Fascism will lose

Le Pen is going to lose. France will withstand the far right once again.

Get ready to cry Fascist scum.

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Mélenchon 2017

Le Pen is a French patriot who wants to protect her country against radicals, mass-immigration (Schengen open borders) and globalists.

Check my numbs. If it's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9, Le Pen will lose and Melenchon wins.

Are you losers done yet.

She is a patriot of capital, not of the people or state. if she ever had power she would throe the people under the bus just as Hitler did with Germans. That is the nature of Fascists.

Easy way around this - check your own future dibs
she gon' win

Benoit putain ta guele! VOTEZ MARINE!

Seriously don't fuck this up!

I am voting against her

The EU fuckboi is going to win, and ya'll know it.

Mfw France becomes more fash than germany

Why do you hate France?

I love France of the world, not France that apes back to the counter-revolution.


"withstand the far right" has 0 meaning in English.

God why do French people suck that much at English ? We start learning it when we're 6. Couldn't you pay attention in class, Mohammed ?

Also Lepen will win.

france of the apes is the future you want

The meaning is that France will not fall to fascism retard.

France for the people is what I want. Not based on race.

Yeah, know, you can't just bend words around to fit the meaning you wan....

Oh my bad I forgot you were a leftist, of course you can do that.

French anons, if Le Pen doesn't win tomorrow I suggest standing behind Le sword.

Please also destroy OP who is exceptionally faggy for an OP.

I'm not bending anything, you are just terrible with your own language.


Le Pen isn't a fascist you inbred twat. Her daughter's father is an ex-mossad agent.

Honestly I am cool with her loosing, better than risking her turning into trump. If she looses then the left will accelerate further.

I'm cool with her winning too, if only for the massive ass pain it'll cause the left.

Why do you think Fascism is anti-Jewish? Israel is a Fascist-ruled state. Mussolini had Jews in his party. Israel had a Fascist guerrilla movement fighting against the Allies during WW2 backed by Italy.

Alright Pierre, deja je suis Francais espece de petite pute, tu l'aurais compris si tu savais lire.

Secondly, your mother can withstand a cock in her ass, you could withstand eating shit for dinner, but France couldn't withstand Fascism. You know why ? Because withstand implies that the action is currently being done to the object which is in the process of WITHSTANDING it. I know it's a bit complex considering you are, like most French people, a retarded mutt, but please try your best.

Also vote Lepen faggot.

Stick a baguette up your cowardly French ass; it would do your country some good to lose a few million socialist cucks.

Fascism is currently acting on France, trying to take over it, you retard.

Le pen claims to be a Socialist so we can start with her.

>Le pen claims to be a Socialist so we can start with her.
It's a sad day when a burger cares more about your country than you do, froggy

french people are such faggots, most of them literally believe we are dying the streets because we have no social protections in brutal capitalist britain. Oh save me french government, don't let me fend for my self!

I care about the people of my country, not arbitrary lines or colour definitions.

Le Pen will win.

Le Pen will win and save your country. For the first time in your lifetime, OP, you will have reason to be proud of your birthplace.

Nah. Le Pen will win. Shadilay.

>not arbitrary lines or colour definitions.
Awesome. I'm going to fly over there and crash on your couch for a while, hope that's okay

No, because you're a fascist.

Replaced "fascist" with "Jew"
Which is what you have via brussels

exact same thing clinton shills said last year. i'm screencaping this to laugh at you later

Prepare for Ben-Abbes...

We're not too far behind though tbf.
Let's hope a devout nationalist pops up in our polling cards soon.
If the French don't elect Le Pen, they've fallen, only a revolution could save them.

get ready to die, white scum

my prediction if she wins: she will disappoint us, be a total normie and make him look like an absolute idiot. Same as Trump.


i agree tbqh famine

Let it happen. Leftist policies don't bear fruit; let France wither and die until the people are ready to raise themselves.

still totally worth it just for the leftie tears.

Nah, not Lepen. The family has been gunning after the presidency for 40 years. She will close our borders the day after she is elected. Have faith, user.

Get ready to get beheaded in that case you insidious dumbass. Remember how We tried to Stop It when the blade is at your throat, when the bomb has blown off the bottom half of your corpse as your friends head lays in a million pieces around you, as your girlfriend is gangraped before your very eyes (oh who am I kidding you'll live that)

You will loose at the end. The same thing is happening in Slovakia... patriots are called fascists. You can continue with abusing the word "fascist", it soon will mean nothing more than a harmless curse word.

Who would be such stupid as to vote for a communist voluntarily?

I am looking for her to win just to see rhe butthurt and the geandarmerie beating sandniggers. Oh man imagine rhe amtiga movement on france,delicioud

The future sixth republic should ban fascist parties from ruling.

Day Of The Rake soon.

>The future sixth republic should ban fascist parties from ruling.
Problem is, that there isn't a definition of what "fascist" is. In 2017, it is nothing more than a rude word.

She's socialism scum that want to implement its oligarchy.

Fillon will destroy her in the first round with absolute Majority.

Right on, friend. For those of you who like me am disgusted with the rise of far-right extremism, Emmanuel Macron General is up and running. Come on in to fight for a progressive future.

Hopefully, comrade, hopefully

Why do you actively want your nation to be colonized by islamist third world parasites who are demographically outbreeding you whilst taking all your resources collected from the natives?

