Trust us, goys!

Trust us, goys!

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Must be true! Bibsi wouldn't lie!

haven't been on Sup Forums for about a month, but wasn't it basically determined that the "rebels" had a chem facility and Assad took it out, causing a little collateral damage, that then got blamed 100% on Assad?

I wish they were this helpful against ISIS

Chlorine gas is nothing. I can make it in my toilet bowl.

Man they really want to go to war with Syria don't they?

which is it, sarin or chlorine?

Putin warned about preparations for another false flag chemical attack in Damascus suburbs 11 days ago

>little crook tries to talk himself free


Gas Israel now!

let's get this shoah on the road

not even a day and the WAPO already has ((intelligence)) from Israel

How reliable is this "source"?

the first one was sarin, this one just happened today. i bet the reliable ((white helmets)) were there to help again and giving their ((testimonies))

I was reporting from Damascus when the gas came. I felt so faint as I run away to safety. Children dead all around me. I barely made it out alive. I manage to save 1 child's shoe

No way that our Greatest Ally would lie to us

He was in the news recently claiming Assad had ambulance boy under house arrest. He look like a big jew.

looks like a trex

nice evidence you got there scholmo

what a name

seems legit

Liberals : "Trump is literally Hitler"
Assad: "Watch this"
but seriously idk if this is real or not

jews and arabs have same dna

Makes tons of sense after Trump said he'd bomb him..

lol, i guess even the Trump tards will realize the stupidity of this. Hopefully Trump will too.

The Jews are going to use Trump to destroy Damascus arent they? It says in the Bible Damascus will be a waste land. and we are going to be the ones that destroy it.Damn.

Yo, dead serious here. spread that everywhere. its time.


swede cuck thats anti trump, what a surprise

i'm actually a Trump supporter and own a Trump hat. I just don't like that he got baited into bombing Syria by his kike advisors.

bombing an empty airfield, to troll North Korea and Iran, is 4D chess, he appeased the zionist kikes and destroyed the MSM muh russia hack narrative. 4 fucking D

i sincerely hope you're right. we'll just have to wait and see if he intervenes more.

4 birds 1 stone

domestically it was a good move, geopolitically it was the dumbest thing he could do

>Assad poisons rebels by dropping chlorine into swimming pools

but you know what my problem is? let's pretend that Trump intervenes again or something and causes significant harm this time -- i think some Trump people on here would still defend it for some reason.

Shut up Jafar

You are "What if'ing" the God emperor who knows what he is doing. Nobody knows what his next move is, thats the beauty of his 4D Chess. Keep em guessing

Can they like...not.
