What happens when I refuse to work in Communism? What if nobody wants to work...

What happens when I refuse to work in Communism? What if nobody wants to work? Wchich political system treats unemployables best? I just want that sweet basic income. Working is for chumps.

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>what happens when I refuse to be a slave

white nigger

>Wchich political system treats unemployables best? I just want that sweet basic income.

Well it seems you are not unemployable, you are just a lazy shit. But in that case you want something socialist and liberal. You also want to live somewhere where the rest of the population is actually hard workers so their taxes can support your degenerate neet lifestyle

Don't worry thanks to you there will not be white niggers in the near future, or whites at all.
>The eternal kraut strikes again

You'll be send to gulag, son.
Also why do you eat like an absolute pleb?
Don't tell me you are eating healthy. I remember you posting some shitty pasta with stock cubes, they are absolute cancer.

You get gulag'd and if you refuse to work there, you are executed. The next guy will think before replicating your behavior.

You get asked to work again
If you refuse - you go to gulag they make you work.

Should I impregnate a German woman?

The political system that treats unemployables best is probably what's in western Europe

I eat healthy today. My local Pizzeria's website crashed ;/

You can't not work, you go to gulag comrade. You simply slack off, pretend to work, accomplish nothing. Hard work is for capitalist nerds.

So basically I should become Homer Simpson.

Not a bad idea. If you don't mind converting to Islam in a few years.


>What happens when I refuse to work in Communism?
Have you heard of Gulag?

You get what you deserve you turd

Forcing people to work ain't what it used to be.

ate your daily guinea pig yet, paco?

You had that opportunity and it caused a second world war. Goys like are just as retarded.

There are Gulags in real Communism?

He who doesn`t work, neither shall he eat.

Faggot, read some Lenin before posting such a shitty thread.

If there are gulags in real Communism than every pro commie fucker protesting in tge west is evil and should be shot by the police. What gives? Why are they allowed to advocate for murder?

>He who doesn`t work, neither shall he eat.

Any reason? This sounds cruel for no reason. What about disabled and retarded people?

But I thought everyone loves communism and everything is rainbows and butterflies! What the fugg, someone tell the Spaniard commie! He almost had me convinced to tear down the current system of capitalism in favor of the perfect system where I could just sit around and play video games all day!!!!??

Said the fat, ugly, bong with fucked up teeth who is upset because he has no knives, so he had to butter his toast this morning with his bare hands.

show the finished product of ur shit cooking

Social democracy, my lad!

>throw away pride
>grovel at feet of new nobility
>vote faithfully for people they tell you to vote for
>chimp out and cause social discord when someone challenges the order

Perfect system for you.
Sure, it's slavery, but you have the Internet, booze and fast food.
Just kill your brain and live for your masters.

Depends on which type of communism. In Marxism-Leninism you'd usually be forced into a job by the government, exiled, or sent to a labor camp. In the more humane forms like libertarian socialism/communism (yes it exists) you'd just be socially shunned and wouldn't be trusted with anything until you worked. That's what happens in kibbutzim too.

refusal to work means jail or a cut to your government allotted rations. maybe a downgrade in your govenrment provided housing .

like you were in group B which does non essential work of a unskilled nature but now you refuse to flip burgers or process the deletion of government credits to finalize a transaction ...

so now your in group C free loaders who only have access to a studio apartment that is in a high rise of nothing but studio apartments and your rations halved regardless of weight and height

Welcome to the real world, Neo. Communism literally cannot function without gulags. Without slave labor the USSR would have collapsed by the 1960s.

Rich people don't need to work - no matter in what system.

It works great! Until oil money runs out. Just look at Venezuela. Norway is next.

>muh Nordic model
>muh mix of socialism and capitalism

sounds good

Without slave labor the USSR would have collapsed by the 1960s.

USA does the same thing to this day. You put black people to prisons and force them to work for free. Private prisons much?

Several small cities in Canada are already testing out Basic Income programs. Not sure how they work or if long-term residency is required to be eligible but it's probably your best bet. Only come if you're white tho, we have too many shitskins already.

>What happens when I refuse to work in Communism
You get sent to gulag.

Where you will work.

>second time I diss SuccDems
>second time I get QUADS

Historically they killed you or sent you to gulag.

