Why do men seem to want kids but women don't? Is it really brainwashing?

Why do men seem to want kids but women don't? Is it really brainwashing?

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Birth Control Hormones for girls, more womens hormones for boys. Don't worry; they're 100% natural hormones.

come ........

>Anytime someone goes against the hivemind it's a conspiracy.
Yes, freedom of thought cannot be allowed! Sup Forums will be forever right wing!

Im a man and I despise children, wont date a woman who expects children

Men want kids, they just don't want to have one with a whore.

Women want kids, they just don't want to have one until they've spent 10 years being a whore.

Μπράβο ρε πάντα θα πέφτει στους Έλληνες να σοζουν την Ευρώπη (kε το /πολ/)

Depends on the female, there's been some recent stories of women getting to their 30s suiciding because all of their friends were getting married and having kids when they didn't.

I want to have 4-8 strong boys but I'm not sure about daughters.

You're projecting. Many men don't want to have kids, and MGTOW is a popular example of "brainwashing" them.

independent women meme

Shitting out kids is a lot more work than you basement dwellers realize. The old societies made it women's only major job, but now the west expects women to also succeed in the workforce?

If I was a woman I'd say fuck that shit too.

You're on Sup Forums with redpilled people, of course those want to start a family.

Good luck trying to find men outside of Sup Forums who want children. It's one reason I still done have one at 30 and now it's almost too late.

sauce on statue?
also, even though i want like 2 sons and maybe a daughter marriage in the states is a shit institution, just a tax burden plus taking on the debts of your spouse, plus she gets half of ur shit when you divorce cause she fucked tyrone. unless u pre-nup, and good luck explaining that to your future wife.

This. I want some daughters though. But I need sons, lots of sons.

Gee great thinking Pei Ming. You have to have some daughters so other mens sons can have wives. Its part of the deal.

>men want kids

When was the last time you talked to a human outside of Sup Forums?

What the fuck do I care about other mens' sons? My sons can rape your slut daughters and cut your faggot sons' throats.

Women love children though. I always hear women that I work with talking about how they want a baby every time they see a customer with a child.

This...Feminism has turned gender relations into a Mexican standoff. Men instinctively don't want to wife or have children with reformed sluts and whores, and women don't want to get married until they spent their best years whoring themselves out to Chad. In the end, both genders feel used and conflicted about the other gender. This results in low birth and marriage rates. (((They))) wanted this to happen.

If I had a daughter, I'd probably raise her as a Tomboy. I want none of that princess shit.


>took girl out
>super cute, seems baby making material
>libtard says she has two kids, both different fathers
>tell her ill pay the bill and go to my car
>leave her with the bill
>I drove us both there
>block communications
>internet dating is magical

Kill single mothers!

How do we solve this issue though, there has to be a solution which we can achieve realistically speaking?

How come I never saw this in art history class?

>has immaculate sculpting ability
>creates a roastie
That's it. Art is doomed.

It's the rhythm of a dying society. During the 1960's the sexual revolution began and it was young men in universities who drove it. These young men were indoctrinated by the poisonous subversive tool of critical theory, which rejects everything and offers no alternative, leading to a view of the world devoid of positive affirmations - nihilism. The logical conclusion to nihilism in a behavioral sense is hedonism, which was the defining characteristic of the boomer generation. At the time this began, most women still wanted children, adhering to their natural instincts and not as much to academic propaganda, and had to be convinced by men to give up that desire in favor of a more carefree and "liberated" lifestyle.

Fast forward to now, where the intellectual men of our generation were raised by hedonistic boomers and often single mothers, and resent them for depriving them of a decent upbringing. As a result, the men now wish to live the way people lived before the boomers arrived - a traditional lifestyle. Part of that lifestyle is having children, but now that women have been spearheaded into the universities, it is they who are falling for the same propaganda under different name (feminism) and who are relentlessly pursuing the narrative of the carefree, hedonistic, "liberated" lifestyle that men drove in the 60's. How hilariously ironic that feminism was started by men to serve male interests.

The pendulum is now on its way back to equilibrium, which will mark a permanent change. We can only try and hope that it settles at a point where both men and women want children again in the west, or the world will quickly be overrun by Africans.

women equate their physical beauty to their self-worth, so having babies reduces their value. They don't realize their beauty will run out eventually and are constantly trying to do "repair jobs" or maintenance albeit futilely.

Ever wonder why fat girls will spend $300 on their hair when it's like putting a wig on a walrus?

>race forums only started by men, NOT WOMEN
>higher IQ women = women who don't want children
>Matriachy, women with more money then men, not likely to have children

Women are hedonistic to the extremes, don't give a shit about tribe/state and use men disposably. If you don't control yourself and your lust("love") as a man you're just a degenerate slave to them

>women can burn annons

but at least he'll say he's sorry

I dont know what planet you live on OP, but women want kids, men dont.

Women date 'up' and seek shekels.

