Be careful pure Sup Forums, these motherfucker wants to occupy Kurdistan region of Iraq pretending to fight PKK...

Be careful pure Sup Forums, these motherfucker wants to occupy Kurdistan region of Iraq pretending to fight PKK, like Russia did to Crimea.
Everybody repeat after me: ERDOGAN is an absolute cunt, we don't let him commit that crime.

No one wants to face it but long term he's going to be a bigger problem than that fat nork manbabby

And we should trust a country that wrote the slogan of every terrorist on its flag?

why hasn't Russia nuked this shithole already?

>The republic, Recep

>A dictator who seized power for himself, shut down opposing organs of government, arrested political challengers and disappeared citizens that caused him trouble isn't a great guy.
T-thanks, user. K-keep me posted.

cuz turks got Murrican made ICBM's

also NATO

he also wants to genocide Christians, just like all turks do (and have often succeeded at)

ITT: an iraqi thinks Sup Forums gives a fuck about his gay little anus

How did you know I'm a gay?

her biji kurdistan


PKK gives turkey legit reason to invade northern Iraq and Syria.

No matter how much western cock you suck, it won't save you. Filthy Kurdish subhuman.

You talk like as if genociding christians is a bad thing.

I can hear your lisp through my screen. That fucking gay

And roaches wonder why everyone hates them...

You are fucked, basically the only halfway successful muslim nation.
Back to stoneage with your pedophile warlord deathcult

Fuck off cunt. Your existence is a crime against humanity itself.

Nobody would be sorry if all your countrymen were butchered by glorious Soviet soldiers.

The tricky thing is Erdogan actually treats the kurds really well in his country

Like letters of the kurdish alphabet were fucking banned before him. I would say all kurds should accept living under the benevolent sultanate but that'll be a time bomb after he dies/gets voted out


Everybody turns to be PKK and the terrorist name will be abolished after it.
PKK will be a crown!.

why does his possible wanting to occupy Kurdistan make him a bad person? wouldn't you want your country's leader to expand the power and prestige of your country also?

>Internal fight couldn't be solved with his tiny ass then bithes about invading.

If you do a fault like this, you will see KURDISTAN flag amidst of Istanbul in your lifetime as Greeks can't do it.