AfD GENERAL/ GERMAN ELECTIONS GENERAL - <The hell of cologne> edition

22.04.2017 party convention
07.05.2017 regional election Schleswig-Holstein
14.05.2017 regional election Nordrhein-Westfalen

>Who are the AfD?

>current state of germany
>ministry of truth

>60 Genders - AfD adresses Greens proposal
>Frauke Petrys New year speech
>based Björn Höcke speech
>Frauke Petry in hart aber fair
>Petry's Interview on NATO, Refugees, Sharia, Turkey and Borders
>AfD MEP on Trump's victory

>Meme Collections
postimg org/gallery/13dw1v50q
postimg org/gallery/1mmbkgqo0
>Einzelfall Map

>kikebook /alternativefuerde
>twitter /afd_bund

This weekend the AfD will hold their party convention in Cologne!

About 50.000 Antifa members, cucks and lefties will demonstrate against it! The police is afraid of street combat and potential terror attacks( a right wing terrorist group claim the gonna attack the protesters). The chief of police said Cologne will turn into hell this weekend!

Other urls found in this thread:

germany will bully poland again if they win?

Police press conference

Depends which wing inside the party will be victorious this weekend.

The ultra-right wing part wants the eastern clay back.

Still nice to see my Meme from time to time.

What happens in Cologne speaks for itself. They basically need Military Protection from Antifa

>Parteitag der AfD versetzt Köln in Ausnahmezustand

Das nennt man dann wohl victim blaming

I head that the Antifa wants to attack the hotel in which the convention is held. The police is afraid the gonna try to burn it down

I can't wait for it. I hope the police kicks some antifa butts.

Also it's a joke that none of these fucker will be accused for "Landfriedensbruch" as always

Britbong here, what are the sides in this election? Gimme the run down

This video:

what a bunch of cucks

>the have to train how to riot

>kicking antifa butt
>in germany

pic related, police is blocking all the streets around the hotel

Germany is fucked this election. The AfD won't get more than 10-15% and nobody wants to build a collation with them.

The worst case right now would be RRG

This means a collation between the SPD ( socialists), the Greens and the Left ( ex eastern germany commie party).

Another scenario would be CDU ( Merkel) + SPD or CDU + FDP ( liberals)

If you trust the latest polls, right now only CDU+SPD got the majority of votes.

There is even a no fly zone above cologne this weekend

Some english stuff to read about the current situation in cologne

this will be hell this weekend.. 50k antifa sjw communist rioters.. they had to HIDE all the garbage cans today around the area because they are afraid these rioters will light them

Did you make this photo? Are you living so close to the hotel?

I do, yea, it's like 200 meters, I can see the hotel from my window and balcony lol.. here's another picture I took from my balcony, all the police cars are heading to the hotel

Do you remeber the chaos the Antifa made in Frankfurt 2 years ago when the central bank opened their new HQ?

Back then the police couldn't controll 6000 people, how do they want to handle 50k?

Yeah. In the US the Nazis are much more Hardcore and beat Antifags to a pulp.

While Antifa attacks with all kinds of hidden weapons.

But im counting on some accidents tomorrow. There wont be 50k Protestors without huge happenings

Stay safe user

But when I'm honest. I'm kinda jealous you have the perfect view

Why is she so pretty?!
Anyways, hope she wins and kicks the tanned people out

That's why they are saying "Cologne will be hell this weekend"... they are lacking the manpower and the equipment to deal with the situation.

I just saw 3 water cannon trucks heading to the hotel, they must be so afraid.. it really does look like civil war just broke out.

Ah, they are also expecting some antifa idiots to try to storm the hotel tonight, maybe plant a bomb or two or so. It'll definitely be an interesting weekend

>Back then the police couldn't controll 6000 people, how do they want to handle 50k?
They could barely control the rape apes this New Years Eve. And Cops outnumbered them everywhere. Even though i believe Cops hate Antifa bigly so lets count on a few headstomps

Thanks user, I will. If anything happens, I'll let you guys know, I'll definitely shoot some pics tomorrow.

You must post pics when something happens!

>Even though i believe Cops hate Antifa bigly so lets count on a few headstomps
Can't wait for the POLIZEIGEWALT cries from the lefties.


That's exactly the problem, the media supports these guys and will highlight scenes where police is forced to use tear gas or water cannon trucks to disrupt the rioters.. but what they are not showing is the rioters throwing rocks and fireworks or bottles into the policemen

Cheers for the run down, I'm sorry your country is subjected to this, I admit I'm one of the anons who always rails on Germany in other threads but honestly I always wanted to visit when I was younger. Maybe one day I will, but sadly your country has a roach infestation that I don't think will go away soon

Keep a camera set up, livestream it, if the police are gearing up to batter antifa we'll all wanna see it, stay safe

>5 months until election

Wake me up when we only have 2 weeks left


>spotted the FDP voter

I'll head later to the hotel to take some pics of it, tomorrow I'll probably make some videos if I see any clashes between rioters and policemen

I really hope that Höcke will show up regardless of his ban.

I don't think they will let any rioters so close to the hotel but maybe they break through

Heil Höcke

They'll try to break through and invade the hotel.. they'll try anything to disrupt the congress, I'm sure of that

>The ultra-right wing part wants the eastern clay back.

Holy fucking shit its THIS guy
I b-better start learning german shieeeeeeeeet

Stfu you Untermensch do you really think I haven't already decided whom I will give my vote.

