What's Sup Forums's opinion on Stormfront? Are they generally considered too extreme?

What's Sup Forums's opinion on Stormfront? Are they generally considered too extreme?

Why do I get the feeling they're just skinheads and not the white's we should preserve ?


Fuck off with your divide and conquer shit kike



can't say I go there but I have no issues with them.

My problem with stormfront is, they are too hateful and accomplish too little.

We on Sup Forums are funny, redpill/prank tons of normies, and we even got Trump elected - although he turned out to be a Kike unfortunately.

Nevertheless, Sup Forums is a great place to be, and I guess we'll continue to grow forever, or at least until we've kicked (((them))) out from our countries.


>not the white's we should preserve ?

We have a duty to preserve all whites.

White nationalists and national socialists are cool, skinheads are degenerate.

They certainly aren't too extreme, they're just fucking autistic.

Furthest right is kinna cute. Would into wife. Huge fucking feet though


This is my point

You mean the one to the left of the furthest right. Only one that doesn't look like a conehead.

We should preserve all whites who aren't traitors

You're both faggots. They belong in an oven.

FBI honeypot.

They emphasis racial purity to the point that it becomes a cult. I'm a nationalist, not a white nationalist.

They're extremely retarded, that's about it. There's literally nothing wrong with ethnic nationalism but stormfags are retards.

Some whites are too far gone. I'm not a big fan of Common Filth's anti-white rhetoric, but he is definitely right about degenerate whites needing to be purged. White sodomites and trannies have to die.

They are on our side


Thought so

the most supreme edgelords on the internet who beat the satanists by miles. Love to blame the jews for everything without offering any evidence. Anglin is a manlet who antagonizes women for no reason.
tldr By idolizing a mass murderer who caused millions of mostly white people to die, they do more harm than good

Stromfront are retarded skinheads and fat old guys who post from their basement on dial-up. Sup Forums is pretty cool cause its mostly younger and smarter individuals from better socio-economic backgrounds or at the very least a better head on their shoulders that hasn't been addled by years of trailer park meth and fetal alcohol syndrome (unlike the stromfags).

more like a thorn in our side
honeypot or so retarded it might as well be

friendly reminder that civic nationalism = patriotism
friendly reminder that patriotism and libertarians have been under direct attack since the PATRIOT act
friendly reminder that "civic nationalism" is a part of that attack and was introduced here in a raid by TRS ie "the right stuff" (stormfront offshoot)

>White sodomites and trannies have to die.

Sodomites will repent and trannies will get a gender reassignment surgery. Christ loves all whites.

>I'm concerned that the Audi a5 quattro payments are a bit limiting to the other aspects of my life. Therefore, my concerns about catering to people who overly intrusive ideas about religion are yet increased.

>I mean, if it wasn't for religion... how would I get an optioned out a5 quattro in the first place?

>they are on our side
And you aren't. Disgusting liberal trash.

No dude, they're not nearly extreme ENOUGH. They're fat old men and trailer trash who complain about niggers all day. They make us normal people look bad. The nationalist movement needs to be fueled by the fit and intelligent.

>Common Filth

Found the kike.

I prefer the worst guy from Stormfront to fake people like you.

I prefer debnts be paid...

Speaking of debnts, it's been a long fucking time since I've seen a Greek flag.

>white degeneracy doesn't exist
Fuck off. Blaming the Jews for all the problems white people face is retarded.

The one in the yellow shirt looks like if ted cruz was a trannie

t. stormfront

And a fucking leaf, too.

Are you positive about that? Most white degenerates are the liberal progressives, who exist due to the Jew.

Civic nationalism is shit, only national socialism can work and at they they are not Marxists

They are pro-ZOG more and more since i leave this shit. Not because simple users, but in main narrative of forum, general line.

Didnt work last time m8
Actually severely fucked up the future of whites and caused massive purges leading to an economic situation that meant that white lands "had to" be filled up with third world brown cunts to keep the status quo in affluence

going full neo nazi skin head is playing right into jewish hands that would prefer modern nazis to be parodic idiotic myopic retards that reinforce the propaganda and programming rampant throughout mainstream society and media

Whatever you say.

Whatever you say.

Didn't work because it was born in total instability and fell due to lies but technically, it worked. I never implied to go full Angry Goy mode either but Stormers were right, a bit extreme but on the right side

Enjoy your Constitution, Peter.

