0.3% of Canadians died in World War II

>0.3% of Canadians died in World War II
>1% of Italians died in World War II
>1.44% of French died in World War II
>4.34% of Japanese died in World War II
>5.56% of Austrians died in World War II
>8.23% of Germans died in World War II
>10.97% of yugoslavians died in World War II
>11% of Greeks died in World War II
>13.7% of soviets died in World War II
>17% of Polish died in World War II

Seriously, why is Canada always number one? We are the greatest county ever, if World War III ever happened Canada would be the only country to survive.

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.001% of brazilians died in World War II

You guys didn't even fight stupid favela monkey, but 10% of Brazilians died of cholera and dysentery in that time period

mostly niggers, who cares?

Yeah, who cares about Brazil?

Lol USA was sending as many troops in 1 month that canada sent the entire war.

Cause you didn't do shit. Also I am guessing the German stat is soldiers that died? Because one fourth of the German population died during ww2

Our population was 11 million people, and we made a bigger impact than anyone else in the world. We single handedly saved the Dutch

When you're proud of doing nothing and then don't respond when people point it out.

It's on Wikipedia, saving private Ryan is on so I decided to read about the war and how awesome Canada is and why we're number one, hint it's because we're Canadian

>you took more than 2 minutes to reply oh my god why don't you reply get a life loser and post on Sup Forums every second like I do

No one cares about the dutch.
Just face it, no one likes canada, not even canadians. we single handedly saved the dutch lol. that like grabbing a bitch by the tits that was outside of the schoolyard fight.

Low quality bait

After Dunkirk, there was only one decently equipped division on the British Isles, a canadian one.

Shut the fuck up

They were too busy hiding while everyone else was fighting.

Overlord succeeded only because of Canadians. :^)

Yeah who cares about the Dutch, they're now brown like ahmed so who cares.
You ass is bait for a fag cunt

No one likes or cares about america

0.3% of us died because we did jack shit. 4.34% of Nips died because the US used nuclear weapons like a bunch of cowards, but at least the US were sending sufficient soldiers into the war. Meanwhile Poland, Greece and Yugoslavia try to stay out of the war and die due to nazi bullshit.

Yu are a bad troll

.56% of Austrians died in World War II
Fuck no wonder ANZAC day is so huge here, the amount of Aussies that died.

Stfu coward

inb4 leaf survives ww3

Canada used to be great.
We have monuments in France because of our great men who fought in ww1.
We're shit now though and don't deserve to even be a country.
Hopefully the states will annex us but I doubt it.

You should be hanged for this treason, if the US tries to annex us we will occupy Washington again

How many were jews?

>didn't even fight
Go learn history.

We got lucky with Juno and typically steered clear of large scale combat.

Id like to see our ww1 stats though

>993,000 Australians served in ww2
>27,073 died

Two chimps shooting each other in the favela doesn't count Pedro

>Jewish community archives show of 577 Jewish Canadians known to have died while serving in Canada’s Armed Forces in WWI, WWII, Korean War.

Remember when our fucking defence minister memed about how diverse the Canadian military was?


I think the Dutch would disagree.

do you not realise the amount of casualties that would happen if we invaded japan.

it would be a force of 7 million allied soldiers (incl 1 million commonwealth forces) against 40 million japanese


>tfw leaves want to be relevant

That's because you didn't send in as many troops as the others did, chucklefuck. Why are Canadians so proud of stupid things that doesn't turn out to be what it actually is?

First you fags say that you burned down our White House when it was really British veterans from Gibraltar, and then you say this.

Why the hell do I even read posts by leaves anymore, I thought for sure you would all end up being the smarter end of North America but it turns out my own countrymen have more common sense than you do.

Don't forget the greatest tradegy of the war, the extermination of 167.9% of jews.

Also just a question for the leafs.

Why is it the quebecois, who have such a hard on for france, that raise a stink about being conscripted into a war where France is on your side and directly threatened?

Because québécois are retarded, we should have deported all of them to Louisiana

lol You wouldn't even get past Washington state.

They did fight the nazis you fucking retard

Coolest name ever.

Canada is a non country, the whole world knows this. We protect you and our culture has taken over you (and the whole world) you know what country people think about? Not Canada. We control you, this is our continent

hehehehe xD Leaf

Canada was and still is the biggest mistake ever made.

We were the first English colony in the new world, so technically we influenced America, if it weren't for Canada there would be no America.

>11 posts by this ID

Funny how you don't include Americans...
Is that because we're the best?

0.32%, Canada is 0.38% we're pretty much equal

>tfw we were the most fear allied force in ww1 & 2

No, because Trudeau would be too busy letting refugees fuck his wife to do anything.

Russians did most of the work. Germans were already finished by the time of Normandy invasion.