Höcke is /ourguy/

w-will he nuke all non-axis members after he gets in power?

Vote the AfD! Their programm is pure gold!

I just renewed my italian passport a few months ago. I kinda regret it that i didn't chose the german passport instead.

You have to go through the upcoming election without me i guess.


They are corrupt and won't change anything.
Power corrupt the human spirit.

Maybe without Frauke they aren't a total fraud.

No, my father is italian but moved to germany. I live in germany my whole life, but i'm not born here.

>renewed my italian
>i didn't chose the german passport

Are you unironically retarded?

Will antifa riots turn normies towards the AFD?

I mean, it wouldn't change much for me if i had the german passport.

Also, i could get the german passport whenever i want, it's just pretty expensive. (Almost 4 times as expensive as renewing the italian)

The leftists wouldn't have to terrorize the whole city if not for evil nazis. Afd clearly violated the NAP for existing.

Germs are Doppelpass cucks, you can legally have both. Or doesn't the Italian gov play along with this?

I'm a newfag, can you tell me if there is a way to get notifications about updates in this sub toppic?

That's not how it works here. Lurk more, literally. After a few months your soul will be here forever.

Maybe a few

Keep this thread open in a separate tab in your browser. Browse the catalog while waiting for (you)s here.

I hope the Antifa will suffer tomorrow and sunday.

Deshalb wolle man jetzt noch gute Miene zum bösen Spiel machen und die Wahlen in NRW und auf Bundesebene abwarten. Sollte es bis dahin aber nicht gelungen sein, die AfD auf einen so genannten realpolitischen Kurs zu zwingen und Höcke aus der Partei zu drängen, haben die Anhänger des Petry-Lagers dieses Szenario entworfen: Sie wollen nach der Bundestagswahl mit ihren Abgeordneten die AfD-Fraktionen im Bundestag und in den Landtagen verlassen und eine neue Partei gründen – eine Art bundesweite CSU. Das Lager um Petry/Pretzell wolle nicht den Fehler des Parteigründers Bernd Lucke wiederholen, als dieser die Partei ohne Mandate in Landtagen und Bundestag verlassen habe. Erst mit ausreichender Vertretung im Bundestag und mehreren Landtagen habe diese neue Partei eine Chance, sich in der Bundesrepublik zu etablieren. Geplant sei eine kalkulierte Spaltung nach der Wahl, so der AfD-Funktionär gegenüber CORRECTIV. Sowohl Petry als auch Pretzell haben Fragen zu diesen Plänen nicht beantwortet.

Die Zeckenkärcher sind bereits getankt. The Spülbefehl won't come, though, because Cologne is ultra cucked leftie central.

Why is NRW so shitty lads? I don't want to live here anymore

Dieses Video beschreibt die AfD perfekt

Go die in a retirement home and be raped by one of your beloved Goldstücke.

Because migrants are ruining NRW since the 60s


>50k antifa sjw communist rioters
Why the fuck do they hold in it Cologne, anyways? This area is as cucked as it gets, it only can get topped by Berlin.

The rioters are bussed in from all over the country, they can bring them literally everywhere.

I'm legit not sure who to Vote for. Tell me why I should Vote for the AFD.

Vote AFD if you want a mildly conservative party that has a fair chance of getting a few %. Vote Bürgerbewegung Pro Deutschland if you want a damn good Sup Forums party than will show up under "Sonstige".

Post more AfD memes, I want to send them to my normie german friend

So you can later wash your hands in innocence.

Swing your sword and shout "Deus Vult!", but say you didn't want any of that, it was the traitors in government who brought the war upon us.

Click through their programm, this is the idiot version of it with a lots of pictures.

We will love this one



if only

But even with such a result we would just get a CDU+SPD+Greens coalition which would result in even more leftist bs.


yeah it's a chick, so i don't know about the shit


Because the Maritim Hotel told them that they are ok with hosting the event. They didn't know the consequences of agreeing to that.

Since then a lot of death threats have been issued to the staff of the Maritim Hotel. Left-Wing retards walked in during the day (!) and told the staff at the reception that if they don't cancel the congress, they will burn the hotel to the ground. They also called for a natiowide boycott of Maritim Hotels

Böhmermann is the german John Oliver

meant this one

>They also called for a natiowide boycott of Maritim Hotels
Implying Antifa faggots can afford a 4 star hotel anyway

>Meme Collections
postimg org/gallery/13dw1v50q
postimg org/gallery/1mmbkgqo0

way too much attention for some 5 % party
fucking antifa generating free PR for those faggots

>Ja, natürlich unterstütze ich am Freitagabend meine rechtspopulistische 8%-Partei im Internet

>Implying Antifa faggots can afford a 4 star hotel anyway

Soros and his globalists friends can, you stupid idiot.

>8%-Partei im Internet

Versuch es härter, Linkskrebs

Ich frag mich was DU hier machst. Müsstest du nicht grade auf irgendeiner Demo sein, Molotovs auf kleine Kinder werfen oder sowas?

gucke jetzt Gold.2016.WEB-DL.1080p.ExKinoRay.mkv

The AfD is the 3rd strongest party you cuck!

No offense bro, but Germans are fucking terrible at humor

What are the recent news about Petry as head of AfD? Do they have a leader?

Just fuck off, with your cheap stereotypes, you blatant shill.

>What are the recent news about Petry as head of AfD?

This here, it's sad

Ist das echt?
