Plz explain to me once and for all...

Plz explain to me once and for all, why could babyboomers in the 70's live better than in a more advanced preceding generation? According to the rules of economy efficiency brought upon by tech and globalization should reduce prices and make everything more affordable. Also the unemployment in the USA is low compared to EU .

Other urls found in this thread:

inflation mainly, almost non existent migrant workforce.

Prices go down due to outsourcing production to 3'rd world countries and thus it gets harder for citizens in 1'st world countries to get employed.

If you get qualified enough and land a good job then yes you are better off than in the 70's but to get there is harder


Ignore all the retards blaming it on womynz, immygrantz and Jews.

Automation is the reason. We produce more than we ever did, but we need less and less people.

Exodus 22:19
“Anyone who has sexual relations with an animal must be put to death.”


Because Usary.
Thats why - and you know thats damn well why.

Bank bail outs mean printing currency AT INTEREST so the currencys purchasing power reduces - now we can't buy a house or start a family.

Boomers didn't have to deal with the effects of bailouts they created bailouts for the next generation

Unemployment isn't higher now:

Manufacturing is not the overall economy and is much more highly susceptible to automation than the average industry

>Ignore all the retards blaming it on womynz, immygrantz and Jews.
But Juice brought the womynz rights mov, shitskin immygrantz and Jews.

It doesn't change the fact that your purchasing power is no where near how it was back then.

Hell it was even possible to purchase a new car working a summer job.

On the one hand, the gold standard only got abolished in 1973 so they didn't share our distance to the true state of the economy.
On the other hand, Babyboomers are hogging the few jobs that outsourcing and importgration haven't eliminated so the younger generations have a harder time getting started than the Boomers did in the 70s and 80s.

>Also the unemployment in the USA is low compared to EU .

Notice how the black and hispanic line are double the white line?

Know that Hispanics are the highest growing population in the USA and you'll understand high unemployment here.

Simply take out non-whites and our unemployment is under 6%

You didn't explain anything. You didn't bring any data to back your claims up, and you didn't even made a real argument. Bank bail out started only after the current crisis.

This. Today's economy is based on services.

>This. Today's economy is based on services.

Are you asking a question or are you making this thread and waiting for someone to post the answer you like???

this is just yet another stealth "black man, white girl" cuck thread.

>the gold standard
Stop spreading lies, you flatland merchant. Gold standard has nothing to do with it since the banks still could lend money without having a physical gold to back it up.

It is higher in the US. In 1994 BLS changed their definitions and according to the old one US unemloyment is around 20%.

More gibsmedats. The more social welfare programs you have, the more expensive things will become. Sweden is a good example of this. Things generally cost almost twice as much in Sweden as they do in the US, yet the wages aren't higher. Restaurants, stores etc cannot afford to hire people to the same extent, since they have to pay significantly more than the welfare payments to be able to hire people. The US is also spending shitloads on wars which means taxes and other fees that increase prices don't go on to make things that people need in their everyday life (education, healthcare etc) cheaper.

The USA fought wars in the 70's too... Sweden does better today than then.

Found a neat summary for you.


fuk off kike he has a point

Here are the most interesting paragraphs

>Counting All Discouraged/Displaced Workers, May 2016 Unemployment Rose to About 23.0%.
Discussed frequently in the regular ShadowStats Commentaries on monthly unemployment conditions, what removes headline-unemployment reporting from common experience and broad, underlying economic reality, simply is definitional. To be counted among the U.S. government’s headline unemployed (U.3), an individual has to have looked
actively for work with in the four weeks prior to the unemployment survey conducted for the Bureau of Labor Statistic (BLS). If the activesearch for work was in the last year, but not in the last four weeks, the individual is considered a “discouraged worker” by the BLS, and not counted in the headline labor force.

>In 1994, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) overhauled its system for estimating unemployment,
including changing survey questions and unemployment definitions. In the new system, measurement of the previously
defined discouraged workers disappeared. These were individuals who had given up looking for work, no longer looking for work, because there was no work to be had. These people, who considered themselves unemployed, had been counted in the old survey, irrespective of how long they had been “discouraged. ”These were individuals who were and would be considered displaced workers, due to circumstances of severely-negative economic conditions or other factors such as changing industrial patterns resulting from shifting global trade patterns.

>You didn't explain anything
Yes I did. Your circular argument bullshit doesn't work anymore. We all know what you are doing and how it works. The only people you have convinced are the braiwashed retards, so good luck with your army of imbeciles.

>You didn't bring any data to back your claims up
You can google. I recommend, "Fractional reserve banking", "Usary", "Fiat Currency", "Central Banking and Socialism", "Cultural Marxism"

>Bank bail out started only after the current crisis.
Yes - In response to the financial crisis - that boomers created. Its a matter of fact. Theres a historical record of what happened. You can try and weedle your way out of loosing the argument by feigning inability to understand, but we all know what you are doing.

>live better
Define "better". Perhaps it's time to challenge the dogma that economic progress always brings about change that benefits people. What if I want to live in a nation of community and shared values, but I've had that option stripped from me because the current poltical climate tells us diversity and raising the GDP are the end goals?

So the USA gov also kikes its own citizens with tweaked stats?

>What if I want to live in a nation of community and shared values, but I've had that option stripped from me because the current poltical climate tells us diversity and raising the GDP are the end goals?
In that case you can vote or promote or become a candidate and change the laws using your democracy. If it isn't a democracy, then move to a real democracy.
Problems weren't.

The starting cost was relatively cheaper. Degrees costed less and housing costed less.

Stability of employment. Here in Belgium it really wasn't unheard of starting to work at the bottom of a company and rising to the top.

Also, I don't know how it's in the US where it's less regularized, but here in mainland Europe, there were less people, so that means that roads weren't as packed as before, trains weren't as packed and since you had smaller trains, the infrastructure degraded less fast. People were having children but since there were less of us, long waiting lists for schools were unheard of unless in big cities. The pressure of a growing population and the services not expanding as they should because they are heavily regulated here meant that the prices went up.

Less single people, more couple or family housing. All those single people need appartments to live too, on top of the growing population, it adds demand so housing prices keep rising.

There's also a difference in the quality of food. If you want decent stuff you usually need to pay for it.

All of that leaves you with less at the end of the month. And usually they make sure you have debnts to pay.

Mark Blyth puts it the best way IMO

>why could babyboomers in the 70's live better than in a more advanced preceding generation?

You didn't need a 30-thousand dollar degree to get a job paying middle-class income.

Manufacturing jobs were stable and provided livable income for a full family.

Now the market is glutted and packed, and baby boomers stripped away worker rights. Combine this with outsourcing and the death of manufacturing jobs to robots and chinese and you have your answer.

>Now the market is glutted and packed, and baby boomers stripped away worker rights.
It's lucky Trump got elected, he'll set it str8!

Because instead of working like theyr fathers and grandparents did. they asked and keep asking until today (kind of became a cultural thing in some places) for borrowed money we will have to pay during this generation.

he won't fix 20 trillion in debt unfortunately, he will make a start and then the USA will elect a communist because they will not like the idea of paying the debt and cut backs.

>According to the rules of economy efficiency brought upon by tech and globalization should reduce prices and make everything more affordable.

Oh boy oh boy, you are in for a treat.