National Socialism vs Capitalism

Still reading Mein Kampf. What are the differences between NatSoc and Capitalism?



Capitalism sees tits and ass.
NatSoc sees a uterus.

Basically nothing.

Night of the long knives is where Hitler purged everyone from his party that kept telling him he was too capitalist and wasn't nationalizing the businesses.

Hitler used socialism and Bernie-Speak to gain a grass roots movement....but he was pragmatic enough to leave capitalism very much in place.

The truth is he had a lot of time in power. If he really wanted to start nationalizing businesses and installing a form of socialism he would have done it.


Few pics on my computer. Figured you wouldn't mind seeing this sheer beauty of a human. My mistake.

It was an honest question.
I believe unfettered capitalism would be best for the individual. I haven't yet learned why NatSoc may be better, do you have a reason? I will still be reading the book (only about 80 pages in and it is fascinating)

Mostly interested in the "basically" if there was no difference, or if he had no time to fully implement it, then why does Sup Forums push it?

pic related is basic national socialism
it only functions in an Ethno state of above 90 iq nations (just like every other political system)

natsoc = ideology
capitalism = economic system
what are the differences between an apple and an umbrella?

this is the only remotely correct reply in this entire thread.

thus far.

NatSoc lets the state get its dirty paws on private industry

Well then fuck that shit. I had enough of the "sacrificial" jew when I realized I could just drop religion.

That is helpful, thank you. I assumed since they each received their own threads daily, that they were in opposition.

(((capitalism))) only works when there is 3rd world slave labor to support it.
>made in China on everything
>muh American pride

I just mean that Hitler's actions were very different from the way he spoke. In fact going so far as to kill people who talked about nationalizing the businesses. He had a long time to atleast begin a form of socialism if he wanted.

People here push it because very few have read Mein Kampf and even fewer will take the beliefs espoused there and then compare it to Hitler's actions.

Natsoc is fascism + race realism
Fascism is govt supports businesses that helps the Nation succeed.
Fascism is also social traditionalism.

So fascism is state capitalism or collective capitalism (note: individualism isn't important to fascists like it is to libertarian capitalists)

This isn't completely accurate, just a simplified description.

National Socialism is more about planned economy when capitalism is about free economy. In National Socialist system there is corporatism where unions and business elite deal with government with labor and production issues. In NatSoc Germany government was heavily involved with investments and channeling funds to different projects.

>try to stop fapping
>"oh boy I should stop going to Sup Forums"
>go anyways
>see porn right away

thanks OP

You do know that is a bullshit opinion, no?

Capitalism only works properly with a free market. You can't have slaves in a free market. They would quit and (with a higher wage) help your next-door competitor put you out of business.

I don't understand this. What's the end-goal? What, exactly, are people making sacrifices for? Does civilization not exist for the comfort of its people?

you are falling for the profit jew. Look at the statistics and wages,
the household debt in the US is $13 trillion
if capitalism worked the national debt wouldn't be $20 trillion and the household debt $13 trillion

>no goy, think if all the potential profits you could have.
you're literally like a gambling addict thinking he'll be that 1 in a million who wins.

Since you seem like you may know. I am currently reading the Mein Kampf from the banned books. Is that the best version?

>>What is the information problem
So what should a steel rake maker in Viipuri charge? Oh, you don't know? Then how should a centrally planned government know? Best to let the business owner themselves charge the highest price their customers are willing to pay, hence capitalism.

My apologies.

See I really do have few pictures on my computer.

Except that debt is due to (((Social Programs))) funded by the government. Why do you allow $113b to be spent on illegal immigration according to FoxNews. One of many indefensible programs.

the end goal is national identity, unity and purpose
>what's America's purpose? to fight jew wars and feed the military industrial complex machine
>what's America's identity? Anchor babies and dreamers because of civic cucks who think saying the pledge of allegiance makes them patriots
>is America unified?
they had a form of national socialism in Scandinavia for a while (the highest standard of living and quality of life until the jews flooded them with rapeugees)
does it finally make sense?!

$20 trillion is national debt (what you're referring to "social programs")

$13 trillion is PERSONAL debt (credit cards, mortgage and car loans) what individuals owe on top of what the nation owes (taxes)
obviously (((capitalism))) is not working or it's creating unsustainable amounts of personal debt

>profit jew
>household debt
>national debt

worse than bernie supporters

I'm going to sleep anons. Just research more about National Socialism using your own logic not what cuckservatives and (((capitalists))) tell you it is.
have a great weekend, be safe and many blessings.

it's because there's different ideologies here and each have a different idea of what the state should do economically.
For instance libertarians believe that the state should intervene as little as possible in the market (or not at all) whereas natsocs iirc believe that the market should be used to achieve a common goal so they intervene a lot.
basically as long as there's a market it's capitalism

yeah it showed this election schlomo, everyone voted for more profitable made in china plastic and jobs going to other countries for better margins goy

He probably re-memed that socialism thing with which the nation was brain-washed before him.
Just as he did with the red flag actually.