Is this an improvement? She looks so beautiful and brave

She is not even going to be racist over this. Such an amazing story of a great relationship gone bad.

Other urls found in this thread:


burn the coal, pay the toll

Burn the coal

‘My face is ruined but my facial features are still there. My mouth is intact. So is my nose. I still recognise myself in the mirror. This eye should have been blind but it isn’t,’


Toll status: Paid

ugly chubby

We should start issuing European women EZ Passes.




All she is doing is proving that she deserved this. She made a horrid choice and paid the price and she still thinks it was right and just to do so. So nobody should have any sympathy for her.

Imagine a guy who decides to sleep with some chick with HIV knowing she has it. Knocks said chick up and gets HIV in the process. Would you feel sorry for him or would you want him contained and kept apart from the general population both because he is a risk factor and has proven to make horrible choices with bad consequences?

Is it that time?

Race mixing is a crime and she did the time.

The sooner people stop feeling sorry for this idiot and start teaching others not to fuck up like she did the better we all will be


>The face on that woman is like "I got the Aids."
>Face on the kid is like "yup, I'm an Aids baby."






Lol, females date monkeys to rebel from society. This is what I don't understand about pol worried about propaganda normalizing it. If it is just another thing then the Idea of using it as a tool to rebel disappears and makes it less rebellious. So it would happen less often

Nice rare Pepe my dude

keks were had

wow at that message in the back, it's like a premonition

>Jimmy Nsubuga for
a very British name

When will they learn?

"Speaking to the 'Irish Sun', gym owner Usanga, who is due to become a father for the third time this week with another woman, said he pushed Emma but is insistent he did not punch her. "

Now THIS is enrichment!


>tfw this people reproduce, no problem
>tfw the women who get with them forgive almost any of their transgressions
>tfw you will never have a family of your own

Bring nuclear apocalypse, my body is ready

Oh shut the fuck up stormfag. No one deserves this. Women are really easy to manipulate. Blame the nigger who manipulated her and did this to her.

The guy is a violent abusive piece of crap and he still knocked up three chicks in Ireland. Ah European women never cease to amaze me.

>for the third time this week
fugg :DDDD

Excuses don't help people though. They need to learn to be responsible for their decisions.

If you decide to shack up with Jamal the local violent psychopath, then you are a danger to yourself and everyone else around you.

It's no coincidence that Germany and Sweden are importing millions of thugs while their countries are run by women and feminists.

Excusing them doesn't stop anything.

sauce on pic :D

Unironically, not tryhard edgy, straight up glad it happened and hope it happens more often to white women. I hope it upticks in the next 10 years to epidemic levels. It's the 21st centruy scarlet letter.

>She looks so beautiful and brave.
...not anymore.

That's what you get for going black.

Yeah lets waste our time and discuss another nigger story, Sup Forums

Survival of the fittest sand nigger. Dumb cunt got what was coming to her.

You know what they say:
Once you go black, acid attack

>Sand-nigger tries to "M'lady" up a thread even though his mum, grandmothers, aunts, cousins and nieces have all suffered genital mutilation.

Be off with you savage, at once!

there is vid in that twitter feed

Yeah, lets just ignore it and pretend nothings happening, like in Sweden where there are no problems what so ever.

You realise these attacks and the rate they are happening is unprecedented outside of war right? The west is literally turning in to Africa and you want to fucking ignore it.

It's hilarious isn't it though? Ireland, gotta love it.

>Women are really easy to manipulate. Blame the nigger who manipulated her and did this to her.

Stop being sexist and stop treating womyn as if they were children.

They can't think logically, yes, but this one here was really dumb on top.

And I will blame them both. The nigger for being a nigger and the woman for being a stupid woman.

Race war now!?

he looks like a real airhead

>No one deserves this.
Actually, race traitor whites deserve every bad thing that happens to them. That's why niggers like me can use up all that sweet white pussy, pass it along to the rest of my crew then abandon her with 4 kids to fend for herself. If you want to virtue signal so bad you better not complain when your life gets forever ruined from it.

Older Irish women don't seem so blue-pilled.

thanks. girl has good posture but wasted most of her kinetic energy. should have gone for a clear cross.

This picture never fails to put a smile on my face.


