She's right you know

She's right you know

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I guess this whole "March for Science" and the culture around it bugs me so much because it pretty much explicitly targets anyone who questions the extent to which humans cause climate change.

I agree that we need science-based policies, but people are using their titles as 'scientists' to squash any opposition to the environmentalist agenda.

And god forbid Trump guts the bloated bureaucracy that is the EPA.

>you support drumpf?
>then you must be against SCIENCE!

>science has been proven to be right sometimes
>therefore all science was created equal
really makes me think

I voted for Trump with the intention of prodding lazy ivory tower types into getting more involved with real world problems.

I'm pleased with the results thus far.

nice reddit thread faggot desu

I'm all for science, bro.

If you can't see that this is a democrat march under the veil of being a "pro-science" march I guess you'all learn about it sometime in your life.

>muh, science is everything, and bill nye is God, culture
>Nerd culture
>Activist culture
>General leftist culture
All smashed into one area
False flag truck of peace when?

I don't know if you're against SCIENCE, but you certainly are a rural and suburban retard.

>hey guys, vaccines are good!
>also (((science)))-based policies!

fuck off

Remember. Day of the Rake

Burger bro dropping massive btfo truck hits

Remember Niggers? I don't. Science-based policies save lives.

she mentions polio by name, but doesn't remember it? what


pick one

> sometimes

jesus /pol is stupid.

She's right about vaccines

but I bet she is fine with banning pesticides that kill bedbugs along with being fine with immigrants that bring in bedbugs

Also the autism epidemic is a myth based on the fact definitions are constantly changing to encapsulate more children.

In addition most anti vaxxers are leftists

I'm a sceintist and it makes me laugh that these people treat science as a substitute for religious cult. And that's definitely not something that sceince should be

Are you blaming your bed bug problem on immigrants now?

Fuck off svensson.

>Science-based policies
So she favors eugenics programs? Good to know.


How do these people even exist?

the left vs right political feud could be adequately described as Darwinists (right) vs Lemarckians (left)

Yes, we no longer screen and quarantine immigrants for *ANY* diseases much less bed bug infestations.

That and our policies of never spraying for bedbugs.

20 years ago bedbugs were almost unheard of in the US, now they're fucking everywhere.

We can no longer delouse immigrants because jews think it's the equivalent of getting gassed

Has your wife invited immigrants in her bed or did you share a bed with one? They don't just magically appear you know.

Cheap hostels are an important cause. Blame cheap tourism.

>there are no open ended scientific inquiries that might go no where
huhuh yuck i sure am stupid user. rural and suburban retard here.

yes, sometimes
most of the time shit doesn't work but that what makes science great, going forward from shit that does not work to shit that does work

anyone who wants mandatory vaccinations should get a mandatory bullet

>They don't just magically appear you know

Yes they travel with humans, in clothing, luggage, etc. It's hard to detect them, and it's even harder to treat any structure with them.

NYC is the real hotspot and it spreads from there to the rest of the country.

>Cheap hostels are an important cause

Not really. Any random average hotel in NYC has a good chance of having them. So do NYC movie theatres, restaurants, etc.

They're fucking everywhere. Soon they'll just be something you have to live with.

Filthy illegal aliens will bring polio back. Then you'll remember.


That's not the picture I posted

The polio vaccine was developed by a team working for a private university, not the government.

Didn't their liberal icon FDR have polio? Don't a ton of people in the third world who they want to import have polio? How can she forget polio? Is that a picture of a legitimately retarded woman?

>believing vaccines cause autism
Nobody in Sup Forums is that fucking stupid


>public school education

FDR died 10 years before Jonas Salk created the polio vaccine, and polio is extinct practically everywhere in the world except small parts of Africa and Pakistan where Islamic faggots think vaccine workers are Western spies

>rural and suburban retard
>rural and suburban retard
i want reddit and subreddit retards to leave

University of Pittsburgh gets tons of government money

Only after the 60's. It was a private university for more than 200 years before that.

Liberals support science.
Unless science says that human life begins at conception, gender is based on biological sex, and there are distinct patterns in IQ as it relates to race/gender.

Today's progressives don't let anything be questioned- vaccines on the whole are good (but they can be contaminated), the EPA may be a good idea (but the current one is filled with corruption), protecting the environment is important (but the real problems of pollution and overpopulation in certain areas are ignored, while everyone gets riled up about climate change being totally humans' fault), corporations and governments gradually poison and dumb down the populace but if you believe in Agenda 21 then you're a white supremacist conspiracy theorist.

Baron Trump has autism though so Trump blames it on vaccines instead of his old man sperm/ all the anti depressants Melania probably takes.

I got bedbugs in college. It's a fucking nightmare. I eventually had to throw away shit like my mattress. Any conventional sprays do not work, however I had luck putting diatomaceous earth everywhere. It acts as tiny razors that cut into the exoskeleton drying them out.

