Britbong candidate doesn't even speak English


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self BAMP
how has no one seen this yet?

Can you confirm this? That he doesn't speak English? I can only get this BBC link in gooogle search.

theres a video on the site and he's speaking hindi/whatever language is his native tongue. It's dubbed with a native english speaker. Check again for the video brother

England is fucked comfy sitting in my welsh town. Went to my uncles who lives central england and tons of CCTV footage of crime in his street 90% of which committed by romanian immigrants and as i was leaving some woman sounded like she was screaming for her life on the main road as she got ran down the street with a huge commotion.
Dunno if this is normal life in england city/big towns now but it for sure aint shit like that in the valleys of wales.

>Candidates campaigning to become Greater Manchester's first metro mayor have been detailing their policies in a "minute manifesto".

Can we also make it the fookin last this is taking teh piss

BBC why is this national news?


I've already watched it. It could be s a minor video probably to captive his main target - the Pakis like Jeb! speaking Spanish.

If it's his only video and he doesn't even care about other electorates or even speaking in English (that I probably suspect), something is wrong in UK.

>A literal who commie party
>Not going to win

This party is clearly desperate for any commie or minority, so they picked him.

It's not like it matters: he isn't going to win.

>the valleys of wales
No, we don't have the male choirs to scare them away

im in the valleys atm and its comfy af i have to tell you. Yes from my personal experience from living in londonistan I can confirm. The usual gun crime from (((youths))) and general crime is just a fact of life there.

Never in my life saw someone run down the street
screaming and I live in Newcastle. Have fun fucking your sheep.

Yeah it's just the big cities

Imagine how many of your country's problems could be fixed with a few well-placed nukes. Wish I could say the same for my own.


He isn't even part of a party. Even worse.

>implying english is de-facto language of UK

what even is a metro mayor? why is that a thing? I've never been to manc.. how is it in comparison to the tube?

Masha Allah

Quite simply, countries of the U.K and other countries are simply caving into Zionists and bending over for foreigners and throwing their country to the wind.

Its that lion ain't it?


Even bombs will do the trick

tfw live in darkest region in london feelsbadman
tfw my family is unironically one of the only white families in the whole street

It's democracy. Would you rather he got in a truck instead?

I have seen street fights involving melee weapons but all of them isolated to family feuds where they have a long lasting grudge and pretty much always fighting.

As long as you don't go looking for shit here you're fine but if you want a fight you can easily find one.

Also dont forget we fill the sheep you eat them

What could have been.

>divide and conqure

split the nation into smaller pieces

Beminority and vote your own people

Enforce policies that promote and help your minority grew into majority while making life bad for everyone else

missed the last step- when they leak just enough info about all of this to enrage rightwing faggots into signing up for the military to go kill arabs for oil.

why you think they're doing this, bambi? for their health?

ooh a rare

how the fuck is Scotland,Wales, and Ireland still so white.

leaking enough info about this wasn't a case.
the problem is more complex

Islam is flawed,it doesn't allow growth unless it conqures shits. As Islam cannot conqures anymore it dies out and breaks apart.

Now historically, what happens is that Ottoman empire couldn't grow anymore, and economically it became a closed system that broke down, as tehnologically superior countries like France/Britan/Spain and Portogual and their colonies cucked everybody in the world.

USA learned from the cucking, and your forefathers created a system where nobody can cuck you. Thus created United states of Murica.

USA created a system where only the best migrants would be sucesseful, only the best and smart, would be great and live to see "the murican dream" where as everybody else the shit died in ports doing to shitty housing conditions.

USA still imports people, as it's cheaper to bring someone smart then actually educate your own, but also creating a rich system that people can fall pray to their instics and over-eat, buy crap they dont need and over-pay for crap because "muh consumerism" which i actually aprove, the weak should be like cattle...

Now what happens after that is that USA eforced international trade by creating GG navy, and later profiting the two World wars by selling it's overproducting crap to A europe fighting each other.

At this time Islam was dying out in the middle east, as people were going ape shit to catch up with the western world.

Countries like Iran were buttmad that Britan cucked them for oil many years and later become the one who cucks the world by inflating oil prices.

Now what happend in the 20s is the ottomans got cucked and split (divide and conqure) and the divisions started to develop slowly moving towards secularism and trying to catch up as i pointed out earlier.


The problem was the jews... the world learned, that only way to deal with jews is to gib them country. Create their fucking ZION and let them chill, most Isralities that live in Isreal are quite chill (of course not all) and hate Muricans jews who fuck shit up. Especially those Brookylin jews who are the worst.

Isreal was a conitment country to chill jews the fuck out, it worked but sadly USA was already infested by them since the 1800s, they slowly took over media and pushed USA towards Britan (who was a jewish cuck sucker, see churchill jews connections) and moved away towards national socialism and germany, note that USA was quite anti-semitic, only allowed 30.000 jews to relocated after 1933, and most rich fags and those that made murica great were germanic and also quite hated jews for being scumbags.

Creating Isreal was a good idea, but the problem is they are surrounded by their natural enemies the Muzzies, who by the words of Mohammed had cursed them when they throw him out of Medina when he was buddy buddy with them to make them believe he was their Prophet.

But (Non-arab) nations tried to bascily grew which allowed tyrans and fucktards to take over (AND THATS A GOOD THING) saddam , gaddafi were actually briding their people with healthcare and schools and shit, the nations were actually grewing.

Their growth, was a problem and we saw that when fucktard saddam attacked Kuwait, causing murica to go and fuck his shit up.

Before that the CIA/KGB hidden warfare causing muzzies to fight each other cause big tensions in afaganistan,pakistan,iraq,iran,saudi... Those pressure cause faggots to go akbar and attack murica. Everything is a reaction, and murica was the target because since the 1800, it took upon itself the duty to protect "ALL TRADE" around the world and not only it's own with the biggest and stronkest navy.

With cancer inside, and trying to keep cancer alive Isreal. THis cause big tentsion between the middle east nations and Murica, and it was murica duty to disarm and throw faggots back to the stone age, which i approve.

But "giving freedom" to sand people is a mistake, they are not white they cannot fandom freedom, choice, live, free will... thats the real problem. All those things i spoke above cause arab spring and you had revolutions all across the middle east, as a pillar of power was killed (saddam)

Those revolutions caused a dislocation of power, and cause the crysis we today live in.

Then the mistakes of political leaders trying to be "noice goys" but sadly the road to hell is paved with good intentions, after that you've got faggots pushing the ageda, either as damage control, or as an actually ploy to take keep power they got 20-25 years ago(talking about socialist and democrats who came the power with the youth boom from 80s-90s) now "socialist and democrats" are losing as people get older they get more conservative, want to keep their shit and not gib their shit away.

Eitherway being nice means someone will take advantage of you.