Pretty much and there is a reason. We simply kill the enemy we don't bother talking about it. We are also the only nation to have burned down the White House.


Belarus (although not a country then) lost 25.3% in WW2

>America asks us to join the revolution
>we say no
>they go into an autistic rage and invade us
>we fuck their shit up
>30 years later
>Americans decide to invade us again
>we fuck their shit up again
>they get mad and claim they won the war, after they invaded us, and didn't take us over
You know the old saying, if you kill your enemies they win ;)

Belarus still isn't a country, it's Russia

You'd fuck our shit up? You've got to be kidding me. The US military would completely demolish the Canadians without effort. You're a joke

Canada and Australia have great military records, before we started just being America's bitch.

What did Canadians even do in the war, bring coffee to the American troops on the front and then retreat back to their posts that were safely behind all the darkies?

US Military can't even beat teenage Vietnamese rice farmers.

Killed Germans and saved Europe

You wish. There's a reason why everyone knows what comes after "A", you fucking nigger trudeau lover. Neck yourself at the nearest maple tree.

Remember those feels when the whole western world was behind us 100% for a month or two. Then completely turned on us once it came time to kick some heads in, instead of just feel-good emotional shit, which is all Europe is good for

No Australians died in WW2.

The Japanese said all claims to the contrary are hoaxes perpetrated by the Eternal Anglo.

It's because Canada didn't do shit in WWII

hard to get killed when you don't engage in combat

Once those countries where great


Not all leafs are faggots

Australia lost 14% of it's fighting age males in WW1.

That's the excuse they used to ship wogs over here.

>We are the greatest county ever

>canada was barely involved in ww2
>wtf canada #1
Seriously fuck off you vpn chink


If you're referring to the Vietnam war, we were held back from total military action by our president. We had way more than enough power to take them out. We still today remain the strongest military power in the world

fucking lol

>11% of Greeks died in World War II

wtf happened there?

Thats a lot of dead white people. I see no victory. All i see are morons killing their own people for (((them))).

Being surrounded by Italy, Albania and Bulgaria

Greece is probably the most underrated and forgotten member of the Allies

Do you dumb fellow leafs actually believe that bs propaganda we get fed in our history classes?

>Muh vimy ridge
>Muh Juno beach
>Muh storm troopers

I mean damn, yeah we had some impact but it wasn't that important in terms of man power. Canada did do a lot in sending supplies and in ww2 with the Navy but give the credit to the bongs and Slavs like they deserve.

0.3% of canadians died in drunken barfights and Freak sexual accidents around 1939-1945

They do the same in Australia. It is because we are irrelevant to global affairs as independent nations but they still want the kids to feel pride in their countries.

Australia was there too, so I wouldn't be too quick to bring that up.

they took the Kebab removal to a whole new Level

>600% of Jews died in World War II

Very active resitance, especially in the German areas, and especially Crete, and the Nazi's basically pulled a My Lai and just went around fucking up villages, which pushed more people to the resitance.

the majority of greeks that died in ww2 died in the winter of 1941 due to british blockade.
none of OPs percentages are correct and all bongs/commonworthlesses are cuckolds

would have been higher if those draft dodging liberal french Canadian scum helped out for once in their lives

We were beating the Italians when the Germans joined in. We got overwhelmed. At certain places, even our grand-grandmothers went in holding pointy sticks and shit to fight.

>Hopefully the states will annex us but I doubt it.

I just want the Maritimes, seem like a fun bunch

our military cant even provide boots to our troops. we could barely fight achmed and his goat fucking cousins.

Oh yeah, that's right, my grandfather would tell me he'd steal sugar from the docks to keep his energy up, and take bread for his family.

Damn I just checked the stats. Around 300,000 is fucked for a country that had about 7 million.

kek, just like us. No wonder the Golden Dawn has so few voters despite the crisis and refugees. They're literal Nazi LARPers, don't you have a Greek Nationalist party there that isn't autistic?

Why no Chinese?

And 150% of all jews died during WW2

they aren't human

GD is the second biggest party in Greece you kike.

Golden Dawn is all we have. I don't know why dislike them, they seem legit, and their leaders were imprisoned by the previous government New Democracy, which leads one to believe that the system does not like them. They have been very active on the streets, helping fellow citizens and kicking ass in general.
(Bear in mind however that I have no insider knowledge)

Independent Greeks (ANEL), en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independent_Greeks
only shit thing about them is for some reason they formed a coalition with fucking SYRIZA,
Please, they're barely third

>GD is the second biggest party in Greece you kike.

In case you didn't know, you win by having the most MPs not by having the most members. Currently they have 17/300.This is a "Hilary won the popular vote" tier argument.

>this autistic little dominion thinks he was calling the shots in 1944


God save the Queen