If Le Pen wins, do we beat (((them)))?

She wants to leave the EU, Nigel Farage has even stated that if she wins, the EU is finished. Is this the final battle or just the beginning?

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She wants to ban the yarmulke. Her father was woke to (((them))). If she wins it'll be mega.

She will win

Voting for Le Pen tomorrow , last hope for France

>If she wins
Ummmm sweetie that's not happening, sorry bigots

>Bans the cross
>Bans the burqa
>Wants to ban yarmulke

Why is France so degenerate? Without God it's all pointless

Holy shit I got a get!

The Soviet Union did just fine without any money and the European Union will do the same.
I for one am not going to enjoy being within missile range from the crackpot dictatorship the EU will be in 2050. Might consider moving to the Falklands.

>Where have I heard this before.jpg

Why the French will not vote for Le Pen:

(You) (Cross-thread) (You) (Cross-thread) (You) (Cross-thread)

If I were you I'd move now to the falklands
best vacation retreat second only to azores in portugal

Don't worry about God for right now. We'll secure our future and then figure that out. In the meantime, if you guys want to invade other European countries, I'll look the other way.


She's probably (((their))) candidate again just like (((Trump))) was.

It will destroy the EU, I am extremely sure of that. She actually also high a high chance to do so, more so than geert. It will be quite an interesting show tomorrow.

It wont be the end. It will not even be the beginning of the end. But it will, perhaps, be the end of the beginning.

Technically no, their is really nothing from Le Pen that makes her truly based other than limited migration and wanting to better her country economically

However, because of the second thing i said, the EU would be done because Germany wants total control, not shared control.

Shes a Jew just like the rest of them.


>if she wins it'll be mega

She is controlled by (((them))).

When are you idiots going to learn that nobody gets this far without their approval?

Then why all the constant shilling against her everywhere from the media to on here?

Why all the shilling against Trump when he is a good goy?

This is probably the goal of the U.S. - To set up the conditions (and therefore a cassus belli) for a dictatorship in Europe. America knows it's days as world policeman are numbered, and once we can no longer project power in the Middle East, Africa and East Asia, where will the war machine turn to keep it's profits rolling? Europe.

tl;dr America knows it cannot win WW3 so it's setting up the conditions to fight WW2 again.

Because she wants a new power dynamic that makes Germany and France the main powers in the EU, which Germany, who used the EU to prop itself up, does not want

It's a big step, but it's not over with that.

It's only the beginning.
If UK and France leave, the EU falls.
However, if she loses, and let's be realistic, France will go through a few more years of mediocrity and stagnation and peaceful refugees. Le Pen will run again in the next election and most likely grow in supporters, just like last time. The increase will be even larger and if she doesn't get in this go around, she will get in after that one.

I don't care, I just want to watch the EU burn

No. Look at Trump. Trump is D-day. The war has only begun if Le Pen wins.

*FN Personality*

- Collard: Freemason, support Israel, corruption in the Roche case, huge victim of the very mean lobby of the crêpiers

archive.fo/dzN1Z europe-israel.org/2016/04/gilbert-collard-sera-en-israel-en-juin-en-vue-dune-normalisation-des-relations-entre-israel-et-le-front-national/

archive.fo/RvFwH ladepeche.fr/article/2006/03/16/66622-les-etonnantes-pratiques-de-maitre-gilbert-collard.html

archive.fo/FJFkI lefigaro.fr/politique/le-scan/citations/2017/01/02/25002-20170102ARTFIG00103-gilbert-collard-se-dit-victime-d-un-lobby-de-crepiers.php

archive.fo/i5MD6 lexpress.fr/actualite/politique/le-pen-et-ses-freres-francs-macons_1068383.html

- Chauprade: Freemason, jew, his thought leader is the founder of the occultist masons sect named "Grande Loge Mondiale de Misraim", they are satanists

archive.fo/eKWQj glmm.fm/index.php?page=un_mot_du_grand_maitre_national

- Robert Menard: CIA agent, support Israel

Book: "La face cachee de reporters sans frontieres"

