my ass to get rid of all that degeneracy through discussion, politics/voting and contributing to culture while they sit down and wait.

Witness here. Summed it up nicely. Also in the new earth the 'nations' (literally races in greek) will be divided as God intended. So no more race mixing. Not bad eh?

Here's a few.

They do lots of crimes.

It's a cult


well either way he bans them and not muslims

there goes the based putin meme

these false prophets is not messiahs

Didn't ask for a list of crimes. Can you read? I asked about killing in the name of Jesus the way a Muzzie would kill ala aloha snackbar. Protip, you can't. Comparing Islam with JWs isn't even a tenable proposition.

Wait a second, some people here unironically support JW, oh my

Here's one theory. Jehovah's Witnesses are politically neutral and refuse to vote or perform military service. This seems like a perfect cover for foreign intelligence agencies to enter Russia. I'd be interested to see if this has happened.

>JWs annoy people by going door to door
>Salafists behead people and blow them up in suicide bombings

You're right, they're exactly equivalent.

I know, right? We can't let this guy get the nuclear codes!

Can any russian user help me please? Does anyone know the name of this song?

They spend years of their life actively trying to convert people to stop them from being degenerate. That's more than you do, which I'm guessing is mostly shitposting on Sup Forums

Holy shit, imagine a life without these faggots knocking on your door. Time to move to Russia.


I mean, God love them for trying to do good, but they are heretics.

they are extremist and very dangerous
here in mexico, they are being hit in the streets thanks to God.

Yes, best to keep people in the retarded Aztec version of Catholicism, that mixes virgin worship and Satanism.

>refuse to fight in wars for the kikes
>strict anti-degeneracy stance on pain of social ostracism
>refuse to cuck to liberalism and faggots' "rights" (unlike most protestants)
>don't have a communist pope

You spics are subhuman.

I've never seen such Joho edgyness lol

Jehovah's Witness believe the end of the world is happening right now. That's not even an extremist view. Whats is extreme is the shunning of those who decide they don't want to be JW anymore. They're basically harmless.


>Russian freedom
>Polish space stations
>German humor
>Swedish masculinity
>Morality in US
Guess what does there things have in common

>Mohammed detected.

Oh sure, Christianity is the problem.

> tfw every Christian group practiced group shunning of degenerates in the congregation pre19th century.

B-but muh heresy..

>Being against banning a religion means you support it

The simple mind of a Russian

They do crimes and act the way just because they believe they are the only right sect of christianity. Just the way the muslim extremists do. And as the islamic terrorists believe they are entitled to "certain acts" of sexual perversions, Same goes to the JW-organization which goes to the great lengths of work to cover the crimes of their ilk. The rape-victims get the pressure and threat for their lives. The raped childs within the sect get threats about damnation, if they were to tell. And that's just the milk-run of the way to "worship the Jesus".

At the very base. If a cop happens to be a JW, and comes to the situation where a choise must be made to either serve the sect or justice as it is. It would be very hard to carry out the duty, knowing it would damn his/her soul.

JW dont have their version of "Allahu Ackbar" to yell, while stabbing some poor "infidel". But they count closely who are "them" and who aren't. And that plays major role in their crimes.

I'd still rather live in Russia than the Islamic Caliphate of Germany.


Russian Orthodox Church has a kinda monopoly on Christianity in Russia. Old Believers, catholics and protestants are still tolerated and even have some churches, most other small sects get banned or get administrative barriers to operate.