
after spending some time lurking around "reddit.com/r/Anarchism/" i noticed several things;
1) they see us the same way we see them, morons that are not willing to engage in civil discourse and only see the world in a them vs us mentality
2) they think we are actually Nazis, i even saw one thread saying supporting right wing politics is the same as being a Nazi because the right if it had its way would always go to segregation and eventually ethnic cleansing, which is absurd.
3) they all believe what theyre doing is the right thing to do
and aside from their LARPing antics, calling one another comrade and posting the hammer and sickles all over the place theyre a lot like us.
I wish we could have actual debates on the matter instead of just assuming they wont engage in any kind of dialogue whatsoever.
And any thread posted on anarchism that even smells like its not 100% pro-antifa gets deleted for "trolling", which i believe is very telling of the environment they reside in. how do we find middle ground for such polarized individuals? if things continue like they are, people are going to die. But theyre so diluted i dont believe theyre salvageable. How has history dealt with a political setting like this before? where the only two sides are polar opposites and they continue to separate until an ultimatum shows itself?

You can only kill commies, son.

well in the past what we did with these types is throw them in happy camps until the (((allies))) liberated

>How has history dealt with a political setting like this before? where the only two sides are polar opposites and they continue to separate until an ultimatum shows itself?

this question got me thinking that you might be trolling


Here in Spain we solved almost the same conflict with a 3 year civil war :,)


The difference is that we're the rejects of society, the outcasts, and as such are able to observe the world and society from a third-party perspective and figure out what's really up. They, on the other hand, are super-rich ultra-priveliged city/suburban white kids, who are basically going through life on the easiest mode possible, and yet feel the need to LARP as something in order to feel a sense of purpose in life. They need a sense of purpose. We have swallowed the redpill that there is no purpose. There's your difference.

this is priceless

Try debating them. Youll just get banned

>if things continue like they are, people are going to die.
the blood God cometh

Lets create a dictionary:

r/Anarchism Sup Forums

Porky = Jew/Merchant

"Liberals" = r_theDonald/neocons

Lenin/Stalin/Mao = Mussolini/Hitler/Pinochet

Comrade = user

Bash the Fash = Gas the Kikes/Give a
commie a heli ride/Race war now

I legit wonder if half of those posts are just Sup Forumsacks fun posting.

>Cultural appropriation is bad unless we really really need dank memes


Just like the_donald?

>they think we are actually Nazis

I fail to see your point here.

Really ironic how Antifa wear black just like the Italian Blackshirts of Mussolini.
and both try to use violence to get something.

>Spain is the only country in earth that has physically removed both Muslims and Marxists
a bit jealous desu

>after spending some time lurking around "reddit.com/r/Anarchism/" i noticed several things;
>1) they see us the same way we see them, morons that are not willing to engage in civil discourse and only see the world in a them vs us mentality

We're more than willing to debate, they are the ones who actively promote the idea of "no platform for fascism" meaning they silence us and do not debate us because it's legitimizing our views.

>2) they think we are actually Nazis, i even saw one thread saying supporting right wing politics is the same as being a Nazi because the right if it had its way would always go to segregation and eventually ethnic cleansing, which is absurd.

We are actual nazis and those absolutely are the logical conclusions of the right taking total power.

>How has history dealt with a political setting like this before? where the only two sides are polar opposites and they continue to separate until an ultimatum shows itself?

One side must utterly annihilate the other side.

Except they're the most reprehensible hypocrites it is possible to be. Their entire shtick consists of:
>we must take the rights of these people we don't like away because they're trying to take the same rights away from other people and taking rights away from people is terrible

i made that thread t b h f a m

made me chuckle so hard last night and my thread has seem to have motivated Sup Forums to troll the hell out of /r/anarchism so it was worth it

reddit please go and stay go

OP is literally so stupid he doesn't realize normies rule the lands with an iron fist.

Go outside OP, go outside.

kys plebbit fag

But we didn't do it right and now our country is full of commies who hate the slightest sign of spanish nationalism

Called it
Neo-kikes unite, our Meme Magic combined, Conquer and Divide!

> Postgenderists transhumanists

Is it good or bad that I have absolutely no idea what this means?

fatal mistake, should have starved them all instead

Don't lose hope, son. If the EU goes to shit Second Civil War SOON.

Massacring of one side or the other. We must exterminate the anti-fa.

Hello r/the donald. You can stay on reddit no need to come here faggot. Never come again. Thanks

>they see us the same way we see them
>they think we are actually Nazis
You can be sure that they feel like most of us that they are very much the ones that are in the right or true.

Right now it's the time for the rightg wing to swing back as the left has been dominating for long, it will swing back again if the right takes it far.

>they see us the same way we see them
The difference between them and us is that we're right and they're wrong.

I've tried having civil discourse with the ones at my uni. It doesn't work. If you focus on one of their arguments and demolish it then a different person will jump in and quickly change the topic, or try to reframe the debate. It's like fighting a many headed hydra.

They tend to have 3 or 4 leaders or main arguers, then 5-10 supporters to try and drown out the debate when it turns against them.
We can never engage in civil discourse with them.

The only solution is Helicopter Diplomacy.

I don't believe or support national socialism tho. I hate the Nazis cuz they didn't finish the job (or even do it). Hitler was an autist that wouldn't let his generals general, and ended up letting one of his more competent ones die because of paranoia.

Killing of all kikes is the only way to stop them. They've proven time after time to be subversive cunts that want to rule over "the goyim." Extermination is needed for this vermin

>if things continue like they are, people are going to die.
Then let it be.

The problem with commies is they are mostly a cult rather than an economic or political system. To understand them you must think of them as two separate items. Communism is used purely to justify the formation of the cult, once established there is no need to work towards communism, the cult devotes almost all it's resources to expanding the influence and power of the cult. After the initial creation the group no longer even attracts members by promising communism, standard cult tactics are used. As a result the average marxist or communist doesn't even care about communism, they're there due to social pressure and other non-political motivation. It's why calmly explaining to them communism is impossible in reality does nothing, they aren't interested in communism to begin with.

They are delusional and think movies are real.
We observe reality and value our life experience, so they are nothing like us.

General Trump will make America great again and fight the Commie scum