He didn't know about the black pill

>he didn't know about the black pill

- family oriented
- loyal and supportive
- friendly, positive and kind
- THICC, even the average ones have 10/10 body (see pic)
- worship white skin
- studies have shown that white MEN and black WOMEN couple last longer than any other type of couple
- even celebs are starting to realize black women are superior, if you wait too much you will be left with the leftovers


fake hair.

they smell bad.

I don't want nigger kids.

This I agree with. Great post OP.

Black girls that go to church and have dads are some of the best women you can find. Good fucking luck with that though

they smell like an unwashed butt hole though

This leaf is working for Sweden

ITT: low test numales
I'm thankful that I'm descended from alpha colonials
Alpha colonials bred with women of all races
That's why Maori girls and native American girls got BLEACHED and that's why colonial guys also had white wives to have white kids as well
The duty of a white male is to BLEACH the bloodlines of every race to improve the average IQ of the planet, but also have white kids with a a white wife to continue his pure bloodline as well

I would absolutely love to have a harem of THICC gorgeous brown girls to breed with for pleasure, as well as have a white wife to sire a pure white son in my image

>Kikery intensifies

Around 50% of black women have STDs. No thanks.

Bleaching is duty of every enternal anglo.

Why do these incredibly contrived threads get posted every day?

Also I believe out of every ethnicity and gender they are the most overweight and obese. Not so sure about this one however.

No thanks.

Oy vey shut it down!

It's the duty of all white men to clean the gene pool.

Lol what?

Going for black girls is even more pathetic than dating Asians.

shes probably 40% black, i would not mind making some 20% babies if you can understand what im hinting at. Time to masturbate

They beat the fuck out of spics. But white is still the best.

Say no to racemixing! We have to preserve the white race at all cost.

t. Moshe Heebowitz



They smell like cocoa butter and mildew covered shit...even the halfbreeds do. Disgusting. Not to mention it classifies as beastiality

yep. Losers go for non whites.


Please refrain from posting percentages without evidence leaf.

i didnt know going to church and having fathers made niggers capable of having white children

Race mixing is what betas do when they cant get a white.


>worship white skin
>reproduce with nigress and eliminate white skin

good plan

also, a fucking leaf



And all these wonderful things are negated by the fact they're disgusting niggers