Antifa plan attacking Trump supporters in Salem, Oregan tomorrow night

They're going to actually prevent them from feeding the homeless, believe it or not.

Other urls found in this thread:


Great. Let them proceed. Let the world see what kind of scumfucks Antifa's are.

I'm spec'ing a searchable website of antifa members to help identify which ones are the professional protesters that turn up all over the country.

What features would Sup Forums like to see on it? Any specific search features?

It would be moderated by myself as I don't want to run the risk of it being brigaded by online antifa

Now is your chance, I don't want to be re-implementing features once it's finished

Ideally, but maybe that's over the top, you'd want a way to do face recognition to link people.

Facebook has this, the police has this.


I had been looking into this but I only have so many hours spare and I could knock a website like that out in a day.

I had toyed with the idea of facial recognition .. I dunno, literally no idea what timeframe it could take

A cheapest way is to let people add tags on pictures, so you can search all pictures with "yellow cap", "black necklace", etc.

yeah I was thinking more like permanent features, gender, age, etc rather than clothing (esp since they all dress like homeless emo kids)

>Crazy screaming witches.
As expected.

This is like a best case scenario right here.
Best Timeline.

Antifa never really were PR gurus. This will make them look great!

keep everything offline and only upload finished jpgs/files, then go off line again until next dump,

just keep a spider graph with rankings and bio or what ever the fuck you wanna do senpai deus vult

Allow people to search for them via eye and hair color, race, build, and distinguishing marks such as tattoos.

This would make it very easy to identify and prosecute those who attack others with masks, when all we have to work with is a few identifying marks, eyes, etc.

How on earth would they justify preventing someone from feeding the homeless?


these are the same people who made fun of a homeless person who was wearing a MAGA cap

nice nice. thanks. noted. I had some preliminary ideas but good to know what the hive mind thinks also

Added those to the ideas file to go over tomorrow

I wished Antifa would come to NZ.

Didn't Hillary supporters beat up a homeless black woman for supporting Trump to?


they exist in wellington bigly
especially on labour day weekend when Punkfest is on (assuming that's still going)

wow. That's just straight up cruel. It bugs me that people can be that insensitive and stupid, and yet they claim to be the guys who will bring about peace and diversity. antifascists are acting like fascists. How ironic.

I was hyped because I thought it was Salem, Mass. but then realized it is actually across the country.

You'll get em one day hopefully friend.

Salem is pretty red tho. I doubt this will end well for Antifa

I thought I'd saved it but this is the only picture I could find of it

Is it big in Aussie? I visit Canberra at least once a year.

Wrong Salem Sven.

Turnkey Linux image version to accompany site. Available via torrent with signature.

Has anyone considered hiding fireworks inside nearby garbage cans, so that when Antifa lights them up they ignite?

not sure about canberra

of course lelbourne is a complete cesspool of cucks, to the point it's hard to tell if they're actually antifa or just people brainwashed into wanting to fight 'nazis'

do you want me to rub your feet while I'm at it

I very much hope so. I live in Maine and it is the whitest state but if antifa shows up to anything, I will drive there and then over them.

>They're going to actually prevent them from feeding the homeless, believe it or not.
They're morons, what did you expect? Consistency?

Relationships between members, even rudimentary. Friend on this social media or that would be a big plus. In light of the recent public searches here and elsewhere this will be disappearing pretty quickly.

tis normies gettin reck yo

>do you want me to rub your feet while I'm at it

>offline searchability w/o loggable traffic
>elimination of single point of failure

Sorry, I thought that you were serious, my mistake. Happy larping.

do a hot or not feature so we can rate their characteristics:

make three categories or something
-argumentation ability/charisma
-propensity for violence

that way we can rate them

someone might get an overall rating that is higher than the leaders of the organization, so we know who should be targeted first based on the rating system

Also I really think the boots on the ground should adopt Sargon's strategy
>make basically the same front line formation (preferable equipped with riot shields) with people behind
>grab antifa fags one by one and pull behind of the line
>people behind unmask them, take photos and trap them until the fight stops

The photos gathered with this strategy can then be used with that database to easily find those fuckers and scare them shitless for life.

