Angela Merkel reportedly had to explain the 'fundamentals' of EU trade to Trump 11 times

*inhales sharply*

No, but seriously. What a fucking embarrassment Drumpf is...

#notmypresident #resist




>explain EU trade fundamentals
>Trump doesn't understand
>explain refugees and muslims are tearing your nation apart
>Merkel doesn't understand

At least they have something in common

Do they pay you Ukrainian wage? Are these 110 euros a month really worth all this effort?

My demisexual cousin had to explain her place on the sexual totempole 25 times to me and I still don't understand.

what is your point OP?

Stupid bitch should know when to take a good deal

> American billionaire doesn't understand how people make money in your economy.

> He's the idiot.

Shill thread, do not post beyond here.

Shill thread, do not post beyond here.

Shill thread, do not post beyond here.

Shill thread, do not post beyond here.

Shill thread, do not post beyond here.

Shill thread, do not post beyond here.

but vampire nigel rothchilde lovesss shills

> Angela Merkel reportedly had to explain the 'fundamentals' of EU trade to Trump 11 times

Merkel tried to convince Trump HER version of EU trade 'fundamentals' 11 times.

She also tried to convince Trump HER version of immigration and refugee policy didn't lead to violence or an increase in rapes and terror attacks.

Of course he is not your president dummy. Your people elected retards and turned your country into pile of shit.

>talk garbage to a business man
>business man calls you out
>just keep reading the shill lines given to you by greatest allly
>business man not pleased

>Of course he is not your president dummy. Your people elected retards and turned your country into pile of shit.

WTF are you doing Polackbro. Canadabros are in charge of shitposting.

well trump doesnt speak german...she could of explained it 100 times and he still wouldnt have understood

lol this.

All of our leaders are morons, and on purpose.

he is a businessman
maybe he didnt understand because there was nothing to understand

>'Ja may, you thee Donald.
>Refugees come
>Refugees bring families
>economy and trades profit

>Trumps face when

LOL this article has no source... its just more leftist circlejerk nonsense


I see we've entered the "incompetence" stage of acceptance





What are the fundamentals of EU trade?

>Angela Merkel reportedly had to explain the 'fundamentals' of EU trade to Trump 11 times

Do you think that every politician that is sitting in congress right now understand the intricacies of the EU? Do most Europeans even understand how the EU conducts trade?

we trade our sovereignty for the privilege being raped by arab monkeys whenever we want (or dont want)

This is like Putin met with the governor of California and said
>wanna make a trade deal
>uhh no actually there is an American market so it has to be an American trade deal
>Putin repeats the question nine more times
>gets the same polite answer
>Putin thinks: "this governor drives a hard bargain"
>OK Mr. Governor we'll make a trade deal with America

Soo basically if you're European he looks spookily much like a retard. Like I want off this ride levels

well then she shouldn't have tried telling them in german 10 times

>not realizing he was just trying to make a point how dumb the EU trade system is

>not realizing he was telling merkel to her face that germany is being cucked by the EU too

any1 got gas?

Germany has profited immensely of the system

Rest of Europe are mad at Germany because they have cucked away so much money from the single market. This is things you might have known if you knew there was a single market.

So if this was a subtle burn Trump was making I'm not sure Merkel could have understood it.

Just dont obfuscate for a second. Just suppose for a second that things happened like Merkel says they did. Doesnt that mean Trump is quite stupid?

we cant have separate trade deals because if Bulgaria strike a sick free trade deal with Japan everybody will try to put their corporate HQ here and ship shit from here making us incredibly rich (lol) and fucking up some other big areas around the continent.

>we need millions of muslims for it to work
>but why?
>millions of muslims

>Germany has profited immensely of the system

until they have to bail out everyone again and then have no money and are filled with terrorists who don't want to work

>I'm not sure Merkel could have understood it.

no shit she's retarded and has ruined the country. I bet she doesn't understand a lot of things

>Just dont obfuscate for a second.

make me fagget

So by flooding Europe with North Africans and Middle Easterners you make Europe better!

What does that have to do with a trade union?

No look you let the brown and black people in and everything is great.

Leaving aside that you statement is not really logically sound, how does a trade union have the power to compel national immigration policy?

