Freedom of religion should only apply to Christians in the United States

Freedom of religion should only apply to Christians in the United States.

All non Christians have one year to convert or get deported.

Atheists are allowed to remain but are barred from certain professions

>High Finance

Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses will be put under watch and confined to certain areas. A council of Christian leaders from various denominations will determine if they are indeed actually Christians.

A cross will then be added to the blue area of our flag with some combination of stars surrounding it.

What say you heathens?


>mfw american posts

nice flag mohammed

With this measure you would instantly solve the Jewish and Muslim problem

It would also halt the growth of leftism in the United States

Baptizing the country is the only solution

nice flag, jethro
or should i say tyrone

baptize what? you can't even baptize your own ass with a bidet

what kinda faggot shoves water up his ass?

Dude pls stop while you're ahead

>not taking the Christ-pill

Why are all commies and leftists universally atheists?

>This user unironically sleeps in his bed and goes outside with shit nuggets riddled up his ass

man, no wonder why you're so fucking stupid, probably all those shit nuggets went all the way up your spine and gets molded into your brain until you have literal shitty ideas

Are all your memes from 2011 Sup Forums

Update your folder Mehmet


Not until you update your bathroom accessories, cletus

Give me toilet paper or give me death

In the civilized world we use both dipshit, wash with water then wipe with TP

I like it, also Jews and Muslims should be banned from those professions as well.

Also any Muslims who refuse to integrate should be deported and any Jews with Israeli citizenship should be deported.

TP and wet disposable towels.

Well that would be redundant because they would be banned from the country

Atheists and non practicing Christians would be barred from the best/most important jobs in society

kill yourself you crypto kike murdoch jew

Stupid idea
You would just cause great division and hatred towards us

>kick Jews out the country
>get called a crypto-jew

Okay then

That actually sounds pretty good. What about agnostics?


I don't think so

Virtually every problem in the United States is caused by a lack of Christ in society and in government

Removing Jews and Muslims is obviously beneficial

Preventing atheists from controlling essential functions will kill leftism in the cradle

We can then go back to being a normal functioning republic with the saboteur element crippling our country as you can very plainly see today

They already hate us

So why don't we just beat them and be done with it

They can bitch from the sidelines elsewhere

Freedom of speech should only apply to Leftists in the United States.

All non Leftists have one year to vote for Hillary or get deported.

Centrists are allowed to remain but are barred from certain professions

>High Finance

They would fall under the umbrella of atheism

Not deported but banned from essential government jobs or jobs that play an important role in society

Of course you could just pretend to be religious and go to church on Sunday to gain back your privileges

Even if this doesn't eliminate atheism it creates a definite Christian culture which is the important thing

Wow so funny faggot

Stop not worshipping Jesus

Not very Christian,but I see your point
But you fail to see the real problem
Your country, my country, the entire world belongs to Satan and his buddies
This is his kingdom
Can you see why it won't work?
This world is lost already,we have a new kingdom waiting far beyond the eternal slumber

Um, I'd rather kick satan's little red asshole and build a stable "kingdom" in this world.