FUCK. Who else is struggling to write their letter before the election tomorrow...

FUCK. Who else is struggling to write their letter before the election tomorrow? I am thinking of just copying my vote letter from last year. You think they will catch me?

Putain vous savez la lettre qu'il faut lire juste avant de déposer son bulletin de vote dans l'urne ? Et bah j'ai totalement oublier de l'écrire

The fuck's a vote letter? Is this the Sup Forums version of 'have to write a 400 word essay by tomorrow and haven't even started' threads?

You know the letter you have to write to prove that you respect the values of the republic?

I forgot to write one at the legislatives and I couldn't prove I had volunteered at any political party so I couldn't lodge my vote.

the fuck? the french actually do this?

please be trolling, this isnt real

>the letter you have to write to prove that you respect the values of the republic?
The revolution was a mistake.

Can't find anything online about it. This might be the French equivalent of the "American" penis inspection day.

u what now

If only it was true. None of the illetrate nigger and mudslimes would be able to vote

does that mean muslims cant vote in france? thats pretty fucking based

You have to write a vote letter?

>You know the letter you have to write to prove that you respect the values of the republic?

This sounds a lot like a French system of American voter id's. Assuming mudshits can't write these letter then I'm all in

You think that's bad? Last election I LITERALLY forgot the sixth verse of the Prophet Muhammads journey, so my vote was just scrapped and I was ridiculed by everyone.


>Need to prove in letter form that you respect the republic
>Niggers can't write

Fuck of France, no way you cucks are this based

What the fuck are you trying to do?
From which asylum did you escape?


i cant read french what did op do

Is this like the American law that you have to sing the Big Mac jingle in order to vote?

>i cant read french what did op do

translate from english you dumb burger

>Vote letter

Sure is LARPing in here

This thread is fake, however penis inspection day is real, my dick and all the other in the fifth grade were inspected.

What the fuck OP.

Its too fucking hard. What are you writing on yours?


already voted for based Macron

I'd inspect your dick anytime :^)

id only let you if you are girl

>translate from english you dumb burger

google does not list that option sir.

anybody else just realize this is the first funny french post you've ever read?

Next thing you know a Croat will be in here with a sense of humor.

please wash your face

You disgusting breeder scum, gtfo my Sup Forums

who else here already regretting voting for Le Penis??

fuck off reprobate

Breddy good

You fuck off, vaginaslave


>penis inspection day
I had to go home that day because I forgot mine.

This would actually be amazing.

>all illiterates, anybody who can't speak the language and anybody too lazy to write a 1 page letter (that's a lot of people btw) would effectively lose their vote

Sounds fucking good to me.

man, I don't get what's funny in your joke