That's like saying you're at war with Cancer. This isn't war, this is a time for isolating the healthy cells from the unhealthy cells before they are all damaged beyond repair.

It's always acid. Where the heck are these people getting acid?

Meh, the issue is welfare and social services. They can do whatever shit they want and the rest of the population will be held at the end of a gun and made to pay for it. If that wasn't the case, they would die out in the streets and starve and in short order no one who isn't a complete imbecile would go for it anymore.

They basicaly removed responsibility and consequences and women behave accordingly. Hell even the mudslimes have to regularly cull their daughters because a lot of them begin to act in the same ways.

Mate, she's not gonna fuck you

A women without beauty is a creature worse than men.

Car batteries, brick acid for cleaning bricks etc.

It's a petty easy thing to get hold of.

It's worth noting that attacks like this didn't happen until multiculturalism, acids have been freely available for generations without these kinds of problems.

>team black men


yes this shit stops natural selection from happening. It's against nature itself.

The boyfriend/acid thrower, Jorge Edson Tavares

What the fuck does that tweet say? The fuck is a "dizz self"? I thought the British spoke English.

Also #singlemummy no surprise

Link tl;dr
Would not fuck.

lel good one dad

You want to go with that analogy? Okay. So you want to separate the healthy cells from the unhealthy cells but your doctor calls you a racist bigot and refuses to treat you. Then the media character assassinates you by repeating lies about your bigoted cancerphobic ideals in an attempt to shame you into submission.


>No one deserves this.
Yeah, actually SHE deserved this


Imagine fucking that


Top kek

>But Wiltshire denied ever having been violent towards any of his 25 children – two of whom have died – or the 18 women who gave birth to them and said he had no idea how Imani had been killed.

>Jorge Edson Tavares

Please be african or moortuguese.
We don't need this in our list of fuckups.

What the fuck?

Honestly, at least black men aren't afraid to lay their hands on a bitch. Most white cucks I know literally can't even fathom hitting a woman and that is honestly one of the reasons white women are so out of control

He's not Portuguese, relax, we are safe in this one.


Holy fuck that's great

>A jury of eight woman and three men today acquitted the pair of murder after 14 hours and 28 minutes of deliberations

Haha another degenerate anglo-saxon. Enjoy your genocide.

Idiot. White women are out of control due to the twisted values and morals society teach and tell to them, when will you finally understand?

>the woman is italian

Learn to read, retard.

Yea thats where a lot of these niggers come from in our countries, single men spawning bastards

>Idiot. White women are out of control due to the twisted values and morals society teach and tell to them, when will you finally understand?

Yes and one of those twisted values is the idea that they can do whatever they want without consequence. All white women feel this entitlement, this sense that they're princesses and can do whatever they want without real consequences.

I can admire that black men aren't afraid to beat them and make them understand there's consequences to their foolish ways. The reason white women walk all over white men, is because white men fail to do this

>getting her hair curled

whats even the fucking point



#clumsy is the unsung highlight of that post.

Darwin's theory hard at work.

Socialism, not even once.

Honestly you have to be practically sociopathic, to 25 kids and look after none of them. A bet he's a junkie too.

white women are scuuuuuum

Truly she earned this

>Ms Notaro, a sea-lion trainer
Holy shit, its like she got together with a meme

Coal burners deserve every bit of acid that gets thrown on them.


So I'm not the only one.

'‘I prayed to God: take away my beauty but at least leave me with my sight.’'

bull fucking shit

most black white relationships are pretty successful, this is cherry picking at it's finest, good arguments Sup Forums, good arguments

>single black mothers
>single black men
>single white mothers
Welfare. Welfare. Welfare. it collapse when you remove welfare which is paid by the white man.


Evolutionary winner. In a healthy society he would have been shunned, hated, forced to take responsibility and likely even killed.

Her he, his partners and his progeny gets rewarded with an endless stream of gibs.

I fucking hate the welfare state, truly evil.


>"Speaking to the 'Irish Sun', gym owner Usanga, who is due to become a father for the third time this week with another woman, said he pushed Emma but is insistent he did not punch her. "

WTF pls explain yourselves britbong, how is this even possible ?


Damn, Trinidad & Tobago dropping those red-pills.