I really wish I could be there and help on the ground. This looks fun as hell.

pretty much every white person in your country is antifa

that's actually a great idea. One of the issues I'd been mulling over is that of course there's usually loads of antifa sympathisers who just tend to stand around and probably only turn up to local things

This would definitely be a way to help overcome that

Me to man.

is there a chance of any being in downtown Chicago?

There's an event in the common on the 13th. Be there

with all the murders i hear from there it would be a bad idea to attend

I'm a few hours away but I have seen the thread.

Heavily considering it.

I could be wrong but I think antifa is pro-sheep

Just dox the the ones who engage in the use of m80s and attempt of murder like bikelock-fag.

Keep your database secure, and dont show anything more than wide proven criminals at their show ups.-

Any other Central Oregonfags feel like making the trip to Salem? Could be fun.

add a summit information or submit evidence page. There needs to be a way to get anonymous info directly to you

Where each of them work/go to school, so we can help create a net of where they live and work, and how funding and communication get around. Good idea, user, thanks for the effort.

It will only make leftist radicals look bad as long as on one on the right does anything stupid.
Be safe and MAGA.

I'm going to have to read more into potential legal issues about having too much personal information about a person on such a site, but I would assume having their name at least should be okay

yep planning to have that, there's no way I can do all the sleuthing alone that would be beyond a full time job

I guess see above about the potential limits about personal information being on the site

Anyway thanks all for the input, it's beddybyes time

Fake news.

Remember that homeless chick in Hollywood that a bunch of liberals beat up because she had a MAGA hat on? Yeah, that's one reason we hate liberals, they are the bottom of the barrel shit

We need to kill those antifaggots.

TBF she's not technically morbidly obese yet. Still gonna die of a heart attach by 45 but not quite morbidly obese.

What exactly is a Trump supporter now?

A person who is cozy with China, enjoys spending $70 million on missile strike in Sandland and pretends it wasn't for Israel (who warn us there are more chemical weapons there- sic'em America!). Let's see, a Trump supporter would be okay with illegal children staying in the US, as many if not more refugees coming in, fake repeals of Obamacare, NSA advisers that are either anti-Russian cucks or taking money from 2 or more governments, equivocations on whether the wall is a tangible thing or an abstract political concept with no actual budget, a sleepy, slow-motion made-for-television legal crawl towards deciding if judges and mayors make federal law or not, the welcome of continued NATO scams, and of course, Hillary walking around freely counting her dirty millions.

Who the fuck supports this? Just because I know liberals are not an answer doesnt mean I accept the false choice of supporting this back-stabbing bloviating sack of shit.

Let's be clear, Trump may have won the presidency.The GOP may control the house and Senate. But make no mistake, the liberal conquest is over. They won. This is all theater to dissemble one-party rule, to keep the illusion going so the Republicans can keep napping and in-fighting between kleptocrats can be presented as 'two parties' that we the luck voter can choose between...

...The nation is over. There is no political solution. The demographics and government weaponization of them are now irreversible. The only thing thats going to hold these borders together now are guns and tanks, and North America is too big to decide a civil war quickly in this age. It will be torn to shreds over decades first because there is more money in breaking us up.

Im sorry but its the truth. Trump was not the last chance. The last chance quit in the 70's and its been a slow march to this neocon shit ever since.

LBJ and his Jew loving immigration. Thats the end. The North American experiment in a representative democracy barely lasted a hundred years and it definitely did not make it two hundred. We have just been going through the motions ever since. You cannot put an alien culture in charge of your law, banks, media culture and education and expect otherwise. "Judaeo-Christian" values is just a neologism to make one culture enslaving another sound like cheerful teamwork.

Doing Gods work OP


yeah i imagine people like stickman won't be there, mostly old folks and non-fighters.

