Why do Conservashits vote against their own economic interests?


OP is a faggot

take another mudslime cock down your throat homosexual cuck

Who the fuck is blaming not really minorities for anything?

Talk about tired rhetoric man.


Wheres proof OP

>"muh wages aren't rising!!"
Work harder, faggot.

>stop blaming minorities
It should say stop blaming the WRONG minorities. Jews are a minority with the most power.. Heil Hitler 4/20

>Implying that owners of a company don't have every right to raise their own salary to their own desire.

Why do "liberals" call people who number into the millions and billions and have homogeneous cultures of their own "minorities?" Stop lying and the we can talk about the rest.

I don't give a fuck how much someone else makes, what I want is a home which currently doesn't exist because of all the fucking immigrants buying up property.

Why do liberals vote against their racial, civil rights and religious interests?


>What is globalism?
Yet leftists still love globalism so much. Dumb fucking liberal cuckhold nigger.

Liberals don't know the value of hard work.

Name one liberal politician that has worked even 1/10th as hard as President Trump.

i'm gonna go post 5 threads on leftypol every time i see one of these

Remember to post "sage" in the options bar when replying to this thread to ensure that it doesn't bump up the thread

Demand for labor decreases and my wages stagnate. What is so hard to understand?

They outsource jobs to other nations (minorities) and my wages stagnate. What is so hard to understand?

My taxes increase while I see less and less representation from my government while minorities see more and more representation. What is so hard to understand?

Working for the same company since 2008, my salary has grown 66%

>I know none of you have have had a real job in your lives.....

Only 66%? Work harder, you lazy millennial faggot.

>One boss employing 130k people...
>Expecting everyone to get 1000% raises..

I've been at my current employer for 11 years and have had my pay increase by 82%. Per the meme, if i stayed 39 years and kept the same schedule of pay increases, my over all pay rate would have increased 670%.

>this happens when borders are opened to what's basically slave labour because of globalism
>anyone who doesn't like globalism and open borders is a racist who hates minorities

My salary has grown by 50% in just 5 years and I'm expecting at least another 10% in 6 months.

>unironically shilling for the US Chamber of Commerce
>supply and demand don't apply to wages
what did OP mean by this?


what's wrong with wanting BOTH a good wage and a nation where there isn't mass immigration and where you're not becoming a minority? Why does it always have to be one of the other? Why are good wages and a relatively homogeneous nation somehow incompatible in their minds?

Oh yeah because you can't start talking about this without figuring out the ultimate villain of history literally hitler said something similar


last time I check, my employer wasn't the one committing 80% of the violent crime in my country

The minorities depressing wages is what rigged the system against workers in the first place.

When you can't even afford a shit apartment because the minorities are all rich slaveowner chinks and have hyperinflated home prices there's actually a valid reason to be blaming said minorities

>When you can't even afford a shit apartment because the minorities are all rich slaveowner chinks
I have a simple solution. Earn more money and buy the houses from the Chinese. Reclaim Canada with hard work and effort.

Hold on now think about, say you're a business owner in CA, no borders and the rampant illegal immigration means that you can hire these people for almost half of what minimum wage is

So now you're company is pocketing more money because you're not spending as much on worker wages, why not give yourself a raise?

Shit these little brown people won't ever stop coming and Feinstein will make sure that going against it is some kind of moral failing so you're safe

In states like CA, the problem literally are immigrants and minorities

Mines gone down 10% over 10 years. Only making $9/hr.

Better to have slowly rising incomes than to have our incomes crashing through the floor.


>your boss's
We're the boss, mate

Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger

But I'm rich, senpai

Mass immigration + outsourcing jobs = wage stagnation and wage depression. It's literally that simple.



>> Sage

Great conseratives liberals could never equate to?! Blackstone, Littleton, Coke, Bracton; eat shit and die leftists.

>Ignores how rich Obama has gotten

>ignores that Hillary took more wall street money than probably any other Presidential candidate in US history

>ignores HOW Hillary made her money and how fucking dirty it is

But my income has increased. So clearly, that's not the main problem I'm facing. On the flip side, the minority population has exploded (sometimes literally), society feels more and more alien, and the values of our forefathers are openly scorned.

How did wealth inequality cause that?

>Blackstone, Littleton, Coke, and Bracton

My absolute nigga.

Why aren't we spamming leftypol with NatSoc generals?

I wasn't born in 1978. My income has increased infinitely you fucking moron.

Fucking american education, and I though it was just a myth, but sheeeeit that´s retarded.

Exactly. Globalism

If you're not an anti globalist in some way you're part of the problem

Why do tax-paying liberal citizens vote against their own interests?

Why do white liberals vote for their own gradual genocide?

The magic of proper training.

I dont want to pay more taxes.

I dont need free shit.

I want the right to keep my country in check, with the way things are going who the fuck would want to disarm themselves?

Why do leftards pretend their side isn't worse?

Libs pretend to be on your side and still fuck you over under the guise of non-profits and what not. At least the conservatives are honest about it. I'd rather be knowingly fucked instead of being told that it is a life saving enema.

>an individual working 30 years and their income only increases up 5.7%

No, those would be the sociology grads.

dumb democrats really want their cheap labor huh.

this desu senpai

Stop thinking about my economic interest you make believe hedger.

>implying I am poor

We vote for freedom. Liberals vote against freedom and for handouts. You can't have both.

what is fiat money?

I don't know. Why do libtards vote against their own economic interest as well?

Perhaps economics is an imperfect science corrupted by Jew monies. There's always that possibility.

If you make less than 40k per year, you should vote for Democrats.

If you make over 200k per year, vote republican.

Neither party gives a single fuck about the people in the middle.

I don't care how much my boss earns. I care that ugly low IQ degenerate brown people are taking over my country.

Rich people are a minority.

Rich 1% boss holds up minorities as human shields without their consent and without concern for their well being.

Why? A minority was just in charge.
Who else should I blame?

Minorities created a surplus of labor for the rich.


How the hell is voting for cheap labor in the poor interest?

It's not really against my interest when it's my taxes going up to pay for programs for people I will never see a cent of if a liberal gets in office. See: ACA forcing me to either lose my tax return or buy health insurance.

you should reditrect to the threads you think people should be looking at. If its the France attack we already know.

What if my boss is black?

Who's the racist now?

>Inspire 'safety laws and regulations' that only allow the topmost corps to succeed
>fund left leaning media to be all encompassing
>"It's the fuggin republicans again'

How can you survive on that little? That's impossible.

>having a boss

>my income has risen
where is the fucking problem? These subhuman socialist cunts are so fucking entitled it makes me wanna go full Pinochet.

Hey Bernie Supports:
When you hike your bosses taxes to 90% he still isn't going to randomly start giving you more money for no good reason.

golly gee or perhaps the lower labor job markets have been flooded with labor so CEO's can actually get away with paying their low end less and less since there is an overabundance of supply in the labor pool! So uh, perhaps stopping immigration (minorities) kinda IS relevant Mr. Jewovich!

>being an underling for 40 years
>not BEING the boss

must suck to be a democrat

1 post etc.
maybe stop focus on minorities, idiot