Is Brother Nathaniel Based?
Is Brother Nathaniel Based?
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According to Brother Nathaniel, even some road construcion down the street from him was a Jewspiracy, he is mentally ill.
He's an honoray polster.
He's literally a diagnosed schizophrenic nutjob who's setting back the Right-wing years with his insane ramblings.
This is why barely any of his video break the 100k view mark, aside from a few clickbait titles.
>literally diagnosed schizophrenic
Source ?
Only in Russia could a man like him fit in.
Imagine this
>brother nathaniel in a suit and shaved gives a speach with normal tone
>brother nathaniel in full orthodox garb giving same speech in dramatic fashion
That pretty much says it all.
>1 post by this id
>literally diagnosed schizophrenic nutjob
I think I found enough proof for that
>3 posts by this id
brother nathanael is based and has swag. he's a natural preacher, i.e. pol without autism. if people don''t like him that's because they are envious. he's also orthodox so that doesn't stop him from getting pussy.
based as fuck even if superjew in mannerisms etc .... dude were psyopsed come have a look a sec here too
>without autism
ok, he's a purebred polack
I used to live up in Summit County so I ran into him a lot. He's crazy but I believe he seriously hates kikes, especially Zionist ones. Several years ago, he had a website that blamed every major tragedy, including WWII and 9/11 on the Jews.
So he's a based ethnic kike who became an orthodox monk who is also a nutjob.
I think I fell in love
ww2 and 9/11 are kike jobs. kikes declared war on germany in 1933
Yeah but this was back in 2005 or 2006, way before it became common knowledge
>4 posts by this ID
>5 posts by this ID
than it's not crazy. it's god inspired. or he is simply a kike with an inside info
Did you just start posting here right now? I'd say yesterday, but that's more than enough time to find a thread on why Jews did 9/11. Here, I'll do it for you real quick.
He says in his videos that he grew up in an middle class jewish family and that they got a crap ton of benefits. Maybe even some inside info then?
He lives in Colorado.
I've had doubts about him too, but he seems to hate Judaism with every part of his being. And while it could just be an attempt to trick people into believing that he hates Zionism, he's pretty damn convincing at it. He dances on the side of major roads in Summit County with a flashing cross almost every day, usually in a blizzard of all things too. I've also heard that he tried to convert a few kikes that live up here, but I don't know if that's true or not.
I've been here since /n/ faggot. I'm saying he's been accusing the Jews of major events in the world long before this site was relevant to politics.
What changes if he doesn't actually hate kikes?
He still redpills everyone doesn't he?
That made me laugh. Toppest of keks to you my good man
I'm being serious.
This is his website:
>Brother Nathanael speaks and writes as a former Jew--now an Orthodox Christian--and not in any official capacity with ROCOR. He resides in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.
He could be trying to feed his followers false information, but again, I've known the guy for years and he seems to seriously hate Zionism. I still have a hard time believing everything he says, but who knows more about the kikes then a former kike.
One of the good ones..we will deport him last.
His living place looks so damn comfy.
It's true. He lives in Summit County Colorado, which is why there's so many mountains the background of his videos and pictures. I heard he moved to Idaho recently, but I saw him up here a few weeks ago when I was passing through
It's extremely comfy, but it's also expensive as hell
Traiasca Garda si Capitanul camarade
This man holds sage wisdom regarding Judaism and Christianity, extending into politics. His mannerisms are Kramer-tier, but he's incredibly wise.
For anyone who is curious about Christianity, suspicious of Jews, and wishes to know how the two exist in perpetual struggle in the world of today, here's some mandatory watch playlists of his.
If I could name three people off the top of my head who yield life-changing amounts of information and have lectures on Youtube that are easily watchable, it would be Nathanael, Yuri Bezmenov. and Colin Flaherty.
Note that you will feel a crushing depression after watching their videos. It is a terrible burden of forbidden, dark library knowledge to be suddenly privy to.
May not agree on everything, but I like him a lot
>expensive as hell
Brother Nathaniel is based. Fucking love this guy lol.
>Is Brother Nathaniel Based?
no, he is a controlled opposition sleeper agent who secretly loves israel. yes he's fucking based, ffs
Note that you will feel a crushing depression after watching their videos. It is a terrible burden of forbidden, dark library knowledge to be suddenly privy to.