Maybe meme inside antifa's circles to incite violence and really get the country against them. imagine the headlines

"19 year old antifa breaks hip of 70 year old trump supporter feeding the homeless"


Are you really suprised? Every antifa shit I've ever met was from a pampered and wealthy background. They looked at themselves as something better. They are rude, insult you without a good reason and a pretty shitty personality in general.

And believe me, I went to the highest schoolsystem here in Germany as a child of a poor family. I hate these cunts, they don't know what it means to have no money and depressed parents.

They're all shit scared of Sup Forums anyway. They won't do anything to wake the beast. They'll scream a couple words but they're not going to hurt people.

where they work, people like to work in culture they like... If its a big corp, we can send information to the company and expose them for who they are. If its a small coffee shop we can do psy-ops or recon the shop to get info.

they do this in Sweden all the time when Nordfront hosts soup kitchens

And that's finally the good thing about this whole mess. Sup Forumslacks can use their own filthy tactics against them and they become scared as fuck about it.

I love you niggas.

What do you have to say about this?

It's pretty clear from this which side is the violent side but the police focus on the completely non-violent side.





You know what to do Häns.

Physical removal is in your blood.

But seriously congratulations on getting top rank education. I know that shit isn't easy in Deutschland.

>Antifa will never riot in Ohio

I want part of this


It's dumbed down. "Equality" destroyed our system.

I'll try to leave this shithole as soon as possible because once the welfare system crashes, shit will really go down.

Come home white man. I welcome you with open arms.

With all the guns in the United States, you would think we could get one of these battles where the alt-right and antifa were actually busting caps in each others asses.

But no. Lame.

You're one good mate, but I plan to go to Norway.

I think Australia isn't just my kind of country.

Thats not going to happen its going to be Trump rally turns violent. That is the headline that matters to news outlets not Antifa attacks drive to feed homless.

We did, and we banged all your women

like Sholomo Goldstein of (((6 OClock News))) will report that.

It doesnt matter what they do. The media will cover for them.

No, these sorts of things are making the right take the moral high ground. The left looks increasingly like radical psychos. If the left involved guns it will make this 10x worse for them

the "media" wont report it even if antifa did attack old people


I want to move to Norway.

Also stole all our credit for the war against Japan and then your MPs treated us like cunts. So we beat the shit out of everyone.

Yeah. Our news also said in their headlines that the AfD party convention is the reason why everything in Cologne is shut down today.

No word about violent left wing cunts.

That's because the States where Antifa wants to start some riot shit, are places like the PRK and other places where guns are heavily restricted.
I'd love to see Antifa pull some shit in Texas, or Ohio, or Idaho.

Cant wait to see antifa get shot

yeah, it's really sad. the media doesn't want to talk about this and when they do they sympathize with the retards like moldylocks. why wasn't the man who was assaulted with a bike lock interviewed?

>no EU
>not cucked like Sweden
>beautiful landscape
>a government that actually works for the people

I love this country.

Sounds like the Media is the more important enemy to focus on then.

Just like you can't beat Big Money without naming the Jews, you don't beat the left without knowing who in the power structure supports them.

Turn off the tap (positive media coverage) before you mop the floor (confront the protestors.)

Oslo is kind of cucked though.

The guy who was swinging the bike lock has been identified, and may have charges brought against him.
Hopefully, that POS will lose his job. Honestly, if I lived somewhat close, I would pay him a friendly visit.


I remember that. :(

yeah, fuck that dirty commie. hope he rots away in a prison cell.

are we aware of the events leading up to this incident? like what did the victim say before our brave socialist revolutionary assaulted him?

sorry if im out of the loop

lol who gives a shit kangaroo. America is better than you

He didn't say anything. He was literally kneeling down talking to someone on the ground and that nigger suckered him with a fucking ulock

We were still killing our natives up until the 30's.

Now that the invitations are going out, here's a few more that shouldn't be left out.

www jew book com/OathKeepersofOregon/

Feels like being part of the gestapo, putting the fear of God in the hearts of dissenters.

Should have been like us. Killed 90% of them. lol

User uploaded pics, info would be great.

Would prefer it being closer to portland