Islam is just another form of fascism, I want all fascists to be defeated.

Le Pen will lose to everyone except maybe Melenchon. She's fucked. It's over. Just go gently into that dark night, white man... The West can't be saved.

LePig never had a chance lmao

What are you going to do when a caliphate is officially decalred in your home country, (only a year at most if macron wins) women are stripped of their rights and gays are pushed off of roofs?

>I want all fascists to be defeated.
>is voting for the guy who wants more Islamofascists

good job

She will win, but the West is already lost.

Saying Islam is Fascism is Islamophobic, you fucking Fascist.

I am Islamophobic, I want to abolish religion.

>Total commie
>far right
When will this meme end?

>another white man thinks he knows what's best for the ignorant brown folk
white man's burden, right 'Dolfy?

What a fucking Jewish post. You deserve what's coming to you.

So you'll do that by voting for a candidate that is inviting more of the third world fanatics in? You don't think very much do you?

...Anonymous (ID: 0OtRtQVv)
04/22/17(Sat)15:18:26 No.122314709
557 KB
557 KB JPG
The issue is not really whether C is good or bad.

The issue is whether cutting healthy sensate erogenous tissue off someone who can not consent to it because a very small amount of men may have some problem (and virtually always much later when they could consent) is at all ethical.

Jewish myths go to racialist, and racist ideas that it is a sign of Jews being special to 'God' and given 'the land of Israel' even though jews have lived in large numbers OUTSIDE PALESTINE for centuries before Christ.

Jew hypocrisy: we have an exclusive homeland, but also have the right to live as a 'nation apart' and privileged hostile elite in *your* country, and YOU whether Irish or Swedish have no rights to a homeland and you are
'racist' if you dont agree to let 3rd world immigrants displace you.





Quebec does the same shit. French people are useless, let them fall so the rest of the world can wake up.

This idiot is literally voting for a Jewish Rothschild banker instead of National Socialist lite Le Pen. There's no saving the French let them fall.


This election is another existential crisis for the EU regardless of who wins. Ever since Melenchon has inched closer to Fillon the markets have been affected to levels resembling the 2011-2012 eurozone crisis.

>Jew hypocrisy: we have an exclusive homeland, but also have the right to live as a 'nation apart' and privileged hostile elite in *your* country, and YOU whether Irish or Swedish have no rights to a homeland and you are
>'racist' if you dont agree to let 3rd world immigrants displace you.
THIS is what Will Ultimately be their Final Downfall.
Just how fucking smug are they that they think for over 70 Years no one will question this? Like how can someone be so confident with such open Hypocrisy out there? My God.


This is how every great empire ends.
They become so cocky and confident in their comfort of power that it ultimately becomes their End.

Why the French will not vote for Le Pen:

(You) (Cross-thread)

If you don't want fascists in you country you may want to think about closing your borders to the actual fascists you dense fuck, the muslim horde is incoming.

when europe is destroyed economically thanks to hungry niggers who do you think will be in trouble? pretty sure they will just buy a bunch of weapons form the U.S and false flag themselves then label 100% of non whites as terrorist. when they are cleaned out of europe then they invade the middle east and australia (by that point australia wont be a white nation(just a decade down the road))

when thats done they will set fire to africa

I hope fascists will lose in France.
More happenings. More French killings. More death. Beautiful.

>Le Pen
>Far right

Choose one. She is barely right wing, barely.

It's a good thing the 'Shy Tory Factor' is proven to be true and applies to basically all right wing candidates and parties.

This is the actual vote repartition estimated by DGSI, equivalent of US CIA.
Everyone telling you Melenchon or Macron go to the second round is a moron.

>first never had more than 4millions vote
>second get elected anywhere

Now, Le Pen vs Fillon, in second round, is a 50/50 match, depending if left voters will go for Fillon (unexpected) or abstain themselves of voting.

i work in finance, and one of our biggest clients canceled some new shit they were supposed to get friday, because they are expecting so much volatility in the markets monday. Hang on tight.

Get ready to die commie scum.
The new national guard, the army, the police force all behind Le Pen.

Eat a dick commie

I don't understand why people want to save the native French, they are welcoming the demise of their own people for fuck sake! Don't stop them. Applaud them and expose the sad reality that is the future of France: a France without its natives.


>go back to tumblr

Please shut the fuck up , you're the typical french beta male who can't even look at a migrant without being laughted at . Vote Le Pen or kys

Aw did I hurt your lil' fee-fees?

Get real Clement, you know your people is doomed.

Bye Bye Clements and Marions. No one will miss you, not even the new French that you help.

France, unlike the United States, is a nation-state. Its purpose is to serve the French people, not the "people of the world."

Race is not arbitrary, it is a biological reality.

Correct. France kicked out the Nazi scum once, they'll do it again.

>I am voting against her

This is the entire mindset that got Trump elected buddy. People who thought they were voting against someone.

It's not even France anymore, It's AlgeriaAfricaPortugalItalySpainVietnam
The "French" people have been replaced

shit pic related

Just like the bolsheviks and the other soviet socialists, right?

Le Plumpf btfo

actually 100% incorrect

the french republic is a cosmopolitan civilization, based on culture and philosophical values, not race