>friendly reminder that civic nationalism = patriotism
Complete denial of reality.



That should be enough to redpill anyone into accepting the identitarian mindset that the likes of Spencer and Damigo are begging us to do. All my friends and i used to be lolbertarians but are now all alt-right as we came to realise that the libertarian we espoused was only possible due to an already homogeneous society. Now in Austrlaian we have hordes of non-whites coming in and living off the government, voting labour to expand the state. We need a more aggressive ideology to take the destiny of our nations back.

They are the only ones who give a fuck about the White Race.
People also think that Stormfront is a White Supremacist website, It's not.
It's mostly White Nationalists and also NatSocs.
They also have people that can answer many racial and historical related questions about european history and WW2.

The only people who don't like them are LOLbiterians, Ancucks, Kikes, Nonwhites, and Commies.

But not every NatSoc comes from Stormfront.
That is why it's stupid when Lolis say Sturmfayug whenever a White Nationalists spouses racial advocacy.

Inb4 Lolis, Ancucks, Civicucks, Nonwhites, Kikes, Commies.

They are the only ones who give a fuck about the White Race.
People also think that Stormfront is a White Supremacist website, It's not.
It's mostly White Nationalists and also NatSocs.
They also have people that can answer many racial and historical related questions about european history and WW2.

The only people who don't like them are LOLbiterians, Ancucks, Kikes, Nonwhites, and Commies.

But not every NatSoc comes from Stormfront.
That is why it's stupid when Lolis say Sturmfayug whenever a White Nationalists spouses racial advocacy.

Inb4 Lolis, Ancucks, Civicucks, Nonwhites, Kikes,

Enjoy larping m8
Dont know the exact situation in spain but you did lose 40k police / military uniforms a few months back, quite possibly to islamic extremists

Are your reproductive rates as low as the anglosphere countries? Are you in the midst of demographic usurpation?

TRS using the same old copypasta images to push for neo nazi futures.

You guys are idiots.
We are living in countries that have brown futures, that is reality due to the demographic crises we all face. So what are you going to do? Dress up and act like neo nazis so that the remaining white population "sees the light" and starts to vote for their own survival? Thats surely what will happen right, there is no chance that it will be taken as a "trigger" to shut off listening and rational thought, with outright rejection of all that you are arguing for and stand for based on a lifetime of propaganda and mind control programming right?

When are you going to act? What are you waiting for? You're all waiting for someone else to act. So that you can then follow and feel safe about doing it. You're all cowards living in a fantasy. Do you think niggers and all manner of brown cunts will give a fuck about your minority status?


you cannot win a culture war by enabling your opponents straw men constantly

and civic nationalism absolutely is "patriotism" rebranded by neo nazis (TRS, stormfront) to frame it as a "cuck" alternative to "race (white) nationalism"

I don't mind people liking things I don't like.
Ethno-nationalism is retarded but I'm not going to bully people into not believing in it.

I have better things to do.

John Locke was white.

Fuck off from America then.
America is WHITE America.
Anything other than that is a third world shithole.

>you cannot win a culture war by enabling your opponents straw men constantly
You can't win a culture war joining forces with foreigners.

>If I can't be a dick about religion people might die!
OK. People make these kinds of outlandish statements to justify getting what they want all the time. But you're all retards so you take it seriously.
Don't believe the hype potato nigger. I'd get banned on stormfront for calling you a potato nigger. Stormfront is pretty moderate and controversial statements and ideas aren't welcome there. This place is several orders of magnitude more extreme. Which is why I always laugh when morons bring up the stormfront boogyman. Don't believe me? Check for yourself.
>My problem with stormfront is, they are too hateful
Yeah I can tell you've never been there.

Kike kys

Not an argument. You said nothing of value

nobody that posts on pol or stormfront should be preserved

>too hateful

I thought they ban anyone anti-Semitic and are accepting of interracial relationships.

Anyone looking up to Hitler or Nazis aren't hateful enough. They actually accepted Jews and Asians.

Doesn't he also work with Weev, a Jew.

Back to China CHINK

I support your line of thinking too.

they're considered retards

That whole spielberg sounds pretty cucky to me

So the Jews, who had always been the enemies of Europe, just suddenly appeared in European countries and started corrupting society? Someone had to let them in at some point. They stopped being hated and expelled and were given the ability to influence people with their filth because of white degeneration.

