What if North Koreans actually aren't suffering and they actually hate capitalism and its just us being fed western...

What if North Koreans actually aren't suffering and they actually hate capitalism and its just us being fed western propaganda the same way our western media tells us they are fed their "propaganda"

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what if ants actually had the best political understanding and giving ants all the power is the real solution?

Not likely for multiple reasons. Those being EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEIR NEIGHBORS.

They are all sick of their shit. Even China. North Koreans are batshit insane. Un the worst of the bunch.

>being this tinfoil
You could easily disprove that by going to visit there, meanwhile they are not allowed to leave.
Just don't steal any posters or they'll keep you for a decade or two.

Look at how many tried to leave since the Korean war. They aren't allowed to leave, but a minority tries.

Try stealing anything anywhere, you goddamn filthy hippie

not so sure bout this one m8.

They don't hate "capitalism", they don't care about economic systems. It's about racial purity and Korean unification.

>be Korean, live in Korea for 5000 years, fight off foreign invasions
>be Korean, 1910
>get annexed by Japan
>your people enslaved, raped, forced to abandon your language and names, forced to learn Japanese language and adopt Japanese names
>be Korean, 1945, Kim Il Sung's anti-Japanese liberation army crosses the Yalu river and marches down north to Pyongyang, liberation
>the Americans roll up south
>America makes pro-US sycophant Lee Seung-man the dictator of US-occupied Korea
>Former Japanese collaborators are put in charge of southern government positions, the same generals enforcing Japanese laws are now enforcing American laws
>the tensions at the artificial border are extreme, erupting in violent skirmishes from 1948-1950
>finally, we've had enough, Korea is our country, not America's or Japan's!
>Headline in America "THE KOREANS INVADE KOREA!"
>Korea almost liberated from American puppet government, the US lackey forced to retreat to Busan
>Kim Il Sung greeted as liberator in Seoul
>the anti-nationalist UN and the US decide to invade Korea, over twenty countries gang up on one of the smallest and poorest countries in the world
>15% of your civilians are killed off through no fault of their own, other than wanting peace, independence and unification with their racial kin/family members
>the Koreans are pushed back, though fight back with the Chinese
>finally after 3 years, a ceasefire
>borders almost exactly what they were before
>in the next 70 years you have to watch the US station hundreds of nuclear weapons in south Korea, have to watch US military negroes sleep with Korean girls and spawn mulattos
>the southern Korean youth starts speaking a mongrelized "Konglish", barely intelligible to the pure native Koreans in the north
>Bush declares Korea an "AXIS OF EVIL" alongside with Iraq, right before invading Iraq and executing its leader

DPRK is not a Marxist-Leninist country, it's not an "economy-first"-state, the central claim to the legitimacy of the state is not that it will usher in doctrinaire Marxism-Leninism, the central claim to legitimacy is that it will defend the purity of Korean blood against the US invaders in the south. If need be, in a nuclear holy war, a final showdown with the eternal enemy of the Korean race: The Yankee.


They just aren't starving anymore, they still suffer under tyranny though.

Also, we have few reliable sources so Westerners only pay attention to the sensationalized "reports" from defectors who want fame/money. For example, the one where Kim jong un's uncle was "executes by dogs eating him" or that "Kim jong il does not poop or pee" and played a perfect game of gold his first time playing.

>be Korean, live in Korea for 5000 years, subservient to China
>be Korean, 1910
>get civilized by Japan
>your people brought kicking and screaming into the modern age, no longer a rump state of the Chinese
>be Korean, 1945, Kim Il Sung, a barely literate, Chinese educated, Soviet puppet is installed in Pyongyang

If they hated Communism so much, why would they be okay with it? Why don't they just start a coup, then America and China don't have to take out Kim's regime themselves.

that's the plot of the interview

criminally underrated kino

>They just aren't starving anymore

We have zero pictures from the countryside, the villages and towns to confirm this.

All we got in terms of material is Pyongyang.

what if rocks don't actually gravitate towards the center of the earth, but the earth itself keeps accelerating towards the rocks all the time?

You sound like Obongo
>if if if if if if if if if if if

Dennis Rodman was right!!

my little brother said that too just a few days ago

it make for a couple lols

>All we got in terms of material is Pyongyang.
Not true at all


Here is a rural village

Based on data collected by the U.N.’s Food and Agriculture Organization [FAO], the magazine late last year analyzed dietary changes in 22 countries from 2011. Research showed that North Koreans in that year were consuming roughly 2,103 calories per day.

Source: dailynk.com/english/m/read.php?num=12871&cataId=nk00100

(anti-DPRK defector-run website)

Kinda hope you weren't loling at him. The underlying question, how we know anything is true is a legitimate point of discussion. Depending on how young and shit he is, the response to that question could turn him into a hardcore solipsist that only believes shit that's literally in front of him or a total dumbass that believes everything he's told.

It does and what you said is true but it is also still true they dislike capitalism. They dislike America for its capitalism and heterogenous races.

What if i tell you that i already went to NK and i all i saw was a massive shithole-country

Were you an East German?

A better question: how their supposed suffering is our problem?