Look into famous scandanavians

>look into famous scandanavians
>nearly everyone of them from kings to scientists is either norweigian or danish
>even the finns have contributed more to human history than the swedes
Sweden is almost Estonia tier in irrelevancy

Please be nice! The only problem I have with Sweden is their atheistic worldview. They need to convert to Catholicism immediately.

They don't shit on the streets tho

Swedes just let the lizard jews from mars take over. This is the result.


I think that in the coming times, the Svens will rise to an unprecedented greatness. It's not that they lack potentially for great things. They just need to uncuck bigly in order for that to happen.

Swedes, Nords and Danes, we are the same. Finland is not a part of our special club. The Kalmar Viking blood runs in our veins. That's why Swedens burn hurt so much on Norway and us too.

>Who is Karl the 12th?

A cuckold?

Swedes have a surprising amount of representation in element discoveries.

Check a periodic table chart by country of discovery and you'll find out swedes contributed a lot.

>look it up
>he was literally a cuckold
For all their talk of being progressive swedes sure haven't changed much

>Alfred Nobel
>Anders Celsius
>Karl XIV Johan

just to name a few

now tell me about what india has contributed to humanity except for shits on the street

Swedes dominate disc golf...

But yeah all the intelligent Swedes went to Minnesota.

I bet a lot more of those elements were actually known to "ancients".

It's because of the island of Ytterby, which is home to several rare earth elements. It's not that Swedes are especially adept at discovering elements, they just had a unique land mass that was prolific with them.

Based Indian very well

Amon Amarth, Sabaton, Yngwie Malmsteen

That would suck, living in Minnesota, coming from Swede genes. I feel for you bro.

all memes except for yngve

How come America have so many made-up ones?

Be cause we literally made them up in laboratories for specialized industrial and scientific use


ITT: people indirectly imply pewdiepie doesn't own their cock locked in chastity
Why are you even living?