All you can do is red-pill these faggots.

>Why is there a fund specifically for injuries caused by vaccines?

>I don't remember polio yet remember there's a vaccine for it
Really fills up the syringe.

Nice memeball.

That basically sums up modern popular science in a nutshell. The problem is that it's becoming increasingly clear that a lot of leftists are behind researchers and their work which leads to the researchers to develop conscious and unconscious biases which, in turn, lead people to reject their claims altogether.

Not to mention the fact that some scientists can't separate their ideologies from their work, and also that politicians love to pick and choose statistics and data that help prop up their causes even if there's also evidence to the contrary.

At least I can agree that her sign is related to science, and therefore actually relevant to a 'March For Science'.

Unlike pic related, which completely muddies the waters and when it goes unchecked (which is too often), just undermines the entire point of the march.

Everyone I knew in DC got them at least once.

Half the people I've talked to who visit NYC has got them at least once.

I work in pest control and it's usually wealthy college kids who bring them back from the east coast to their rich parent's house.

You can't say the government wasn't involved though

Ive had all my vacines and my penis never grew past two inches erect. Coincidence? You be the judge.

>In very rare cases, a vaccine can cause a serious problem, such as a severe allergic reaction.

Wow it's fucking nothing

By your logic if one kid has a bad allergic reaction to penicillin then it's proof we need to ban all antibiotics.

Me too, for two years. Its like a curse. Among many other things, I threw away a console radio/record player from the 70s because it was beyond saving

>question motives of climate scientists after they're caught repeatedly manipulating data
>"What, so you hate science?"

You need some Super Male Vitality, son.

When liberals stop being retards about GMOs, nuclear energy and human evolution I'll listen to this bullshit about being pro-science.

This whole science march is just a vehicle through which they're pushing climate change to the fore again. Anyone who doesn't believe in climate change is a moron, and anyone who doesn't think the earth is warming (regardless of why) is ignoring substantial evidence, but what really rustles my jimmies is when they try to speculate on why we are in a warming period.

The human impact has been established and estimated based exclusively on circumstantial evidence. And more specifically, it always comes back to fossil fuel use. If I'm not mistaken, rotting and burning wood contributes more carbon dioxide than fossil fuel use. In targeting coal and petroleum they're distracting from the fact that we have other problems and solutions. Reforestation is the most urgent environmental issue in my opinion. Imagine the amount of carbon that would be locked up if we replaced all the forest we've cut down. Frankly I don't care about the potential for sea levels to rise a bit and having less predictable weather patterns. The 3rd world will be fucked, which will cause the only thing I'm that worried about - mass immigration

remember abortion?

Science based policies take a lot of lives away.

Polio is real. Global warming isn't.

I said nothing about banning faggot.
However, no one should be forced to take a vaccine.

Also, how about you return to you normie scheduled programming.

>I dont remember polio
Give it 30 more years of 3rd world immigration and you will

Remember Asbestos? I do! Science told us it was safe.

Trump outlined going to Mars as a possibility in his presidency.

Trump will remove the tacos who systematically lower the IQ of the country by being statistically inferior.

Trump is going Reform the broken public school system that just consumed budget and produced moronic children.

He's literally THE science president tho.

Isn't polio coming back though? Coyld'be sworn I read somewhere that polio is on the rise in Africa


The polio vaccines gave people the disease, the cdc website even admits to this.

>science based policies

like different laws for races with different IQs?
like there are only two genders, and trannies shouldn't be allowed in women's toilets? okay

*examines your skull to see if you're a criminal*

Hmmm... maybe we can use this "science" to find a final solution for the Jewish problem?

oh god im so smart like fuck these religious people science is the best
science: there are two genders
what the fuck oh my god fucking racists thats not true there are ton of genders science is sexist

She is right. Science based policies are a good thing. That's why I think niggers should be sent back to Africa.

control of infectious disease is the only thing science has actually improved.
The other science of health is miles off and getting worse. Highly recommend the work of Gary Taubes to show how the government forced the wrong diet recommendations on the USA and made us all fat and sick (with no evidence).

>everyone is either an sew or religious

Hmm interesting delusion you live in there... sounds like my last mushroom trip in Honolulu, where I thought literally everyone was either an ice head or a Jesus freak

Yes goy, the government, corporations, the media, and universities all agree it's good. Like GMO's, and not being racist. MSG and aluminum might be bad for you, but it's okay to be injected into your infant.

But not any more, now it sometimes gives them a condition with the same symptoms as polio, but it's totally not. Like how the chickenpox vaccine sometimes give them a condition just like having chickenpox, where they can infect others with chickenpox, but it's not chickenpox.

It's so important to public health the government is mandating it. Why won't you cooperate with the government, they are trying to help you.

>Remember Asbestos? I do! *Paid shills of mining and manufacturing companies* told us it was safe.
It has been known to be harmful since the 30s at least.