Women know when they have kids they:
A. Plump up, decreasing their sexual market value.
B. Have kids, decreasing their sexual market value.

Women 'wait' and 'play the field' at the chances of extracting the most resources out of the richest person.

I don't want kids, what the fuck are you one about, OP?

You some sort of idiot who wants to give your money to some rugrats who will end up hating your guts and ruining your life?


"tomboy" is code for self-reliant, and has hobbies.

That's a nice statue. The only problem are the curtains.

They want but not with you

>the pendulum is on its way back to middle
The muh gen z will save us meme again. I have yet to see any conclusive evidence that the first generation with internet on demand is capable of anything noteworthy. Just wait till they all get to college and get brainwashed

I don't know, now that women have been "liberated", the thought of going back anywhere close to traditional roles is going to be literally hitler to them, so I think it's over really. Once you give somebody a slice of degeneracy, it takes a lot to be able to bring them back.

Realistically, promote serial monogamy whilst stigmatizing hook up culture. Ban welfare for unwedded mothers.

I want a princess because what is the point of a daughter if she is not girly?

Collapse of civilisation

I mean I will say this, one thing I've noticed about gen z is that they are much more "politically" informed.

When I was their age, I didn't give a fuck about politics. Nor did I know much about it. Yet I know some 16-17 year olds who are basically red pilled, and politically literate. All because of the internet.

The only issue I can see is kids being forced to stay on sites like facebook or other jewed up social media forums. Should help kids "explore" the internet, get informed.

An informed public is the enemy of the elites. That's why they are trying to control the internet. So they can slow down the speeds to websites like this to the point where they are unusable.

But they're most susceptible to indoctrination. Tomboys tend to have independent thought and some male logic , and are less vain. Perhaps raising daughters who were girly and princesses worked before feminism, but now, they all end up becoming slaves to destructive female pop culture if you raise them that way.

This, I have noticed this all around the world any type of mentioning about stopping the degeneracy is met with fierce resistance it is like a drug addict fighting his way from you as he defends his drugs, it is sad.
This is bad aswell, But i rather have serial monogamy than hookup culture, I personally just can't trust any woman these days as they have been so brainwashed and i have seen some fucked up shit during my years out on bars/clubs it is truly sad what is going on.
This, I think this is the only way for us to achieve change, I don't think there is a coincidence that mudslimes flood Europe pretty much collapsing my country and multiple others.

That is why you raise them not (((society))).

>Why do men seem to want kids but women don't? Is it really brainwashing?

I think this is a wrong assumption and that OP is projecting.

Men do not want kids. I am a man. I don't want kids. But I am also desired by women, you aren't.

I think for a man to want kids is a very beta thing. Only beta males and fags would ever want kids. Of course once a guy reachs 35+ then he should start wanting kids, but any guy under 30 that wants kids is like a big red flag of faggotry.

I'm white, alpha, I got a qt3.14 white gf and I don't want kids at all. Not even in the slightest. I think my gf kinda wants kids but thank god she doesn't push her desires for them onto me.

And it all could have been prevented if (((they))) left their hands off their vidya.

No shit you haven't seen conclusive evidence, dickwad; they haven't even finished developing. The universities are already on their way to obsolescence and by the time the younger Gen Z's get there the old faggots who control them now will either be dead, senile, or completely out of touch with the new student generation.


>mfw my white sister is pregnant with her white husband's baby

Fucking disgusting

>Yes, freedom of thought cannot be allowed! Sup Forums will be forever right wing!
It never was right wing and never will be, the centrist core doesn't need wings.

You're a faggot if you dont want to have at LEAST 1 son to raise in your image/ideal.

What a disgusting picture

Same, my cousin was on the Trump train even though he's not even old enough to vote.

The west doesn't expect women to succeed in the work place. Women are accepting the meme being pushed.

God why are leafs so fucking stupid what the fuck do they teach you?
He's calling you a Chinamen because this thinking is litterally lead to the population crisis in China where there just aren't enough women. So your bitch ass cuknadian sons won't be raping shit. They'll be being raped by the left overside as transwomen and sissy boys when your country starts handing out free hormones

>by the time they get there the people controlling them will be dead
Wew lad that sure is a lot of wishful thinking right there
You're right these youngins do seem much more politically aware of the world thanks to the internet. It is funny though how the concept of privacy confuses kids now. I remember stranger danger and never giving out personal info, god damned jewbook

They're the generation most affected by the single motherhood epidemic. Society keeps telling their mothers that it's OK to be single mothers and to not have a father around, and that fathers are disposable, yet the fatherless gen z knows that's a (((lie))). Also they witnessed their mothers degenerate behaviour and most instinctively feel there's something very wrong with society. Most of Gen Z never had stability in their young lives, and felt like they missed out growing up in a healthy nuclear family and they're looking to the past with Rose tinted glasses.

>its a fucking statue
t. a fucking leaf

We should just ban leafs

Who are you kidding? You'll raise a selfie obsessed slut like most people nowadays.