Are these black pills?
Fuck no. He spreads disinformation. He's just another subversive kike. Creepy as hell.
fucked up my writing kek
Hah this nathaniel guy is universalist jewish sham blue pill pleb when it comes to biblical view on jews.
Check out William Finck, Christogenea for non-tainted biblical perspective on jews.
Don't trust this jew, hes a larping parrot with no original content.
Sometimes when I'm at Walmart and I see a fat nigger waddling or riding on it's scooter I'll go up to the fat black nigger fuck and just start pushing, and pushing into it's gut; usually they'll let out a mighty hog squeal but I'm determined to make sure that gargantuan nignog is on the floor. Then when they give up they'll finally tumble and make a loud REEEEEE as they know they've been defeated. Soon after they will eventually shit themselves once I press my leg on their stomach. They even vomit occasionally; that's when they really have it, and that's when I orgasm at the mere prospect.
When you live in a ski town, prices for single bedroom homes can go up to $900 a month. Not to mention, there's hardly any kikes that live up there believe it or not
I hear you brother, but there is a sincerity in his delivery I cannot easily overlook.
I remain vigilant still, just like my father Jesus.
As based as can be.
Nobody knows the Jews better than a former Jew.
His video on the holohoax:
Yes i do agree but its a slippery slope to be listening to a jew talk even about themselves...
Anyway theres people like aforementioned William Finck, Sven Longshanks and Florian Geyer who can deliver a more detailed version of the same perspective
I didn't know about that one, thanks!
That's the 2nd jew I know that debunked the holohoax
jidf shrills get out the fuck here
I agree in full, I will look into what you have provided.
God bless you.
>That's the 2nd jew I know that debunked the holohoax
I think there's quite a few out there. Of course, it must take a lot of overcoming to go against your own kind and expose the Holocaust as a Jew, I imagine.
Is this the mighty Israeli army?
>mixed kike
Eh, not too much of a surprise. They seem to congregate more around coastlines, which is why it's always weird reading about one from Missouri or something. Think it's time to move over there then, cause about 20 minutes north AND 20 minutes east is fucking Shlomo Central.
Norman Finkelstein?
Yeah ok, (((YOU))).
Brother Nathanael is 100% woke.
>9 months
How can you not love this guy?
God bless you too. We are living in a period where new type of christianity is being born and Joel Osteens and our modern lesbian church fathers not going to even recognize it: christianity that is fire and flame and jews a straw.
Daily reminder that Judaism isn't merely a religion, but also a race. He may be formerly Judaic, but he will always be Jewish. That said, he seems alright.
The truth you speak user.
I just came back from visiting my family in Finland, and I do say things are indeed better over there.
>God bless you too.
These are the kind of comments that really make ya think. How many Sup Forumstards from super atheist countries are Christians anyway?
We haven't forgotten, since he brings it up a lot that he's never distanced himself from the ethnic identity.
If anyone is interested, I found a second channel that he uploads videos to.
I saw him a few years ago in Frisco while I was driving through. The other people in my car thought he looked crazy.
I can pitch in, even if I am etnically Finnish I have grown up in Sweden.
I am, cross my heart, Christian. Ever since my "confirmation" (Im sure you understand this is accepting Jesus are your Lord and savior) I did not enter my agnostic/atheism phase.
This was originally supposed to mark a youth transending into adulthood, for me it was my spark into theism.
From a tender age of fourteen I was a believer.
Brother Nathaniel is based and redpilled.
A few level apart of most of the people here.
so you've been a believer for what, a year?
take a hike back to the steppes you mongolian shithead
No, eigth years.
I'd scoff in disbelief but i guess as a mudblood living in swedistan posts that scream "mental age of 5" are par for the course
post more rare vlads
You do as you please, leaf.
That's good enough, really since I'd count Sweden among those too. An answer from a Dutchie, Czech, English, Estonian, maybe German or Korean would certainly also be appreciated. Should make a thread about this, really.
you can't handle the truth
Frisco, Colorado
>that woody alan picture at the end
Holy fuck
He doesn't want to admit that not everything to muh Jews and he connects it all to some religious conspiracy. If you want someone more rational at least Molyneux makes sense but this dude moves like a goddamn npc.