So it's evil and NAZI to have a concealed weapon, but perfectly okay to smash people over the head with a blunt object...

So it's evil and NAZI to have a concealed weapon, but perfectly okay to smash people over the head with a blunt object? Will liberals ever become self aware?

What will it take for reality to hit these idiots?

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw 'liberal'
>tfw im lumped in the same group with these autists

terms like liberal and conservative are just normal parts of identity politics now

The real irony in this case is the blunt object's actual intended purpose is to protect personal property from theft

Really galvanizes the garbanzos

>will liberals ever

The bike lock I mean

It's not evil, it's good and righteous. It's just against the law.


What the fuck does "partially weapons trained" mean?

Stupid bitch has never tried to snatch a gun from a secure holster.
>It would be peanuts!
This is why women shouldn't be allowed to have babies.

Extensive training and perfection of finesse in wielding "approved" plastic cutlery back in Bongistan.

She can eat with utensils.

She attended a feminst "what to do in case of rape with a guy holding a knife or gun" seminar. Where she probably got to do a 2 minute version of a self defense maneuver that would normal need to be executed within two seconds.

So pretty much talking like a 13 year who's played Cowadooty.

It's pure fantasy that she'd successfully "disarm" the cop? and empty that pistol.

He'd have smashed her like a bug immediately.
>Muh strong womyn
negro, please

>double/triple retention holster
>I could of totally disarmed him


She'd just end up tugging on his weapon, and getting knocked the fuck out and beaten to a pulp.

>What will it take for reality to hit these idiots?

For some of them there's no hope.
Doublethink is real.

>I could have disarmed the dude.


>America, you have a problem.
this smug cunt triggers me hardcore

>antifas are freakin heroes

has to be a troll

That's not concealed you idiot. That's open carry

>I am a fucking retard who doesn't know how holsters work therefore america has a problem
fucking retard
she probably doesn't even know what a safety is

I'll be laughing when the first antifaggot punches the wrong guy and winds up with two exit wounds on his back.

I mean she does have a point about something though. Gun battles in England are statistically much less likely to be happen there then here. But Sup Forums won't concede to this because MUH OUTDATED SECOND AMENDMENT

>I could have disarmed this dude and fired all rounds without much effort
The second he felt her little bitch claws trying to undo the holster he could've easily grabbed her arm and dragged her off. Stupid cunt.

>begin tugging at gun
>guy instantly turns around
>PTSD firing all cylinders
>pull out gun

Yeah I'm sure you could disarm him. kek

I doubt the cunt only saw gun battles on TV. You're full of shit

British cunt thinks she's female James Bond.
>America you have a problem
Yeah its called you European cunts that flee from your land to come here and try to tell us how to live after invaders came into your native land trying to influence the way your native population lives. Also, nuggets are a big problem when it pertains to gun violence in the US.

jesus christ this fucking killed me

*Niggers wtf

>I could have taken the weapon out of the holster, even though it's locked, and fired all rounds, even though I probably don't even know where the safety is

Sure thing.

I wonder if these people also shit their pants whenever they have to cross at a traffic light because theoretically every single driver could just floor the gas and run them over for no reason.

>I could have disarmed this dude and fired all rounds without much effort

Deluded bint.

The left basically has zero knowledge about weapons. The guy is clearly a cop, and that holster has 4 different retention mechanisms if I remember the /k/ threads about it. That gun is not being removed from that holster unless the person wearing it does it, full stop. Her teeth would be smashed in before she got even one of the mechanism unlactched.

>Sup Forums is a hive mind despite of all those things I'll list that prove it's not a hive mind

>has to be a troll

I don't think so, 11k comments in 2 years.

what's the maximum allowable force/penalty for trying to disarm an officer like that?

To be more specific, the safety mechanisms can only be unlocked from one angle, so it is impossible to draw the weapon from behind. No one but the guy wearing the holster could pull the gun in any relevant amount of time.

I hope this is real
>My boyfriend(30M)

Shill thread noko goes in option to slide

Sup Forums is a hive mind even if there are diverse opinions

Your friend is retarded.

White people is literally "the devil"
If there was an option to evacuate all white people to another planet and leave everyone else I would recommend it.
Then they can bitch about how everything's "the white mans fault" for thousands of years as civilization reverts to the stone age and as the Japanese or Chinese conquer the entire globe.

Dunno about the US, in Germany you could have problems if you use too much force against her depending on the judge.
The judge could always argue that you were aware that she cannot get the gun out of the holster, therefore you wouldn't be allowed to respond as if she was using (or trying to use) lethal force.

>dude i'm edgy and fringe, i dont align with hiveminds
>proceeds to prove to be part of a hivemind

You will fucking die. You may recall that this is how Michael "Momma should have let me drown" Brown died.

>freedom is outdated

>Sup Forums is a hivemind even if diverse opinions and anonymity cause it not to be

In America the cop wouldn't hesitate to unload his whole mag into you. You simple DO NOT fuck around with the cops.

fucking hiveminds with their spectrum of viewpoints and fervent discussion
fucking bees piss me off

I know a bunch of people like him and it's always the fucking same. They cannot actually refute Sup Forums's argument (not even necessarily because they are wrong, but because they are used to their echochambers and have no practice defending their position against a critical conversation partner) so they always try to attack the source.
And they feel that "it's just a hive mind dude" is a point that is likely to be accepted by the other side because every now and then some retard on here will spout the same line, so clearly it must be an established fact.

Spic deporting himself.

>my boyfriend (male)
Well,who would have guessed?

>uk had a higher violent crime rate than USA
>they banned guns
>somehow the chances of gun battles happening means more violent crime

Kill yourself right now.

>A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
omg I hate laws and shit now

She does a lot, a lot, of fore thinking wonder why???