Can't expect anyone on Sup Forums to raise a kid properly.

You should all be chemically castrated as you are a danger if you reproduce yourselves

Boomers are the professors who hold most strongly to critical theory/feminism. Boomers are getting old. You don't have to be a rocket surgeon to put 2 and 2 together m8.

When left to their own devices women destroy societies and civilizations because they have no sense of honor or shame. The left has also convinced women that its okay to attempt the same social status of men instead of focusing on familial values.

also: post moar sexy statues

It is? It's not a picture? This is pleasing to you? Ill have babby. And go around this gross stink hole with a surrogacy
Kys Charlotte

this pretty much. Women want to go out and earn money which I don't really care about but they also want to be praised and treated special just for having tits and ass. This works alright for them until they start hitting their upper thirties and more attractive younger owmen come around. All of a sudden they want a family and kids even though they spent the last decade or so having casual sex and other worse degenerate shit

Correct. And many of them are sitting on the internet all day because they were raised on it and that's all they know. When you have a shitty home life, you try to escape it one way or another.

(((They))) thought "oh yeah this will be great, they'll pick up drugs in no time!" but against their wishes, they picked up the internet instead.

Maybe when I'm 35 I will change my mind, but I'm 24. I don't want a fucking kid to take care off and I'm glad I don't want that. I want to have fun fucking my hot gf, and before I had my gf I liked fooling around with other girls.

Why the hell would I want kids? Fuck I am saving so much money since I barely have to spend any of it, kids would eat up my savings and force to me HAVE to climb the career ladder and that would kill a lot of my free time, free time that I can afford since I only have to pay for myself and sometimes my gf. I have free time, money and a nice relationship with a cute girl. Why the fuck would I ruin it with kids.

I'll wait till I am in my late 30's with a few hundred k/a million in the bank in savings them get my gf/wife (possibly) to pop out 3 kids.

Besides, if I had kids now, I'd be a horrible father. I think it's good I don't want them. I'd fuck them up and not give them the best chance in life. Young males are not meant to be fathers.

plus getting fat as shit

>Why do men seem to want kids but women don't?

On what planet OP?

If you are white, and have millions, then have as many children as you can afford.

leafbro nailed it!

Boomer professors hold most strongly to first wave feminism. Millennial gender study teachers hold to neo Bolshevik third wave feminism from my experience

but daughters are so cute!

yeah a lot of single mother's are whores but not all mine just had a shit husband

That's a beautiful statue.

If I have millions, I might. I don't currently, though I do have excess cash and savings.

Sad thing is that a simple house costs about a million right now in Australia. So even if I saved up a good million it would all be sunk on the house. I rent currently but the rent's easily manageable.

>I'm 24

Ok that makes sense, just took you for an older man.
I found that around 40 years extended families start making a lot of sense unless you're irremediably cucked.

>murder scene

But why did she chose the wrong man to raise a child? Most men don't change, even when they get married. I assume your father was a shitty person before your mother married him, but she kept him around because she was once attracted to those same negative traits, like many women who regret marrying douchebags.. Face it, 90 percent of single mothers are in their situation because their selfish desires trumped their responsibility to choose a better mate for the sake of their children



In my experience they do, it's just they have this idea that they should wait until they're 35.

Nigga you a virgin
never seen a vagina before

Most red pilled thread i've read on Sup Forums for some time.

Artificial wombs will solve this problem

Never seen an aesthetic one you mean because they don't exist
The end

Leaf dropping some fucking wisdom. Women don't want kids because they're too busy taking every attractive man they can find balls deep in them. Then after their holes have been throughly coated in cum and STIs, then they want to settle with some desperate provider beta that they never would have touched a decade back.

Feminism and the sexual revolution was a mistake. If you want to fix society, get women back where they belong and take away their right to vote.

Gonna need some sauce on this statue.

Women who don't want to have children are degenerate hellchildren, same as men who don't want them.

I want to have kids, so my mom and dad can have the experience of being grandparents.

I feel like I need more than that for motivation though.

I see a fit and flexible girl. How do you perceive murder? I only see Eros.

if i go on to any dating site and restrict search options to "does not want children", i get highly limited results. not sure where you got the idea from that women dont want children.

>Men want kids, they just don't want to have one with a whore.
>Women want kids, they just don't want to have one until they've spent 10 years being a whore.

That's because women on dating sites are 30 year old, washed up whores whose clock is ticking. Try talking to a marriageable woman and see what they think about kids, or even just marriage. They don't want to miss out on Chad and Tyrone dick for a decade.

reverse image search you horny NEET

This. And I don't want to change shit-filled diapers or have a daughter who brings home a nigger

I think thread is about the West. They are in some sort of gender war lmao.

You will be spared on the Day of the Rake.

I want to fuck that statue!

Tomboys are maladjusted proto feminists raised by dumbfuck fathers, comparable to mothers raising beta nice guys.

Send your daughters here user. They'll be in good care. T-trust me.

What is Wrong with Women These Days