- Louis Aliot: Ultra-sionist, Freemason

archive.fo/luS3o lefigaro.fr/politique/2011/12/13/01002-20111213ARTFIG00314-le-numero-2-du-fn-en-israel.php

- Phillipot: LGBT

archive.fo/DkB4Z liberation.fr/france/2015/05/13/jean-marie-le-pen-florian-philippot-et-le-lobby-gay_1308576

- Jean-François Daraud: Freemason, being evicted from the GODF (Grand Orient De France) (show that the FN engage freemasons)

archive.fo/C2TaC lefigaro.fr/politique/2016/12/20/01002-20161220ARTFIG00141-investi-par-le-rassemblement-bleu-marine-il-est-exclu-du-grand-orient.php

- Marion marechal Le Pen: daughter of a CIA, Mossad and DGSE (french sercet service) agent

Book of Roger Auque (her father), "Au service de la republique", he wrote as a testament

- Nicolas Bay: Hidden visit in Israel, jew

archive.fo/tmcZ1 streetpress.com/sujet/1485419689-nicolas-bay-fn-en-visite-discrete-en-israel

- Arnaud Couture, former FN municipal councillor of Cusset, guilty of detaining pedopornographic pictures

archive.fo/uoR0I lamontagne.fr/cusset/justice/2016/12/16/trois-ans-de-prison-avec-sursis-pour-lancien-elu-fn-de-cusset_12211178.html#

- Frédéric Chatillon: protected by the french secret services, to which he gaves services.

Livre "Marine est au courant de tout…"

- Phillipe Peninque: funder of Alain Bonnet, Freemason, support Israel, friend of Cahuzac (Know to be the manager of the black budget of the french "Partie socialiste")

Why approve a Candidate that threatens the Kalergi plan?

Yes goyim, you will all win, just like you did with Trump.

archive.fo/AEP4S lepoint.fr/justice/philippe-peninque-l-ami-utile-de-jerome-cahuzac-07-09-2016-2066450_2386.php

- Sebastien Chenu: lobby LGBT


- Steeve briois: lobby LGBT

archive.fo/A8zuG lepoint.fr/municipales-2014/municipales-2014-henin-beaumont-quand-le-mariage-gay-embarrasse-steeve-briois-24-03-2014-1805203_1966.php

- A lot of defection from elected FN:

archive.fo/ygMY8 lci.fr/politique/comment-le-front-national-justifie-les-nombreuses-defections-chez-ses-elus-locaux-2021061.html

archive.fo/nxrNQ leprogres.fr/loire/2016/05/19/roanne-christian-milon-et-estelle-perrier-quittent-le-fn


- 85-92: funding by Pierre Serac, representative in France of "L'Église de l'Unification" (or « secte Moon »). He is too the secretary general of the CAUSA mouvement (Confédérations des Associations pour l'Unification des Sociétés Américaines) — political branch of the moon sect — for europe. It's attached to the CIA. The FN have so been funded indirectly by the CIA.


archive.fo/NEB3W prevensectes.com/moon5.htm#3

- Loan from a russian bank (9 millions euros)

archive.fo/Vv4iK europe1.fr/international/russie-une-banque-qui-avait-finance-le-fn-mise-sous-tutelle-2701945

- Funding of the FN campaign : Frédéric Chatillon indicted

archive.fo/9nov7 liberation.fr/elections-presidentielle-legislatives-2017/2017/02/25/financement-de-campagnes-un-tres-proche-de-marine-le-pen-mis-en-examen_1551041

- Funding of the FN campaign by the United Arab Emirates

archive.fo/6Zlqn lefigaro.fr/politique/le-scan/coulisses/2016/10/24/25006-20161024ARTFIG00134-en-quete-de-finances-pour-2017-le-fn-fait-les-yeux-doux-aux-emirats-arabes-unis.php

They said the same thing about Trump, Sweetie ;)

Inb4 u cry

If she wins, the same people who control Trump will control her. Trumps 180 on Hillary Syria and everything else should prove the two party system once again made you all look like idiots. Enjoy WW3... I know I will.

>final battle
>against jews
>being this naive

you know this board has an age requirement right?