It's pathetic how leftists today whine about decreasing social welfare payments, whilst anyone not working under their heroic leaders' governments would be shot dead.

Maybe capitalism should start that as well. If you shirk work, you're just shot, or controlled with some kind of shock collar.

Nonono stop.
If you don't want to take charge of your own life, you CAN NOT think about tomorrow. You have porn and potato chips today.
Leave tomorrow's problems for tomorrow's you (fuck that loser!).

i mean you still have to work, except instead of the office job you get a job working the fields. All the professors, wealthy elites, and radicals picture themselves becoming party members, but that won't happen. Party members are always the enforcers who were willing to murder people like you and thus showed their loyalty. Once it reaches that point, those who would've been able to stop no longer can stop it, so when they resist they get a bullet quicker than you can tell them 'kunta kinte'.

here's a quick rebuttal by Jordan Peterson:

>calling anyone fat and ugly


Nope. Prison labor has minimal, if any, economic impact. It's a huge taxpayer burden. The gulags had major mining and manufacturing output- look up Vorkuta for example. It's not just a cowadoody map.

they would pick you up on the street, demand you show your ID and explain why aren't you working. then they forcefully took you to some factory and you would do some repetitive job.

>Prison labor has minimal, if any, economic impact. It's a huge taxpayer burden.

Source? You put millions of black slaves to work. I bet black slaves will build your fucking wall.

There is no coercion, prison work is all voluntary.

Jordan Peterson is a clown with barely a high-schooler's understanding of Marxism.

>What happens when I refuse to work in Communism?
>he doesn't know that communist govts killed over 100 million humans in the last century

>prison work is all voluntary.
I'm sure it is. Especially in private prisons.

Why do slavs love onions so much?

Old Russian saying : "As long as they pretend to pay us, we pretend to work."

>prison work is all voluntary
>amerishart doesn't know about his own fucking 13th Amendment
LMAO, You're a literal fucking slave state

Top fucking lel

It keeps us strong and healthy. Also they are cheap.

So basically for communism to work you have to have all participants' consent, and when you dont have that consent you gulag them and eventually execute them???

Sounds like the perfect system to me, sign me up! I mean, first you'll have to come and take my guns so I won't violently overthrow the shitty leaders of this shitty system but surely you can convince Officer Joe who goes shooting with me to come confiscate the guns that I list in a tragic boating accident while posting this response.

Yeah but it isn't really a food you just "eat", you usually use it to fry it with your meat or something, no?

20 vuotta reipasta leirielämää opettaa kulakkia ajattelemaan aivan uudella tavalla.

Democratic socialism is the best system for us NEETs. The democratic aspect gives us rights and allows us to keep voting in the socialist policies. So an unstoppable cycle develops. Of course this will put the country into massive debt, but I don't care. It already is. The government will just bring in more foreign workers to pay it off generations from now.

Right now I get $1,500 a month in welfare. That's how much a minimum-wage wagie makes working 40 hours a week after taxes. Moving out to my own place soon. No roommates, no parents. I'm gonna be hella comfy sitting in a hot bath eating caviar and drinking champagne with strawberries in it. Meanwhile you wagies pay for it all with your sweat and blood. Look how much you pay in taxes yet you get shit in return. Not filled potholes, sometimes not even clean water. But I live like a prince.

Come to Canada if you want to be a NEET.

Oispa täälki kulakit, ois jotain tekemistä

Wait for UBI. For now, just try to work 40 hours or less a week. Productivity vs. Wages haven't been trending together for a long while now so why would you work hard in capitalism?

Maybe if you're a pussy.

You guys know shit. We already had communism here and people certainly were not forced to work. You were forced to be employed and show in your job, but you could sit all day, smoke, drink and do nothing and noone would give a shit, because most did the same. Why? Because it didnt matter if you work or not, you got paid the same. Now you got an answer why communism went to shit.

This assumes you were ideologically pure ofc. If you resisted the system, you were harrased, bullied, sent to jail or even gulag (soft gulags in central Europe, soft as in you had a chance to come back alive).

Nah, you cam make many dishes just with onions. Eggs with onions and onion soup are great.

You're either misinformed or a homosexual.