Look we need Muslim immigrants that can't read or write to build our economy, by displacing local workers.

Lets put that aside for a moment, why does a common market trade union need it's own standing army above national military forces?

OMG why do you hate Muslims?


and so on.

it's not that he couldn't understand
he just couldn't believe it.
EU set europe back decades.

if you just for a moment had the opportunity to look at yourself from a third person perspective I seriously think you might kill yourself


maybe so but it doesn't make you right or any less of a faggot

Sounds like a win for everyone, though.

its the same with tax undercutting. A undercuts tax rates so HQs move there to avoid tax, then B undercuts A and so on and so on.
It completely fucks everything up and benefits what Niger likes to call multinational corporations. Like how they stash money offshore to avoid paying tax.
Or how everybody and their mother moved their corp HQs in Ireland in 2015 and 2016 creating unrealistic GDP growth and screwing so many nations out of their taxes.

I dont mean to be rude, but why act stupid? Nobody wins by stupidity

what NigeL Farrage calls multinationals
Fuck im half asleep sorry

>act stupid

>implying I'm smart

thanks finland i like you too

>tax undercutting
This is actually a problem in Europe. Central European countries compete in who can give the most loopholes to multinationals, the result is that big corps pay no taxes while small ones and middle large ones pay the nominal rates

haha, dont kill yourself senpai

t. mercyful anarcho gay-communist


thats why Nige had a point. Common or at least closely-moving tax rates will reduce this. But france taxing 100 % everything above 400k euros will make everybody leave for Goymany


this is true

So Merkel tried to convince him globalism isnt shit 11 times before giving up? Noted, thanks for the tip.

In other words...
>Angela Merkel projects her feelings about the EU onto Trump, under the guise of "educating" him
>Trump stands firm in his beliefs
>Angela Merkel projects her feelings onto Trump for a second time, repeating herself word-for-word
>Trump continues to stand firm in his beliefs
>Angela Merkel continues to do this 9 more times
>Trump doesn't budge
>Merkel throws a small hissy fit and gives up
fem-splain-ing — noun
The act of a woman — typically, of the feminist variety — to mistakenly believe she knows more than a man and about a man’s actions, then attempts to explain her "knowledge" via word-vomit.

German cuckposting is my favorite

>dumb americunt who probably supported brexit fails to understand one of the biggest Pro Brexit arguments : the post
You should seriously spend some time trying to figure shit out. Farrage is your friend, he explains this simply enough so that even lefties get it.

Why don't you just leave the EU and do that? (serious question)

you hit the nail on the head
> refugees come
> refugees bring families
> refugees open credit lines
> money is created to fill the credit line money hole

>implying anyone besides Germany has a say in EU trade deals

>self-made billionaire businessman he so dum XD he no no trade XDXD

does anyone believe this horseshit

1. gibs
2. our exports actually grow within the eu and outside
3. cucks
Also the trade deal will be one sided and with Russia, we will never negotiate jack shit with the japs or anybody else.. My simplified example cant be further away from reality. The real situation will look like this :
Big fat corps from goymany or france cook up a trade deal with japan and everybody relocates their HQ to there because of hype.

>(serious question)
Because no sane company would invest in anything East of the Rhine that's not under the thumb of Germany.

> #notmypresident

You're right, your president is Putin.

Maybe he thought the EU had collapsed already?

>only a matter of time

>> refugees come
>> refugees bring families
>> refugees open credit lines
>> money is created to fill the credit line money hole
refugees come
refugees bring families
refugees have no language or work skills
entire families supported by government programs
taxes increase on working class to support refugees
cost of living goes up as inflation steals even more from working class
entire economy gets fucked because of artificial drag on economy by refugees
unemployment goes up because of lagging economy
refugees don't give a fuck because free money

Not knowing how ID's work.

Fucking retard.

How retarded do you have to be to not understand something explained to you 11 times? This faggot is clearly mentally challanged.

Go back to T_D. True Sup Forumsers don't like trump you shill.

>How retarded do you have to be to not understand something explained to you 11 times?

If something is wrong, then explaining it even 12 times won't make it right.