Is this a response to Merkel ditching the german flag?

we banned any religious symbol in public places, but it only target the Muslims, you can come here with your Cross necklaced, and you'll be fine

Fuck off Tyrone.

I've been wondering.. with how far people are Turning to the Right, with how much They're beginning to QuestionEVERYTHING including jewish control of politics, banking and the media, how long do your kind really think you'll last?

Fuck I hope she wins seeing EU melt down would make me soooo happy.

Sorry, I meant to say ((((((((((((EU))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


Fuck the EU

Did you beat (((them))) when Trump won?
You might be thinking Im laughing at you, but actually Im laughing at myself.

>Le Kike
>against (((them)))
good one

This is true.

Without God all will fall. Take my flag as credit for my claim.


The policies Trump campaigned were not bad, but he's been listening to the Jews too much (namely Jared Kushner) which has made him a good goy

highly unlikely but its worth trying
hover your mouse we got a hot topic

Don't be a fool, outside Sup Forums or neo-nazi circle-jerk websites most people don't give a damn about Jews.

In fact, you will find more pro-Israel people on the right than on the left.

Muslims, on the other hand, are becoming more and more hated by the common people everywhere.

Just ask yourself, which religion does Le Pen rally against? Who Trump tried to ban from the U.S?

Make no mistake, there will be a great war in the Middle East, and muslims will get the short-end of the stick.

And who will fill the void of power in the region? It doesn't take much imagination to see what lies ahead.

Spiros quit shitposting

You keep Shilling your own thread on every thread I see.

I think they were saying something similar about Brexit, how did that turn out, I've never checked because I don't give a shit about lime island.

holy shit the jews are playing the right

Your time will come Shlomo, after all your own god cursed you a long time ago.

gee i wonder who is also funding the others ? this sin't normal, why did you not post anything aobut them ?

go eat a dick

Diaspora Jew here. You are mistaken, my tribal friend.

People absolutely fucking hate Jews everywhere in the World but almost no one dislikes Islam.

Liberals will literally go to bat to defend Muslims against any consequences for their actions while at the same time condemning Israel as worst than if Adolf Hitler and Satan founded a country together.

If anything the """"Right"""" will ally with Muslims to exterminate the Jews and Israel.

Muslims are definitely going to win this one, ha ha.

t. Polish Jew.

they actually exited EU and last i checked they are negotiating on trading rights and shit

I've been thinking that alright, seems like a good reason to set an invasion upon your allies, to get rid of your pesky neighbors. But what about when all is said and done, greater israel is finally established & people see even further who orchestrated all of this?
You left your fingers in alot of pies, the evidence is everywhere now, this won't be ignored forever. You've all gotten WAY too overconfident in the last 10 years. When every empire throughout history got THIS confident they Fell shortly afterward.


The holiest of Trips. La Pen will win. The EU is over. Praise kek!

Rememer, she doesn't want to straight up leave it,
first she want regoneciate france position, if it's not good enough for her ,whatever it means, she will propose a referendum to french people,
meaning that even if she is elected france might still be in EU depending on the referendum

>Is this the final battle?
Are you rerarded?

Kek still have to help Germany, Italy and Sweden before going back to his rest of 10.000 years.

1. She won't win.

2. If she wins her anti-EU referendum will fail. Most French don't want out of the EU.

Trump and Brexit will remain outliers, they happened in political systems which are overwhelmingly dominated by two parties. Continental Europe politics is much more different from Anglo-Saxon politics.

That's why Wilders failed, the Dutch political spectrum is way too fragmented to allow a majority formed around his fringe party.

goober, do you think the french and american election systems are the same?

kekistani quick come drop a couple omeme too

HALP we need you knight of the round Pepe


>most french do not want out of tge eu
Well then they are lost and deserve everything coming their way in that case.

I thought we had a chance until Trump lost his sagging balls. Id bet he got threatened.

America, UK, and the White flag of France. WW3 now, annihilate the Rest. Maybe let the kikes have greater Israel if they all promise to take there porn industry, neo marxist professors all back to Israel. We'd still need a Civil War here. Just to kill all the socialist commies.

EU doesn't give a shit about European people. They are globalists. They are money hungry Jews. Take back your countries. Take back your own future. Be free.