Sliders on this board are getting out of hand, and the only reason that they work is because retarded anons unironically reply to them. Read this image for signs of a slider thread.

Current sliders:

I will be updating this thread with any other sliders I come across. Together we can end this.

Another one:



This slider has a non-controversial (at least py Sup Forums standards) topic, which suggests datamining




Just realised I've been doing one too many arrows.


Slide threads are here to disrupt our combined autism ability. Notice how shills go into overdrive mode when we're on to something?

Just make it a rule to only reply to threads that are full of good investigation or self-improvement/helpful threads. Don't take part in anything negative, and keep good threads bumped. Simple.

This is actually quite depressing

Maybe I'm in over my head, but I genuinely believe that if these generals get popular then we can significantly reduce the presence of sliders. I've been saging in sliders for too long.

By "quite depressing", I meant the amount of sliders, not the thread

Typical slider here


I'm not sure about this one because of the country, but it's probably a proxy

this is addictive



Sage, ignpre or report any OP that
>asks an unanswerably broad, open-ended question
>asks a question easily answered by basic research
>solicits opinions
>solicits information
>addresses "pol," talks about "we" or "us," and attempts to impose some sort of consensus (inevitably attacking some designated alt-right figure)
>one-line writing prompt one post

niggers must be killed, like wtf are we even talking bout?


I think the shills are starting to do much longer posts


Yes, all of these pointers (easily digestible and take five minutes to read through) need to be pinned by the mods or something. Too many fish that take the worst bait, and I want to slaughter all of them when some obviously incendiary one-liner insult threat/BTFO/pompous liberal or stormfag rhetorical question garners hundreds of responses. It's too much. Should there be a Sup Forums academy that teaches critical thinking and the ability to discern disinformation tactics? Or maybe just self-control over one's emotions.

I like this thread, saved OP's image



Apparently the mods are commies, so we can't expect help from them

I'm trying to imagine why shills would make a slider general, that level of 6d chess is unfathomable

That's it for today lads