>didn't realize he wasn't talking to a real leader of a real sovereign nation

As if Angela Merkel explains anything to Donald Trump. They hang around and talk shit while their advisors make up some deals.

>But france taxing 100 % everything above 400k euros will make everybody leave for Goymany

I was talking about the corporate tax rate which isn't the same as Melenchon's suggestion about salary tax. The EU can function, but there would need to be co-operation on tax rules and such. To make that reality you would need real left wingers like Melenchon to take the initiative, that is why he is threatening to leave the EU if there is not better financial regulations and wealth equality in the EU. If you are Greek or Bulgarian you should cheer for Melenchon, because he can reform the union into something that is more than a German tax grab.

>That's what you think.

I can imagine there's a lot of resentment for Germany solely because of this whole EU deal. Traveling around Europe visa-free is nice though. Thanks krauts!

>comparing nations to states

kek. I guess that was Trumps mistake for thinking Germany is a real country

This is like how SJWs explain to you over and over how there are actually 54 genders.

How about the fundamentals of Islamic invasion?


Fuck you

He's not bigly smart.

probably because Trump doesn't understand how Germany has managed to cuck southern europe into propping it up

Hold on.

If you need to explain to a successful business man 11 times how your fucking system works


A: You're the fucking idiot who can't explain things properly

B: Your system is fucking flawed so of course it doesn't make sense to someone who has been in business almost their entire adult life

nice pic, bummer its true.
what mr toothpaste said there is also true, USA isnt interested in investment here.
The only investors will be Russia, Turkey and the kebab states (mosuqes) + maybe china on top because they want to expand.
But I'd like us to try Intermarium with free trade etc between us and see if we can manage things better.

Well what are they? Is their even such a thing?

What is Trump's IQ?

>he'll run the country like one of his businesses

maybe trump's a high functioning retard

It's a hate-depend relationship.
Germany needs the shitholes as consumer markets and a way to keep the Euro from getting overpriced because that would kill exports.
The shitholes need German manufacturing because they can't into anything more complex than tomatoes and for the occasional bailout.

No one can survive alone so we continue to live on as one big hateful family.

The fundamentals of the EU economy is that the poor countries in the east gets a load of money, and the rich countries in the west gets a load of refugees in order to even out the balance in the future.

he should come out as an openly retarded man, liberals couldnt critique him anymore cause its ableism and his base would just say its 5000%DD CHESS and would keep sucking his dick

>B: Your system is fucking flawed so of course it doesn't make sense to someone who has been in business almost their entire adult life

C: Trump recognizes that the EU is just Germany backdoor creating the 4th Reich through economic means instead of military.

Well done on Brexit to get the hell out out of that clusterfuck.

>inherits all his money from his father
>bankrupts 4 casinos (businesses that are literally designed to print money)
>has to be bailed out by said father via illegal loans

yeah, he is the idiot

Libs think they have the absolute truth. They try to explain this absolute truth to us, and if we don't agree with them, its just because we are too ignorant to understand.


>bankrupts 4 casinos (businesses that are literally designed to print money)

ITT: people that have never been to AC

I can't believe you niggers fell for a forum slide by shaira blue. Sage this shit if you're going to comment.

genius. absolute genius


>Written by someone who doesn't understand how the EU works for the consumption of people without the ability to comprehend how the EU works

Apparently none of you retards has even read the article. Trump did not understand the fact that it is not legally possible for Germany to negotiate a bilateral trade agreement with the USA. This has nothing to do with
>muh refugees
>muh Businessmann
Its just Trump being an ignorant clown. He clearly walked in there expecting to strike some kind of genius deal with Germany but had to realize he was way out of his depth.

fucking kek this is pure gold


Did she or didnt she?

The EU is a big bureaucratic nightmare.

Impeach. Now!


All members must be in agreement as each of them has veto rights. Look into the trade deal between the EU and Canada. It almost didn't go through. Some in the Easter block were threatening to veto it if their citizens did not gain visa free passage to Canada. There were also concerns in the Netherlands about food quality if I remember well. So before it was agreed upon the deal was amended a couple of tines. And btw all visa requirements were restricted for all EU citizens regardless of country. It comes into force this autumn.