Drugs really do expand your mind - Scientists

>Scientific evidence of a ‘higher’ state of consciousness has been found in a study led by the University of Sussex.
>Neuroscientists observed a sustained increase in neural signal diversity – a measure of the complexity of brain activity – of people under the influence of psychedelic drugs, compared with when they were in a normal waking state.
>The diversity of brain signals provides a mathematical index of the level of consciousness. For example, people who are awake have been shown to have more diverse neural activity using this scale than those who are asleep.
>“Since this measure has already shown its value as a measure of ‘conscious level’, we can say that the psychedelic state appears as a higher ‘level’ of consciousness than normal ...”

Anti drug fascists BTFO

Drugs are bad, m'kay.

Hmm. So shrooms really do make you woke. Interesting.

Obviously, using drugs like Cocaine are re-uptake inhibitors, it causes your brain to burn itself by consuming more of it's own resources.

It's like discovering that a car goes faster when you give it more gas. That doesn't mean pinning the c

Also they should really do a control of like, people having a seizure. I imagine random neuron firing would appear pretty 'diverse' as well.

pinning the car isn't bad on the engine, or uses more gas. You might be more conscious for a short period of time, but you'll run out of gas and start to break down sooner.

Once Marihuana is legal and popular, it's onto your friendly neighborhood psychedelic """hospital..."""

FYI: Do not eat lsd every week for a year

Can give you existential crisis or you'll be thinking of odd conspiracy theories daily inside your head and can make society seem very very odd.

I love my psychedelics, but remember kids: NO MORE THAN 1 TIME A MONTH, MAYBE 2 TIMES A MONTH*for special occasions*

Ive eat psychedelics over 100+ times and i see the world in a completely different manner.
I grew up in a bubble of what i considered reality, only to take psychedelics and be smacked in the face with how beautiful and fucked up the world is.

They can also cause ptsd if you're stupid and take a high enough dose and flip out

where do you even score actual LSD anymore?

I haven't used any markets since agora was taken down

Marijuana is different. It doesn't block receptors, the brain absorbs THC.
It's more like adding a cold air filter and driving it a little faster.

>Don't worry, weed is good for you, have it goyi- intelligent intellectual.

Just wondering, do I seem to far gone if I legitimately believe this is bullshit agenda pushing by jews/SJWs/far-left?

What about microdosing?

AlphaBay has basically everything, although I think they banned fentanyl

my man do this its really the way it was meant to be taken. It will help I almost miss it.

Thats why I'm going to try and get a prescription to Adderall soon.

how do I make acid at home?

well no shit

psychadelic drugs not speed

>(((neural signal diversity)))

>not microdosing everyday
guess you don't want to be like Trump

Seeing LSD art is very fascinating, beyond the physical realm there is soemthing called the energy grid which scientists call string theory but the aryans known this for 1000s of years and it's where the runes come from, also samurai flowers and shit. U have flowers and shit all over pagan culture it comes from this because all life is made from the energy grid.

However unnaturally making these visions with LSD or other drugs instead of meditating and gaining knowledge slowly fries ur brain after a while so it's not a good idea to take it often and definately not for recreational purposes

Cars go slower when you give them more gas though, there is more weight.

"give it gas" means to accelerate

Become a chemist and be put on a list where you are able to buy the required chemicals. Or you could make shitty acid with morning glory seeds, but a lot of companies put pesticides which will hurt you. I would recommend just sticking to growing peyote or shrooms, it is much easier.

Oh, I guess it does. Thought he meant adding more.

I imagine if we were to blast an electric current through someone's head that would also increase the "diversity of brain signals". More isn't always better.

I smoke marijuana from time to time and I can say that it certainly does help with abstract thinking. Pot isn't as degenerate as you may assume, Carl Sagan smoked pot, for instance

this just in:
scientists discovered drugs can make you trip balls

more at 11

why do we pay these chucklefucks to tell us what we already know?

It is okay for people with higher IQs but when it is given to people with lower ones, it makes them worse at whatever they are doing.

go back to r/edit

i smoke pot alone in a dark room a couple times a year or so, and every time is a powerful experience. I gain so much insight about my life. Of course most people don't realize the potential of weed as a generative medicine, they just abuse it.

I remember reading the book "the danger behind the rainbow", by that retarded Coumbey cunt; she affirmed that nuage cults use psyhodelic drugs as a way of opening the mind to spiritual possesion for luciferian ends...

There is no denying that america went to complete shit after the hippy movement and the psyoactive drug craze

Alright, let's say that when the drug is active it expands your mind. But what about lasting effect on your brain chemistry after it wears, especially with frequent high dosage?

This post is proof that drugs 100% do not fuck up your brain

>neural signal diversity

Right. You used to activate your almonds, now you activate your almonds, cashews, peanuts, and pistachios. Multinut thinking is the future my dudes.

>it literally activates you almonds