>I have better things to do.

Yes, like becoming a minority in your own country,

>We have a duty to preserve all whites.

So Moldylocks and other ANTIFA should be accepted?

I am in the minority.

Oh, please.

Stormfront is the diet coke of internet racism. They are less "extreme" than people on Sup Forums


Does that really matter, unless you're actually retarded enough to give up your info?

>vote for their own survival
read siege fag


I agree with you. But white nationalists base whiteness off purity of ancestry. This is unrealistic and larping at its core. I would be satisfied with a 90% white america just like it was pre 1965.

Mostly their problem is that they're old. Average age on stormfront is probably 60.

Boring and humorless weirdos.

I'm well aware of the Jewish problem, stop posting pictures I agree with thinking they're going to change my mind and assuming I'm a philo-semitic liberal. How did they get there in the first place?

You sound exactly like the kind of person who we don't need. You're as bad.

Socialism for white people.


When you gun git then son?
Leeching off another race's ancestral(and of their descendants) accomplishments is the most cuckolded thing to do. Go and prop up your own race, if you don't want to look pathetic in the eyes of God.
I can't say for sure but I'm guessing you're holding a one way ticket to hell by doing what you're doing

Okay well it's understandably you don't give a fuck then. Should of just stated that fact from the start.

You need to if they constitute a significant portion of the voting population in your nation. Get violent = lose to the global community and those that would seek to take control of your land / resources / society for their own gain, with the justification of brining stability and peace, stopping the bloodshed.
You would need a global brotherhood of white nations that are ok with purging their brown citizens before being able to get violent and win.

yeah great argument PEDRO
white as fuck, blue eyes, get rekt cunt

It did work last time you race traiting kosher cuck faggot.
That is why the kikes declared war on Germany in 1933 because they saw the biggest threat to their NWO since Christ walked among us.

All of those things you accuse NatSoc of causing were the result of you austistic dumbass Allied Nations waging war and destroying the only chance for White Survival.
Don't fucking blame the shit that is happening now on Hitler and NatSoc.
If Germany were to flourish and if Europe embraced NatSoc the white race wouldn't be just 10% of the Global Population and we wouldn't be in the mess we are in.
Fuck you faggots who can't own up to your own faults.

Jews aren't everything but they're a piece of the puzzle. I judge people on their actions and would tolerate a nationalist Jew in America. But first and for most it should be for Europeans of non Semite descent.

You're fucked.
I was born here.

>I made an account on SF when I first got into White Nationalism years ago.

I still don't know what I was thinking.

And that's the real reason why whites defending an ethnostate for them is """""retarded""""", it's """""retarded""""" because is against your own interest.

exhibit A

Shut up indian fuckers.
You're the only reason why we have a southern border.

Quick question of the JQ, is it due to their religious teachings that it always seems like they are seeking to undermine strong coherent nations into a one world mix? I have not studied the Jewish faith

We need extreme full angry goy mode.
We need to make the whole world fear and pay for what they are doing to us.

you're a shitcunt that reinforces why leafs are considered faggots here
want to parrot an argument you read from somewhere? parrot it then. Dont just point in a direction smugly and expect to be viewed as anything other than some 13 year old nancy by everyone other than your fellow TRS / stormnigger fuck buddies

socialism is retarded no matter how you spin it.


Too hardcore for the average Sup Forums user, who is more concerned with memes than with making real change.

If I was Hitler the first group of people I would exterminate is everyone on this board + stormfront.

>being a national socialist means taking meth, shaving your head, and screaming "nigger" at blacks on the street
Are you retarded?

NatSoc and WN are the only ways mate.

Does that mean that you're leeching off of whites who built the powerlines, roads, plumbing, etc.
Does that mean that you should stay here?
Does that mean that you should get together with your own pitiful race and build powerlines, roads, plumbing, etc. in your own pitiful country?
YES for the literal love of God

>rebranded by neo nazis (TRS, stormfront) to frame it as a "cuck" alternative to "race (white) nationalism"
You have a point there. Stormfront controls the weather too. Its right in their name! Every night before I go to bed I have to check to make sure stormfront isn't hiding under there. Fucking white nationalists, they're trying to destroy white nationalism! I'm glad I have the hot opinions of a petrol huffing savant like you to guide the way. Thank you.

y Sup Forums tho