Why are there countries that have never been communist but are still poor...

Why are there countries that have never been communist but are still poor? Is it just not the 'right' kind of capitalism?

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Nigger iq

Give examples.




you lived next to em, we good coz we have fin and you to buffer cube and shheeet.

Neo-cons and open border libertarians think Zimbabweans and Haitians would build moon colonies if only they had free markets.

not real capitalism. Seriously most of the places are more like agrarian sustenance farming with a side of tourism to rich travelers.

Nigger population.
Why have a free market when you can just chip out and machete the shit out of the local farmer.

Also, why could Taiwan or Hong Kong get their shit together but Thailand couldn't? They also were a puppet of the US.

How come the countries that either have been or are nationalist so rich?

If your country has no important natural resources to export or develop its own products and is filled with genetically doomed idiots you can't win, no matter what kind of economical system you have.

Sounds like free market to me, maybe they all just decided their best career choice is farming or tourist servant. Their countries may not have anything better to offer.

>le nigger meme

Maybe some countries in South America, like French Guiana

Think of economic systems like video game engines
Communsim socialism and everything that isn't capitalism, is of course a bad engine which will result in nothing but a shitty game because the game's engine is bad
But with capitalism, you have a good engine, the issue is that a good engine doesn't make the game good, it just doesn't ruin it, whilst a bad engine ruins it, so outside of the engine there also needs to be a lot of things done correctly, like laws, borders, and other shit.

Hey, at least we're not flooded with muslims anymore. Anyway, I blame leftist socialist parties.

Do you not know your own history?

Capitalism doesn't work that way. There are winners and losers.

I know that you know the reason for that

>There are winners and losers

So you mean that not all countries can be wealthy? I thought that le capitalism is a zero sum game meme is wrong.

Wealth has increased in every capitalist country, it just has increased more in some countries.

All Commie countries are just as poor.

because its not reaaal capitalism!!
it's crony capitalism!! i swear theres a difference guys

>"le number 4 maymay"

Niggers most of the time.

What went wrong with you guys, you were a powerful country back in the 1920s


free market isn't necessarily the same as Adam Smith type capitalism. Just to see I looked up Jamaica's % GDP that comes from tourism and it's over 50%. Sure selling seashells and bracelets on the beach to drunk americans will put dinner on the table for them but they lack actual industry. Compare that to a country like Japan or North Korea where they really started doing capitalism and mass producing goods for a comparison. Of course IQ plays a major factor as well as things like government corruption, laws and political stability.

The only reason why "capitalism" is so successful is because of WWII. Every country in Europe including the Soviet union was destroyed in WWII, allowing the United States to take over the continent. Communism and Capitalism are both shit and have nothing to do with a countries "success"

Tourism is an industry thought, especially on small countries with no hopes to match a world power in output.

In Jamaica EVERYONE works for tourism someway or another. It doesn't need fumes to be an industry.

>Communism and Capitalism are both shit

What is your supposed enlightened economic system then?

Inb4 something that falls into either of those categories.

not in the same way infrastructure is created through capitalism. They also have a horribly inefficient corrupt government and uneducated population. I agree there are various factors of production when taking a countries total economic output into account but selling seashells doesn't lead to prosperity you see in US and western Europe. Selling seashells doesn't lead to the creation of buildings with electricity, air conditioning, electricity, means to get goods from A to B etc..


Yet Kingston has buildings with electricity and AC and means to move goods from A to B. They might have been built by foreign investors, but they have been built because some people believe that the country is prosper enough to merit them and acknowldege that the tourism output will remain good enough to earn a profit. In some ways selling seashells can bring prosperity.

Because in live, there are winners and losers. And commie scum.

How does scrooge mcduck increase his wealth without investing it?


Crush the (((international finance system)))

>It's a meme now
Lmao fucking Jerome

I've always found it useless to debate the current state of com/cap crap, because without some realistic sense of pragmatic ethics both of those are meaningless.

>Failed in every country it was tried on

I agree with you there is some productivity stemming from that sort of stuff, I would even look at Italy or france other tourist hot spots for example as well. The people aren't starving but basically they make their $10 or $50 for food to the day, spend the rest on drugs and thats that. Their are extremely rich real estate magnate types building hotels and things but if tourism for whatever reason goes bad int hat place the capitol will just be moved where it's better by said magnate. I can gurantee you the Parisians who were probably raking in money selling shitty food to tourists are suffering under the mudshit invasion of their city.

this is true too

To go into more detail:
-A non-collective industrial and agriculture based economy
-Gold standard currency
-No central bank/large banking institutions
-Ethnically homogenous, religious and motivated working class

It failed because America stomps out every country that isn't an american puppet... Give me an example please.

That's just a type of capitalism.

I guess you can argue that... My main problem with capitalism is the fact that it shifts to a corporatist government run by banks. But by preventing the creation of fiat currency and central banking institutions you can protect from the dangers of capitalism

Their standard of happiness is different. They are happy with their tourism and their drugs and their few dollars a day. Not every country is expected to be a beacon of progress, some countries import foreign progress, paying with what they have. Of course Jamaica is a slave to a group of influential people that will jump ship at the next earthquake or typhoon that pops up in the Caribbean taking the progress away, but they are better with them than without them.