The economic value of one unit of nigger labor is not written down in the Bible.
Whipping workshy backs until your whip tangles on their spine does not produce the same wealth across differing times. For example, the modern 'black universities' of the US making soft tin spades or filling up potholes are a far cry from the slave gangs linking up infrastructure and shipping raw materials in Siberia back in the mid 20th century.

Marx was a smelly NEET. Labor ain't worth SHIT unless applied intelligently.

it raises the standard of living of the absolute impoverished slightly and drastically lowers the standard of living of the middle class and above. those that don't work are sent to gulag which is basically a work or die scenario.

marxism is one of the few subjects he knows a good deal about. the rest of his philosophy and pseudo-intellectualism is shit tier though.

We may be fat. But at least we have full sets of clean teeth and freedom. If you could harness all of your collective jealousy of America and turn it into electricity, you would have enough to power electric toothbrushes for every bong in the UK for the next 100 years.

So it's shit and I'll shoot any commie faggot I see in any sort of commie revolution. Gotcha.

Free work is more valuable than any other human work. You can just throw more slaves to do the job to boost productivity.

you pretend to work, they pretend to pay you. meanwhile infrastructure falls apart and the resistance is just reloading.

the initiation of force is forbidden.
all humans will stop or we flood you again.
11,000 years later, did you learn to swim yet?

work and job are two very different things.

You can have a job that requires little work, and still pays the bills. Some jobs are fun, even.


>recognize that he spews bullshit and pseudo-intellectualism
>think that "marxism is one of the few subjects he knows a good deal about"
>recognize that the media spews bullshit when it comes to subjects you know about
>think they don't spew bullshit when it comes to subjects you don't
Buddy plz. Stop being predictable.

Socialism is what you're looking for. It's almost as retarded as communism but it gives you the opportunity to sit on your ass all day while other people provide for you. Communism is just plain retarded because it gives a bunch of social science majors and career politicians complete control of your economy.

>Polacks attempting to discuss anything intellectually, ever.

damn that sounds awesome

The dinner is served.


Matriarchy is the best government
>prove me wrong
>you cant

is that deep fried butterfly?

>european "cuisine"

in the current form of capitalism you actually have to work the least just to survive. you only have to work until you have enough capital to somehow sustain yourself i.e. investments or passive income. if some shitfarmer really busted his ass and got a whole fuckton of carrots, he'd still have to work, as they'd go bad at some point, but that's not the case here. most people just don't think rationally and insist on living in expensive places and buying hebrew status symbols.

>boiled potato and onion
>carbs and more carbs
>no protein, no fiber, no real nutrition

how the fuck does poland have a triple digit IQ?

I wish I had eggs, vinegar and some bread.

Labor amounts to nothing unless it's fruit is applied intelligently.

You can have a hundred men mine a thousand tons of ore for free but said ore won't magically transform into machine parts without specialists.

I'm not even sure what your point is here, are you saying that someone can't have valid points and expertise in one area, but mediocre opinions in another?

are you expecting me to defend JP after i've already given you my opinion on him? speak plainly or at least make a valid argument about something we disagree on.

How should I spend 10,000 euros
I was thinking of putting it into medical companies

Dude, that looks so fucking sad. Where's the green? where's the meat? Potato and onions are great, but can't you put a little more effort?

Yeah, because communism worked in every country it was chosen as the form of government.

kys, user

> in b4 but it was not real communism

they're charged with social parasitism and sent to a labor camp to learn the value of honest work. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parasitism_(social_offense)

>someone can't have valid points and expertise in one area, but mediocre opinions in another
Sure they can, except Jordan is a Psych Prof. That's a hint.

have you seen My 600 Pound Life?

even with America's shitty welfare system fatass are allowed to sit in bed all day collecting SSDI and waste it on $50 of fast food a day

While there are quite a few private prisons in the US, most don't actually force labor. The ones that do put out very little of value or profit.

You could prevent this kind of forced labor and there would be no economic impact. The biggest problem with private prisons are people profiting off of this system and incentivizing arrests, putting money into politics, etc. It's shitty, but not in the way you're thinking.

i knew op was polish by the gross food lmao

again, another non-arugment. you seem vapid, and unable to comprehend that we have no disagreement. i'll no longer reply to you.

enjoy your gulag ivan


>he's describing what I do at my job


And still healthier than what your average American eats