Who /dump trump/ here?



oh wow trump doesnt support criminals

who would have guessed

I'm not fucking joking

I'm /regret trump/ after this

julian assange is a criminal

you supported a man who promised to maintain the law, dont be surprised that he is going after him now.

Julian assange represents chaos. He willingly breaks the law and then taunts you U.S gov about it, what did you expect?

maybe the administration is in full-on acceleration mode prodding Julian to release everything

t-tell me it's possible lads

I thought he just publishes shit, I didn't realise reading shit people give to you is a crime.

They did the crime technically and besides it's your civic duty to root out corruption.

are you serious?

"no officer, I don't have to return this stolen item or take any responsibility for it, you see someone ELSE stole it and then gave it to me. I know i encouraged it in the first place but thats not my problem."

Ecuador has an extradition treaty with the US so he's fucked.

>charging a dead men

This a million times. If you're gonna go around, literally spreading state secrets and putting agents in danger, you deserve to hang. He sold out America, so whatever happens to him is okay with me.
Also, I hope this disgusting piece of shit is next. You're gonna sell out your comrades and then literally go into hiding in fucking commie shithole Russia? He's a pathetic murderous traitor and will get what's coming to him now that Hussein Obongo is gone.

It's 4-D chess user. So that (((media))) can't say Trump is soft on wikileaks. Just like those syria strikes killed the russia narrative.

>it's a '(((they))) are turning trump's base against him so they can impeach him without any blowback' episode

>It's 4-D chess user.

Kill yourself faggot

Kill yourself faggot

fuck off cunts, i hope this is the start of your fucking demise you piece of shit american politicians. hopefully the dead mans switch files are fucking good, because our current shit government wont do shit to help assange


>Assange gets arrested
>Wikileaks releases all of its info on Trump

Yeah, what could go wrong?

>Know many people in the US govt are guilty of treason
>Expose them
>Be accused of treason


While you're at it could you remove the corrupt politicians that are literally selling out your entire country to corporations? You know, the people that are actually committing treason by spying on the people so they can make a little more money.

You realize his kids are actually fucking jewish right?

Assange is a blue-balling drama faggot. Throw him in solitary. Maybe it will trigger the release of the keys for the WL insurance files.

>inb4 it's literally nothing

Lot of neocons bullshiters on this board ever since Trump got in defending his neocon policies.

its almost like Julian does not have anything on trump, and trump is tired of the perpetuated rumor he is evil and has this checkered past.

Nah they have stuff. If you're a famous person with access to the internet, someone's got something on you.

I mean realistically I don't think there was a potential AG out there in Trump's neck of the woods that wouldn't do the same thing Sessions is with Wikileaks. I don't see what the big deal really is, it's like saying "US Government seeks charges for well-known international criminal", what a shocker. I don't think anything will come from it, the real issue only arrises if the Trump administration actually gets Assange in a courtroom, the outcry would be tremendous.

And when Assange is sitting in Gitmo? What will you say than?

Pretends to be a former Trump supporter but links to a fucking Salon article. Work on your shill posting. Saged.

>seek formal charges
>trump pardons Assange
>8-D Hyper dimensional under water polo.


Well, as long as they execute that idiot attention whore Ed Snowden.

F-f-fake news r-right guys ?

Our god e-emperor would never allow this to happen!!

maybe now they can drop the narrative that Jeff Sessions is a russian

nah they wont, fucking crying sad bitches

No he's just a neocon faggot like Trump and the rest of the Bush administration, I mean Trump adm

But it's electronic material. So it's more like "No officer, I don't have to return this copy of a stolen item that someone gave me, cause why the fuck would I? I don't have the original, in fact there isn't even such a thing as the original." As for encouragement, sure, but it would have to be proven that there was specific encouragement of a specific crime, not just general encouragement.

What a little cuck you are. Willing to put up with being spied on by a big government program that was literally created in secret with our ta money, all for the sake of some supposed "state secrets".