Being unable of defending their ideology is a failure no matter if it was USA or Haiti stomping your country.

All im asking for is an example. The United States exported its political ideology around the world after wwii and prevented any country from trying anything else. They were not able to do this because muh capitalism. They were able to do it because all the world powers were decimated in wwii (including Russia) and they were able to dominate the world.


brazil is socialist now

Capitalism made the US strong enough to export ideology in the first place. It's ideology was already creeping through America (Continent) and Africa before WW2.


We've been communist in all but name since the 46'. Hell, even in name sometimes.

their people are genetically lazy. for example, nigger countries and countries in south america.

capitalism wasn't born in the us, i was born in the uk in the 19th century

So what? US adopted capitalist policies since the begining.

Never had been soviet/Cuba/china tier communist
Having social policies isn't Communism

Bet we have been in both extremes
Left and right, both fuck us over
Fuck macri,and k

Capitalism didnt make the US strong m8. The united states essential socialized its industry to fight in wwii creating an economic boom. They then attacked a severely weakened germany that was already getting BTFO by the Reds and took over Europe. NOTHING to do with capitalism


you're right OP, Africa is full of niggers.

Its sad that Argentina is such a shithole now... I used to go all the time when I was younger. Buenos Aires is a beautiful city

Hes the smartest person here

shitskin IQ and the related corruption stemming from shitskin IQ inability to warrant said rules

i'm just saying, it wasn't the us the one to "export" the capitalist ideology, it was the british empire

>tfw capitalism sucks so bad that you only grow thirty three thousand percent more than china relative to your current GDP PPP over a 200 year span

>its a meme

newfag or butthurt nignog detected, lurk more or gtfo

are there any socialists in japan

Of course thats a fair comparison. Do you know what China was like in the 1800s?

Also since when did GDP measure a countries success? The US is destroying the middle class and people are killing themselves at record rates but we are successful because our GDP is high thanks to Goldman Sachs and friends? fuck off with that bullshit


pick any other country on that chart and compare it to the USA

perhaps take a look at japan's twofold growth from 1600 to 1870 followed by a threefold growth over the next 40 years, and take note that western economical systems were introduced starting in 1852

guess that not anymore

forgot the pic

>tfw you go from last place in Western Europe to first in 120 years

portuguese education at its finest.

GDP doesn't necessarily measure success, I agree. It correlates with it, though.
Tell me, GDP-disparager, would you prefer to live in a random low GDP-per-capita country or a high GDP-per-capita country?
It's totally meaningless as a measure, obviously. Just pick Ghana, I'm sure it'd be great. I'd hate to live in Switzerland or Monaco

Of course the US has the strongest economy in the world. Every other competitor was literally bombed to dust 80 years ago

Not the right kind of people. Umyou need good goys for a good economy.

Japan has always had the view that the weak stay out of the way of the strong.

yes i'm sure your redneck education system is great, where you learn creationism in 5th grade

I want to live in a world where GDP correlates to success, instead of measure how effectively the banking industry shafts the working class. Our GDP goes up and up while the white people in our country become more and more disenfranchised. Its a broken system.

but the chart only goes up to 1913
kinda odd that germany is the fourth biggest (maybe fifth, I forget) economy in the world despite being absolutely savaged by a hundred years of border reconstruction, bombs, population destruction, culture death, communism, socialism and hyperinflation

but feel free to choose one of those countries with less economic freedom

because A => B doesnt mean B => A

There are more then two schools of thoyght on econimics. These things dont exist in isolation there is a millitary, demographic and geopolitical environment. One thing that is well know n by everyone but Marxists is that Communism doesnt fucking work. Thats why it never was implemented. It cant be.

It does correlate to success, just not that closely. It never will correlate to success. It's fundamentally broken in how it compares state spending to private spending, and provides politicians with huge incentive to destroy capital for short term (((GDP))) gain to wow their voters.

Lol because the countries grow food in capitalist economics for the first world. It's not about the right kind of capitalism, its that international capitalism and the history of imperialism creates countries that serve as the work horses for the US and Europe.

What is the Marshall plan? The United State essentially rebuilt Europe, ensuring that they will be good little puppet states and always do what America wants.

Sorry for appearing absolutely retarded with those first two sentences.
I meant:
It does correlate to success, just not that closely. It never will absolutely correlate to success.

Argentina was the poster child of the neoliberal policy prescribed by the Washington Consensus, though. After adoption, that's when you plummeted into your dismal state.

And welfare=/=socialism.

nog detected. get the fuck out of here.

So capitalism and market systems have literally nothing to do with why Germany could be ravaged for an entire century and still do better than every single country which has abandoned markets, despite receiving far less foreign aid than many said non-market economies?

Most common reason is a dictator coming to power and stealing everything from the people so nobody wants to invest in that country's economy because they know President Matumbo is going to steal it all anyway.

Possibly the lack of resources in their countries. May not count for African countries though.

Their people are too dumb and got swindled by Europe and now the Chinese are conning them.

Portugal was fascist until 1974

Low IQ

Natural resources usually leads to less economic and social development. Paradox of plenty.


and it's shit now

Germany is successful because the Marshall plan and the fact that German people are incredibly hard working and industrious (trust me I'm not some 88er). If free markets were the only thing required to become a superpower then why aren't other capitalist countries as successful?