I went into lowes the other day and this dude started asking me a bunch of questions-- I had my dog with me . Seemed like a genuine guy but you don't trust anybody these days. I guess he just moved here from Indiana and getting to know the area. He asked me about restaurants in the area and colleges etc. then gave me his number.

I walked out of lowes super confused on whether this person is trying to make a friend bc he doesn't kno people or what the hell just happened? Seemed strange to me. Now he just left a voicemail saying he's got more questions.

How should I react to this pol? Should I spam his phone with porngraphic links? Or just call him back say FUCK YOU and hang up?

Or, and bear with me here, you could act like a normal human being.

He's just trying to make friends I assume because I have no friends and have no clue how to even make a friend
Everyone you know was a complete stranger at one time


you could be a human being

Fuck him you faggot

i hope you like your skin being his new mask OP.

Ignore and block that motherfucker bro. Who does that kind of shit?

So I should call him back? It's weird bc usually you make friends bc they're in your class or at the same party but never come across someone trying to make a friend in lowes. Red flag seems fishy af

>usually you make friends bc they're in your class or at the same party

How does it feel now that you're old enough to be on Sup Forums without getting b&

Fogg iT

My iphone said "transcription not available" That's what I'm saying blocked this creep bag. Probably using burner phone


Moved here alone from Indiana? Isn't making friends where he is working, and doesn't ask them about restaurants, etc.? Randomly starts asking you questions and gives number? He's either hitting on you or he needs a new skin mask.

My heart rate can reach 199 BPM and be healthy af who you calling old guber

This or hes selling you/hiring you. One time at home depot I was buying some tools at the register and this black came up to me and told me he has the same tools for cheaper. He pulled out an unopened product and said "come to my truck, ill show you" Being in Houston and living around ghetto fucks, i replied no. As i left the home depot I saw him selling tools in the back of his truck to 2 other guys.

Guy said he had 2 kids 3 dogs and a wife...who has more pets than they do kids? That shit threw up red flag right there. Maybe I should look into who this piece of trash can is

Ask him if he knows about pizza gate

Do you have a ring on? If not, he's hitting on you.

He gave you his number, so, you've either called him already or you also gave him your number. In either case, you've opened the door to interaction. You can't be a douche about it now.


Probably just hitting on you, if you're gay and you like him then it was a lucky day. If you're not gay, you should probably just leave it alone.

Good point, it was Lowes. If it were Home Depot, I'd have to disagree.